Configuration Reference
Micronaut Views Core Config Properties
🔗Property | Type | Description |
java.lang.String |
Model key for CSRF Token. Default value ("csrfToken"). |
boolean |
Enable {@link CsrfViewModelProcessor}. Default value (true). |
Property | Type | Description |
boolean |
Whether view rendering is enabled. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
The resources' folder where views should be searched for. Default value ("views"). |
java.lang.String |
The folder to look for views. Default value ("views"). |
Property | Type | Description |
boolean |
Enable {@link SecurityViewModelProcessor}. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
Model key name. Default value ("security"). |
java.lang.String |
Nested security map key for the user’s name property. Default value ("name"). |
java.lang.String |
Nested security map key for the user’s attributes property. Default value ("attributes"). |
Property | Type | Description |
boolean |
Sets whether CSP is enabled. Default value (false). |
java.lang.String |
Sets the policy directives. |
boolean |
If true, the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header will be sent instead of Content-Security-Policy. Default value (false). |
java.util.Random |
The |
boolean |
If true, the CSP header will contain a generated nonce that is made available to view renderers. The nonce should change for each request/response cycle and can be used by views to authorize inlined script blocks. |
boolean |
Sets whether |
java.lang.String |
The path the CSP filter should apply to. Default value ("/**"). |
Micronaut Views Fieldset Config Properties
🔗Property | Type | Description |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input checkbox. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input date. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input datetime-local. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input email. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input hidden. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input number. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input password. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input radio. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input submit. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input tel. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input text. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input time. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type input url. |
java.lang.String |
The view name to render an option html element. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type select. |
java.lang.String |
The view name to render a textarea html element. |
java.lang.String |
The view name for a field of type trix-editor. |
Property | Type | Description |
boolean |
Whether form element rendering is enabled. Default value (true). |
Micronaut Views Freemarker Config Properties
🔗Property | Type | Description |
boolean |
int |
java.util.Locale |
freemarker.core.CFormat |
java.util.TimeZone |
java.util.TimeZone |
java.lang.String |
java.util.Map |
java.lang.String |
java.lang.String |
java.lang.String |
java.lang.String |
java.util.Map |
freemarker.template.TemplateExceptionHandler |
freemarker.template.AttemptExceptionReporter |
freemarker.core.ArithmeticEngine |
freemarker.template.ObjectWrapper |
java.lang.String |
java.lang.String |
freemarker.core.TemplateClassResolver |
boolean |
boolean |
boolean |
freemarker.core.TruncateBuiltinAlgorithm |
boolean |
boolean |
boolean |
java.lang.Boolean |
java.util.Map |
java.util.List |
boolean |
java.util.Properties |
freemarker.cache.TemplateLoader |
freemarker.cache.TemplateLookupStrategy |
freemarker.cache.TemplateNameFormat |
freemarker.cache.TemplateConfigurationFactory |
freemarker.cache.CacheStorage |
| |
int |
long |
boolean |
java.lang.String |
boolean |
int |
freemarker.core.OutputFormat |
java.util.Collection |
boolean |
int |
int |
int |
int |
boolean |
java.lang.String |
java.util.Map |
java.util.Map |
freemarker.template.TemplateHashModelEx |
boolean |
boolean |
Whether freemarker views are enabled. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
The default extension to use for freemarker templates. Default value ("ftl"). |
freemarker.template.Version |
The FreeMarker version number where the not 100% backward compatible bug fixes and improvements that you want to enable were already implemented. <p> Defaults to {@link Configuration#DEFAULT_INCOMPATIBLE_IMPROVEMENTS}. |
Micronaut Views Handlebars Config Properties
🔗Property | Type | Description |
boolean |
Whether handlebars view rendering is enabled. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
The default file extension for templates. Default value ("hbs"). |
Micronaut Views Htmx Config Properties
🔗Property | Type | Description |
boolean |
Whether the htmx integration is enabled. Default value (true). |
Micronaut Views Jte Config Properties
🔗Property | Type | Description |
boolean |
Whether to enable dynamic reloading of templates. Default value (false). |
java.lang.String |
Root directory under which to write generated source and class files. . Default value ("build/jte-classes"). |
java.lang.String |
When using dynamic templates, the root source directory to search. If not specified, jte will search src/<sourceset>/jte and src/<sourceset>/resources/<folder> where 'folder' is ViewsConfiguration.getFolder(). In cases where the source directory cannot be found, jte will use classpath loading instead, and will not dynamically reload templates. |
boolean |
Enable building binary content for templates. Default value (false). (Only has an effect when 'dynamic' is true. To use with precompiled templates, enable it in the build plugin) |
Micronaut Views Pebble Config Properties
🔗Property | Type | Description |
boolean |
Sets whether the component is enabled. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
The default extension. Default value ("html"). |
boolean |
Enable/disable all caches, i.e. cache used by the engine to store compiled PebbleTemplate instances and tags cache. Default value (true). |
boolean |
Changes the newLineTrimming setting of the PebbleEngine. By default, Pebble will trim a new line that immediately follows a Pebble tag. If set to false, then the first newline following a Pebble tag won’t be trimmed. All newlines will be preserved. Default value (true). |
boolean |
Sets whether or not escaping should be performed automatically. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
Sets the default escaping strategy of the built-in escaper extension. Default value (EscapeFilter.HTML_ESCAPE_STRATEGY). |
boolean |
Changes the strictVariables setting of the PebbleEngine. Default value (false). |
boolean |
Enable/disable greedy matching mode for finding java method. Default is disabled. If enabled, when can not find perfect method (method name, parameter length and parameter type are all satisfied), reduce the limit of the parameter type, try to find other method which has compatible parameter types. Default value (false). |
boolean |
Sets whether or not core operators overrides should be allowed. Default value (false). |
boolean |
Enable/disable treat literal decimal as Integer. Default value (false), treated as Long. |
boolean |
Enable/disable treat literal numbers as BigDecimals. Default value (false), treated as Long/Double. |
Micronaut Views React Config Properties
🔗Property | Type | Description |
java.lang.String |
the URL (relative or absolute) where the client Javascript bundle can be found. It will be appended to the generated HTML in a <script> tag. Defaults to "/static/client.js" |
java.lang.String |
the path relative to micronaut.views.folder where the bundle used for server-side rendering can be found. Defaults to "classpath:views/ssr-components.mjs" |
java.lang.String |
Either a file path (starting with "file:" or a resource in the classpath (starting with "classpath:") to a render script. Please see the user guide for more information on what this Javascript file should contain. |
boolean |
If true, GraalJS sandboxing is enabled. This helps protect you against supply chain attacks that might inject code into your server via hijacked React components. It requires a sufficiently new version of GraalJS. Defaults to OFF. |
Micronaut Views Rocker Config Properties
🔗Property | Type | Description |
boolean |
Whether Rocker views are enabled. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
The default extension to use for Rocker templates. Default value ("rocker.html"). |
boolean |
Whether hot reloading is enabled. Default value (false). |
boolean |
Whether relaxed binding is enabled for dynamic templates. Default value (false). |
Micronaut Views Soy Config Properties
🔗Property | Type | Description |
boolean |
Whether Soy-backed views are enabled. Default value (true). |
boolean |
Specifies whether renaming is enabled. Defaults value (true). |
Micronaut Views Thymeleaf Config Properties
🔗Property | Type | Description |
java.lang.String |
The character encoding to use. Default value ("UTF-8"). |
org.thymeleaf.templatemode.TemplateMode |
The template mode to be used. |
java.lang.String |
The suffix to use. Default value (".html"). |
boolean |
Sets whether to force the suffix. Default value (false). |
boolean |
Whether to force template mode. Default value (false). |
long |
The cache TTL in millis. |
boolean |
Whether templates should be checked for existence. |
boolean |
Whether templates are cacheable. |
boolean |
Whether thymeleaf rendering is enabled. Default value (true). |
java.time.Duration |
Sets the cache TTL as a duration. |
Micronaut Views Velocity Config Properties
🔗Property | Type | Description |
boolean |
Whether velocity views are enabled. Default value (true). |
java.lang.String |
The default extension to use for velocity templates. Default value ("vm"). |