All Classes and Interfaces
AbstractHibernateReactiveTestResourceProvider<T extends org.testcontainers.containers.JdbcDatabaseContainer<? extends T>>
Base class for R2DBC test resources.
AbstractJdbcTestResourceProvider<T extends org.testcontainers.containers.JdbcDatabaseContainer<? extends T>>
Superclass for JDBC test containers providers.
AbstractR2DBCTestResourceProvider<T extends org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer<? extends T>>
Base class for R2DBC test resources.
AbstractTestContainersProvider<T extends org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer<? extends T>>
The base class for test resources providers which spawn test containers.
Configuration properties used to control access to
the server.
A filter used to restrict access to the server: the server
should only be available from a loopback connection, and
if an access token is specified, then the request should
include the access token header.
This exception can be thrown whenever class data sharing support
that loads TestResourcesResolver
instances from both Java
service loading and the Micronaut application context.A test resource provider which will spawn a Consul test container.
This resolution listener will record all properties resolved by a test
resource, so that we can display the resolved values in the appropriate
A property resolution.
A property resolution error.
A simple implementation of the test resources client.
Model for Docker health.
A control panel which is responsible for showing the state of Docker images
managed by the test resources service.
Provides utilities around Docker support.
A test resource provider which will spawn an ElasticSearch test container.
A property expression resolver which lazily resolves properties used for test resources
A property source loader responsible for resolving test resources.
The expiry manager will handle pings from the client to keep the server alive.
A generic test containers provider.
A test resource provider which will spawn a MariaDB test container.
A test resource provider which will spawn a MSSQL test container.
A test resource provider which will spawn a MySQL test container.
A test resource provider which will spawn an Oracle Free test container.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A test resource provider which will spawn a PostgreSQL test container.
Provides constants and helper methods used by several test resources.
A test resource provider which will spawn a HiveMQ test container.
Marker interface for a
implementations that can be injected.A
that resolves properties regarding the Test Resource Service itself,
such as micronaut.test.resources.server.uri
.A test resource provider which will spawn a Kafka test container.
Micronaut Test Resources modules.
A property expression resolver which delegates to another
resolver if the property expression to be resolved starts
with the expected prefix.
A property source loader which works in conjunction with the
in order to resolve properties lazily.Adds support for Localstack DynamoDB.
Adds support for Localstack S3.
Interface for localstack service loading.
Adds support for Localstack SNS.
Adds support for Localstack SQS.
A test resource provider which will spawn LocalStack test containers.
A test resource provider which will spawn a MariaDB test container.
Represents a Maven dependency using its group, artifact
and version coordinates.
Represents a Maven artifact, without version.
A test resource provider which will spawn a MongoDB test container.
A test resource provider which will spawn a MS SQL test container.
A test resource provider which will spawn a MySQL test container.
A test resource provider which will spawn a MongoDB test container.
A test resource provider which will spawn an OpenSearch test container.
A test resource provider which will spawn an Oracle Free test container.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
instead.Annotation for controllers which participate to keeping the server alive.
A test resource provider which will spawn a MySQL test container.
Implementations are responsible for generating the list
of keys that a test resource resolver is able to resolve.
A test resources property resolution listener will be notified
whenever a property is resolved by a
.An utility class to deal with property resolution.
A test resource provider for reactive MariaDB.
A test resource provider for reactive PostgreSQL.
A test resource provider for reactive MySQL.
A test resource provider which will spawn an Oracle Free reactive test container.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
instead.A test resource provider for configuring the R2DBC pool.
A test resource provider for reactive PostgreSQL.
Provides constants and helper methods used by several test resources.
A test resource provider which will spawn a RabbitMQ test container.
A test resource provider which will spawn a Redis cluster test container.
A test resource provider which will spawn a Redis test container.
Interface for loading
instances.A scope represents the lifecycle of a test resource.
Our JUnit listener needs to communicate with the test resources
provider factory.
Provides the name of a test resources scope to
be used in a test class.
Implemented by built tools, in order to fork the server process.
Represents the server settings, once started.
Utilities used to manage the lifecycle of a server process from build tools.
Forking process parameters.
A test resource provider which will spawn an OpenSearch test container.
A Spock extension which handles fields annotated with the shared
A status to be displayed in the dashboard.
Stores metadata about a running test container.
An utility class used to manage the lifecycle of test containers.
Utility class which deduces the server classpath from the user classpath.
A client responsible for connecting to a test resources
A factory responsible for creating a
.An internal class which can be used to inject a fake
test resources client, for testing purposes.
A property expression resolver which connects via client to a server in order to resolve
A property source loader which delegates resolution of properties to the client
Information about a Docker container which was
started by the test resources service.
The main test resources controller, which will answer requests performed by the
test resources client to resolve properties or close test resources.
A control panel for test resource resolvers.
Test resources resolution exception.
An application component which sends periodic keep alive requests to the server.
In a single JVM, tests can be executed in different sessions (e.g when test
distribution is active).
This bean is responsible for creating the panels for each
test resources resolver.
This annotation can be applied to tests annotated with @MicronautTest
in order to require some properties to be resolved by Micronaut Test Resources
before the application context is available.
A test resources property provider is a type which
must be explicitly declared in via the
annotation.An exception thrown whenever test resources was expected to resolve
a property but couldn't.
A test resources resolver is responsible for resolving test
This class is responsible for loading
via service loading and caching them.Defines the test resources scope to use in a test
A listener which is responsible for shutting down test resources for a
particular scope once the last test which uses this scope is finished.
Main entry point for the server.
The application context configurer.
Interface for test resource resolvers which may be enabled or disabled
on demand.
A test resource provider which will spawn a Hashicorp Vault test container.
Version information about this module.