Interface | Description |
Decoder |
Core interface for decoding values from a serialized format such as JSON.
Deserializer<T> |
Interface that represents a deserializer.
Deserializer.DecoderContext |
Context object passed to the
Deserializer.deserialize(Decoder, io.micronaut.serde.Deserializer.DecoderContext, io.micronaut.core.type.Argument) method along with the decoder. |
DeserializerLocator |
Locator strategy interface for deserializers.
Encoder |
Core interface for encoding a serialization format such as JSON.
NamingStrategyLocator |
Locator interface for a naming strategy.
ObjectMapper |
Sub-interface of
JsonMapper with customizations. |
Serde<T> |
Combined interface for a serializer and deserializer pair.
SerdeIntrospections |
Interface that abstracts the lookup for introspections usable for serialization and/or deserialization.
SerdeRegistry |
Represents a registry where specific serializers can be looked up.
Serializer<T> |
Models a build time serializer.
Serializer.EncoderContext |
Context object passes to the
Serializer.serialize(Encoder, EncoderContext, Argument, Object) method. |
SerializerLocator |
Locator strategy interface for serializers.
UpdatingDeserializer<T> |
Interface that represents a deserializer capable of updating an existing object.