Packaging an application

This plugin supports different <packaging> types:

  • jar (default): produces a runnable fat JAR.

  • native-image: generates a GraalVM native image.

  • docker: builds a Docker image with the application artifacts (compiled classes, resources, dependencies, etc).

  • docker-native: builds a Docker image with a GraalVM native image inside.

To package an application, mvn package is the one-stop shop to produce the desired artifact. By default, applications generated from Micronaut Launch have the packaging defined like <packaging>${packaging}</packaging>, so that you can do something like mvn package -Dpackaging=native-image:

Packaging the application in a fat JAR

$ mvn package

If the <packaging> is set to jar, this plugin will delegate to the maven-shade-plugin to produce a JAR file. Its configuration is defined in the io.micronaut:micronaut-parent POM, and the defaults should be enough. Should you want to customize how to produce the JAR file, refer to the Maven Shade Plugin documentation.

Generating GraalVM native images

$ mvn package -Dpackaging=native-image

If the <packaging> is set to native-image, this plugin will delegate to the org.graalvm.nativeimage:native-image-maven-plugin to generate a native image. Note that for this packaging to work, you need to run locally a GraalVM JDK.

Refer to the Native Image Maven Plugin documentation for more information about how to customize the generated native image.

Note that the parent POM already provides a value for the <buildArgs> parameter. If you override the plugin definition in your POM, you should include the parent-defined <buildArgs>. For example, to add --verbose to the native image args, you should define:

      --no-fallback -cp ${}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar --verbose

Building JVM-based Docker images

$ mvn package -Dpackaging=docker

If the <packaging> is set to docker, this plugin will use to produce a Docker image with the application artifacts (compiled classes, resources, dependencies, etc) inside.

The Docker image is built to a local Docker daemon (the equivalent of executing the jib::dockerBuild goal).

Depending on the micronaut.runtime property, the image built might be different. Options are:

  • Default runtime: mvn package -Dpackaging=docker.

  • Oracle Cloud Function: mvn package -Dpackaging=docker -Dmicronaut.runtime=oracle_function.

  • AWS Lambda (Java runtimes): mvn package -Dpackaging=docker -Dmicronaut.runtime=lambda.

You can use the mn:dockerfile goal to generate the equivalent Dockerfile. For example, to generate the Dockerfile for AWS Lambda, run mvn mn:dockerfile -Dpackaging=docker -Dmicronaut.runtime=lambda.

Refer to the Jib Maven Plugin documentation to see what are the configuration options that can be used.

For example, you can define the jib-maven-plugin in your POM as follows to pass additional JVM and application args:


Bringing your own Dockerfile

$ mvn package -Dpackaging=docker

If there is a Dockerfile in the project’s root directory, it will be used to build the image. The image will be built using the target folder as the context directory. This plugin will also prepare all the compile and runtime dependency JARs in the target/dependency folder, so that in your Dockerfile you can leverage this and do:

FROM ...


COPY classes /home/app/classes
COPY dependency/* /home/app/libs/


ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-cp", "/home/app/libs/*:/home/app/classes/", ""]

Building GraalVM-based Docker images

$ mvn package -Dpackaging=docker-native

If the <packaging> is set to docker-native, this plugin will use a Docker client to build and tag custom Docker images. In this case, the micronaut.runtime property will also determine how the image is prepared.

  • Default runtime.

    • Default image (dynamic): mvn package -Dpackaging=docker-native.

    • Static image: mvn package -Dpackaging=docker-native -Dmicronaut.native-image.static=true. This uses GraalVM’s --static --libc=musl flags and then puts the binary in a scratch image.

  • Oracle Cloud Function: mvn package -Dpackaging=docker-native -Dmicronaut.runtime=oracle_function.

  • AWS Lambda (custom runtime): mvn package -Dpackaging=docker-native -Dmicronaut.runtime=lambda.

The image built can be customised using Jib. In particular, you can set:

  • The base image, using <from><image>.

  • The image name/tags that will be used for building, using either <to><image> and/or <to><tags>.

Note that changing the base image to a totally different one than the default might break image building, since the rest of the build steps expect a certain base image. By default, the native images are built from an oracle/graalvm-ce image.

In the case of AWS custom runtime, it starts from amazonlinux:2, and this cannot be changed. Also, in this case the result is not a tagged Docker image, but a ` archive that contains the launch script and the native binary. Essentially, what you need to upload to AWS Lambda.

You can pass additional arguments to the executable in the following way:


Or when packaging:

$ mvn package -Dpackaging=docker-native -Dmn.appArgs="foo,bar"