Micronaut Kubernetes

Integration between Micronaut and Kubernetes

Version: 6.3.0-SNAPSHOT

1 Introduction

This project eases Kubernetes integration with Micronaut by providing the following two different implementation of kubernetes client:

  • micronaut-kubernetes-client module provides an implementation which integrates with the official Kubernetes Java SDK client

  • micronaut-kubernetes-client-openapi module provides an in-house client implementation which uses Micronaut Netty HTTP Client and generated apis and modules from the Kubernetes Java SDK OpenApi Spec

The project adds support for the following features:

  • Service Discovery (currently supported only by micronaut-kubernetes-client)

  • Configuration client for config maps and secrets (currently supported only by micronaut-kubernetes-client)

  • Kubernetes blocking and non-blocking clients (supported by both micronaut-kubernetes-client and micronaut-kubernetes-client-openapi)

To use the BUILD-SNAPSHOT version of this library, check the documentation to use snapshots.

Namespace configuration

When a Micronaut application with this module is running within a Pod in a Kubernetes cluster, it will infer automatically the namespace it’s running from by reading it from the service account secret (which will be provisioned at /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace).

However, the namespace can still be overridden via configuration in bootstrap.yml:

    namespace: other-namespace

2 What's New?

Micronaut Data 6.3.0

  • Kubernetes Watcher support for Micronaut Kubernetes Client OpenApi

  • Kubernetes Informer support for Micronaut Kubernetes Client OpenApi

Micronaut Data 6.2.1

  • Reactive support for Micronaut Kubernetes Client OpenApi

Micronaut Data 6.2.0

  • Implementation of in-house kubernetes client: Micronaut Kubernetes Client OpenApi

Micronaut Data 3.0.0

  • Official K8s JAVA SDK client with reactive support

3 Release History

For this project, you can find a list of releases (with release notes) here:

4 Kubernetes Client

The micronaut-kubernetes-client module gives you the ability to use official Kubernetes Java SDK apis objects as a regular Micronaut beans.

The complete list of available beans is declared in the Apis#values annotation value.

First you need add a dependency on the micronaut-kubernetes-client module:


Then you can simply use Micronaut injection to get configured apis object from package io.kubernetes.client.openapi.apis :

import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.ApiException;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.apis.CoreV1Api;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1PodList;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;

public class MyService {

    private final CoreV1Api coreV1Api;

    public MyService(CoreV1Api coreV1Api) {
        this.coreV1Api = coreV1Api;

    public void myMethod(String namespace) throws ApiException {
        V1PodList v1PodList = coreV1Api.listNamespacedPod(namespace, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false);


The Kubernetes client source of authentication options is automatically detected by the ClientBuilder#standard(), specifically:

Creates a builder which is pre-configured in the following way

  • If $KUBECONFIG is defined, use that config file.

  • If $HOME/.kube/config can be found, use that.

  • If the in-cluster service account can be found, assume in cluster config.

  • Default to localhost:8080 as a last resort.

Also for specific cases you can update the authentication configuration options by using kubernetes.client properties listed below:




Kubernetes API base path. Example: https://localhost:8081


CA file path.


Token file path.


Kube config file path.


Boolean if the api should verify ssl. Default: true

Reactive Support

In addition to the official Kubernetes Java SDK Async clients, this module provides clients that use RxJava or Reactor to allow reactive programming with Micronaut for each Api.

RxJava 2 Reactive Support

For RxJava 2 add the following dependency:


The module contains all official Kubernetes API beans in format <ApiClassName>RxClient, for example the CoreV1Api class is injected as CoreV1ApiRxClient.

import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.ApiException;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1PodList;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.rxjava2.CoreV1ApiRxClient;
import io.reactivex.Single;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;

public class MyService {

    private final CoreV1ApiRxClient coreV1ApiRxClient;

    public MyService(CoreV1ApiRxClient coreV1ApiRxClient) {
        this.coreV1ApiRxClient = coreV1ApiRxClient;

    public void myMethod(String namespace) {
        Single<V1PodList> v1PodList = coreV1ApiRxClient.listNamespacedPod(namespace, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

RxJava 3 Reactive Support

For RxJava 3 add the following dependency:


The module contains all official Kubernetes API beans in format <ApiClassName>RxClient, for example the CoreV1Api class is injected as CoreV1ApiRxClient.

import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.ApiException;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1PodList;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.rxjava3.CoreV1ApiRxClient;
import io.reactivex.Single;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;

public class MyService {

    private final CoreV1ApiRxClient coreV1ApiRxClient;

    public MyService(CoreV1ApiRxClient coreV1ApiRxClient) {
        this.coreV1ApiRxClient = coreV1ApiRxClient;

    public void myMethod(String namespace) {
        Single<V1PodList> v1PodList = coreV1ApiRxClient.listNamespacedPod(namespace, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

Reactor Reactive Support

For Reactor add the following dependency:


The module contains all official Kubernetes API beans in format <ApiClassName>ReactiveClient, for example the CoreV1Api class is injected as CoreV1ApiReactiveClient.

import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.ApiException;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1PodList;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.reactive.CoreV1ApiReactiveClient;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;

public class MyService {

    private final CoreV1ApiReactiveClient coreV1ApiReactiveClient;

    public MyService(CoreV1ApiReactiveClient coreV1ApiReactiveClient) {
        this.coreV1ApiReactiveClient = coreV1ApiReactiveClient;

    public void myMethod(String namespace) {
        Mono<V1PodList> v1PodList = coreV1ApiReactiveClient.listNamespacedPod(namespace, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

Advanced Configuration

For advanced configuration options of ApiClient that are not suitable to provide via application.yml, you can declare a BeanCreatedEventListener bean that listens for ApiClient bean creation, and apply any further customisation to OkHttpClient there:

public class ApiClientListener implements BeanCreatedEventListener<ApiClient> {

    public ApiClient onCreated(BeanCreatedEvent<ApiClient> event) {
        ApiClient apiClient = event.getBean();
        OkHttpClient okHttpClient = apiClient.getHttpClient().newBuilder()
                .readTimeout(5345, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
        return apiClient;

4.1 Service Discovery

The Service Discovery module allows Micronaut HTTP clients to discover Kubernetes services.

To get started, you need to declare the following dependency:


By default in any client you can use as Service ID the Kubernetes Endpoints name generated by a Kubernetes Service for the configured namespace.

Consider the following Kubernetes service definition:

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: my-service
    app: MyApp
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 9376

This specification will create a new Service object named my-service, as well as an Endpoints object also named my-service.

In your HTTP client, you can use my-service as Service ID: @Client("my-service").

Note that service discovery is enabled by default in Micronaut. To disable it, set kubernetes.client.discovery.enabled to false.

Service specific client configuration

Kubernetes Service is a complex resource that can handle various use cases by providing specific configuration. For this Micronaut Kubernetes supports a manual service discovery configuration per Service http client that allows you to configure custom:

Key Description


name of the resource in Kubernetes in case it is different than the Service ID


namespace of the resource in case it’s different than the configured namespace


port name in case the target resource is a Multi-Port Service


service specific discovery mode in case it’s different than the globally configured discovery mode

Examples of service configurations

Multi-port service

For the following Multi-Port Service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-service
    app: MyApp
    - name: http
      protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 9376
    - name: https
      protocol: TCP
      port: 443
      targetPort: 9377

the manual service configuration for http port will be:

          port: http

Headless service with selector

For the following Headless service with selector:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-service
  clusterIP: None
    app: MyApp
    - name: http
      protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 9376

the manual service configuration will be:

          mode: endpoint

ExternalName service type

For the following ExternalName service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-service
  namespace: prod
  type: ExternalName
  externalName: launch.micronaut.io

the manual service configuration will be:

          mode: service

Service discovery modes

Service discovery mode is a mechanism that allows to support different strategies for the actual service discovery in Kubernetes by implementing KubernetesServiceInstanceProvider interface.

Currently Micronaut Kubernetes implements two discovery modes:

  • endpoint mode uses the Kubernetes Endpoins API for the service discovery. Note that the service load balancing is handled by Microunat application.

  • service mode uses the Kubernetes Service API for the service discovery. The service mode extracts the service ClusterIP address from the Service status.

Both discovery modes are using the metadata.name for the Service ID identificator.

The discovery mode can be configured globally for all Service IDs or per service. Note that endpoint is the default global discovery mode. That can be overridden via configuration in bootstrap.yml:

      mode: service

Watching for changes

Both discovery modes support watching for changes of their respective resources. To enable it, set kubernetes.client.discovery.mode-configuration.endpoint.watch.enabled to true for the endpoint mode. For the service mode set kubernetes.client.discovery.mode-configuration.service.watch.enabled to true.

Kubernetes API authentication

Micronaut authenticates to the Kubernetes API using the token mounted at /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token. Note that by default, the service account used may only have permissions over the kube-system namespace. The service discovery functionality requires some additiona read permissions. Refer to the Kubernetes documentation for more information about Role-based access control (RBAC).

One of the options is to create the following Role and RoleBinding (make sure to apply them to the service account used, if not default):

kind: Role
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  name: service-discoverer
  namespace: micronaut-kubernetes
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["services", "endpoints", "configmaps", "secrets", "pods"]
    verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
kind: RoleBinding
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  name: default-service-discoverer
  namespace: micronaut-kubernetes
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: default
    namespace: micronaut-kubernetes
  kind: Role
  name: service-discoverer
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
In Google Cloud’s Kubernetes Engine, in order to create the above, you must grant your user the ability to create roles in Kubernetes by running the following command:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user yourGoogleAccount@gmail.com

Connecting to services using HTTPS

There are three ways for this library to determine whether a service should be connected to using SSL (the following examples assume there is a Deployment named secure-deployment).

Using https as port name

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: secure-service-port-name
    app: secure-deployment
  type: NodePort
    - port: 1234
      protocol: TCP
      name: https

Using a port ending in 443

Port numbers like 443, 8443, etc. will match.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: secure-service-port-number
    app: secure-deployment
  type: NodePort
    - port: 443
      protocol: TCP

Using labels

Set a label named secure with value true to have the client use HTTPS.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: secure-service-labels
    secure: "true"
    app: secure-deployment
  type: NodePort
    - port: 1234
      protocol: TCP

Service filtering

You can filter the services discovered by using kubernetes.client.discovery.includes or kubernetes.client.discovery.excludes:

        - my-service
        - other-service


      excludes: not-this-service

In addition to that, Kubernetes labels can be used to better match the services that should be available for service discovery:

        - app: my-app
        - env: prod

Note that the filtering is not applied on manually configured service configurations.

4.2 Configuration Client

The Configuration client will read Kubernetes' ConfigMaps and Secrets instances and make them available as PropertySources instances in your application.

To get started, you need to declare the following dependency:


Then, in any bean you can read the configuration values from the ConfigMap or Secret using @Value or any other way to read configuration values.

Configuration parsing happens in the bootstrap phase. Therefore, to enable distributed configuration clients, define the following in bootstrap.yml (or .properties, .json, etc):

    enabled: true


Supported formats for ConfigMaps are:

  • Java .properties.

  • YAML.

  • JSON.

  • Literal values.

The configuration client by default will read all the ConfigMaps for the configured namespace. You can further filter which config map names are processed by defining kubernetes.client.config-maps.includes or kubernetes.client.config-maps.excludes:

        - my-config-map
        - other-config-map


      excludes: not-this-config-map

In addition to that, Kubernetes labels can be used to better match the config maps that should be available as property sources. This can be done by defining the label and value directly:

        - app: my-app
        - env: prod

Or by including every config map that has the same Kubernetes label as the pod the Micronaut application is running in. This is handy if you use a package manager like Helm. A good example would be app.kubernetes.io/instance which is a unique label identifying the instance of an application:

        - "app.kubernetes.io/instance"

Additionally, you can also enable exception-on-pod-labels-missing property in case you want an exception to be thrown if at least one of the labels, specified in pod-labels section is not found among the application’s pod labels. This can be useful if you want to prevent loading all config maps available in namespace in case of mistyping or misconfiguration:

      exception-on-pod-labels-missing: true
        - "app.kubernetes.io/instance"

Note that on the resulting config maps, you can still further filter them with includes/excludes properties.

Reading ConfigMaps from mounted volumes

In the case of ConfigMapss, reading them from the Kubernetes API requires additional permissions, as stated above. Therefore, you may want to read them from mounted volumes in the pod.

Given the following ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: mounted-config
  mounted.yml: |-
    foo: bar

It can be mounted as a volume in a pod or deployment definition:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: mypod
  - name: mypod
    image: micronautapp
    - name: configuration
      mountPath: /etc/configuration
      readOnly: true
  - name: configuration
      name: mounted-config

This will make Kubernetes to create file per data entry:

  • /etc/configuration/mounted.yml

While you could potentially use the java.io or java.nio APIs to read the contents yourself, this configuration module can convert them into a PropertySource so that you can consume the values much more easily. In order to do so, define the following configuration:

        - /etc/configuration

Each file in the directory will become a property source file. The file format will be automatically deduced based on the file suffix. Supported formats for mounted ConfigMap files are:

  • Java .properties

  • YAML

  • JSON

When kubernetes.client.config-maps.paths is defined, the Kubernetes API will not be used to read any other config maps. If you still want to read the remaining config maps from the API, set the following configuration:

      use-api: true
      excludes: mounted-config  # Because it will be read as a mounted volume
        - /etc/configuration

In this scenario, if there are property keys defined in both type of config maps, the ones coming from mounted volumes will take precedence over the ones coming from the API.

Watching for changes in ConfigMaps

By default, this configuration module will watch for ConfigMaps added/modified/deleted, and provided that the changes match with the above filters, they will be propagated to the Environment and refresh it.

This means that those changes will be immediately available in your application without a restart.

If you want to disable watching for ConfigMap changes, set kubernetes.client.config-maps.watch to false. This should be done in the bootstrap.yml configuration file because the configuration client is initialized during the bootstrap phase, which happens before evaluating the application.yml configuration file.

When kubernetes.client.config-maps.use-api is set to false, watching for the changes won’t be started.


You can create a Kubernetes ConfigMap off an existing file with the following command:

kubectl create configmap my-config --from-file=my-config.properties


kubectl create configmap my-config --from-file=my-config.yml


kubectl create configmap my-config --from-file=my-config.json

You can also create a ConfigMap from literal values:

kubectl create configmap my-config --from-literal=special.how=very --from-literal=special.type=charm


Secrets read from the Kubernetes API will be base64-decoded and made available as PropertySource s, so that they can be also read with @Value, @ConfigurationProperties, etc.

Only Opaque secrets will be considered.

By default, secrets access is diabled. To enable them, set in bootstrap.yml:

      enabled: true

The configuration client, by default, will read all the Secrets for the configured namespace. You can further filter which config map names are processed by defining kubernetes.client.secrets.includes or kubernetes.client.secrets.excludes:

      enabled: true
      includes: this-secret


      enabled: true
      excludes: not-this-secret

Similarly to ConfigMaps, labels can also be used to match the desired secrets:

      enabled: true
        - app: my-app
        - env: prod

This also works for pod labels:

      enabled: true
        - "app.kubernetes.io/instance"

As well as exception-on-pod-labels-missing property:

      enabled: true
      exception-on-pod-labels-missing: true
        - "app.kubernetes.io/instance"

Reading Secrets from mounted volumes

In the case of Secrets, reading them from the Kubernetes API requires additional permissions, as stated above. Therefore, you may want to read them from mounted volumes in the pod.

Given the following secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
type: Opaque
  username: YWRtaW4=
  password: MWYyZDFlMmU2N2Rm

It can be mounted as a volume in a pod or deployment definition:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: mypod
  - name: mypod
    image: redis
    - name: foo
      mountPath: "/etc/foo"
      readOnly: true
  - name: foo
      secretName: mysecret

This will make Kubernetes to create 2 files:

  • /etc/foo/username.

  • /etc/foo/password.

Their content will be the decoded strings from the original base-64 encoded values.

While you could potentially use the java.io or java.nio APIs to read the contents yourself, this configuration module can convert them into a PropertySource so that you can consume the values much more easily. In order to do so, define the following configuration:

      enabled: true
        - /etc/foo

Each file in the directory will become the property key, and the file contents, the property value.

When kubernetes.client.secrets.paths is defined, the Kubernetes API will not be used to read any other secret. If you still want to read the remaining secrets from the API, set the following configuration:

      enabled: true
      use-api: true
      excludes: mysecret  # Because it will be read as a mounted volume
        - /etc/foo

In this scenario, if there are property keys defined in both type of secrets, the ones coming from mounted volumes will take precedence over the ones coming from the API.

Watching for changes in Secrets

If watch is enabled, this configuration module will watch for Secrets added/modified/deleted, and provided that the changes match with the above filters, they will be propagated to the Environment and refresh it.

This means that those changes will be immediately available in your application without a restart.

If you want to enable watching for Secret changes, set kubernetes.client.secrets.watch to true. This should be done in the bootstrap.yml configuration file because the configuration client is initialized during the bootstrap phase, which happens before evaluating the application.yml configuration file.

When kubernetes.client.secrets.use-api is set to false, watching for the changes won’t be started.

4.3 Health Checks

Health Indicators

This configuration module provides a KubernetesHealthIndicator that probes communication with the Kubernetes API, and provides some information about the pod where the application is running from.

The service discovery client will also display all the services that were resolved from Kubernetes.

An example output of a /health request would be:

  "name": "micronaut-service",
  "status": "UP",
  "details": {
    "kubernetes": {
      "name": "micronaut-service",
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "namespace": "default",
        "podName": "example-service-786cd45b78-bzfw5",
        "podPhase": "Running",
        "podIP": "",
        "hostIP": "",
        "containerStatuses": [
            "name": "example-service",
            "image": "registry.hub.docker.com/alvarosanchez/example-service:latest",
            "ready": true
    "compositeDiscoveryClient(kubernetes)": {
      "name": "micronaut-service",
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "services": {
          "example-service": [
          "non-secure-service": [
          "kubernetes": [
          "secure-service-port-name": [
          "example-client": [
          "secure-service-port-number": [
          "secure-service-labels": [
    "diskSpace": {
      "name": "micronaut-service",
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "total": 109702647808,
        "free": 69758287872,
        "threshold": 10485760

Health checks require the following dependency:


Also note that in order to see the full details of the health checks you may need additional configuration. Check the documentation of the Health Endpoint for more information about how to configure it.

By default the KubernetesHealthIndicator is enabled. To disable it use the following configuration:

      enabled: false

4.4 Kubernetes Informer

The micronaut-kubernetes-informer module integrates the SharedIndexInformer that is part of official Kubernetes SDK and simplifies its creation. The Informer is similar to a Watch but an Informer tries to re-list and re-watch to hide failures from the caller and provides a store of all the current resources. Note that the default official implementation SharedInformerFactory creates shared informers per the Kubernetes resource type. However the module micronaut-kubernetes-informer creates namespace scoped informers of the Kubernetes resource type, meaning that the informer is shared per specified namespace and kind.

First you need add a dependency on the micronaut-kubernetes-informer module:


Then create a bean that implements ResourceEventHandler with the Kubernetes resource type of your choice and add the @Informer annotation trough which you provide the configuration for the SharedIndexInformer.

The example below illustrates the declaration of the @Informer with the ResourceEventHandler for handling the changes of the Kubernetes V1ConfigMap resource.

@Informer(apiType = V1ConfigMap.class, apiListType = V1ConfigMapList.class) // (1)
public class ConfigMapInformer implements ResourceEventHandler<V1ConfigMap> { // (2)

    public void onAdd(V1ConfigMap obj) {

    public void onUpdate(V1ConfigMap oldObj, V1ConfigMap newObj) {

    public void onDelete(V1ConfigMap obj, boolean deletedFinalStateUnknown) {
1 The @Informer annotation defines the Kubernetes resource type and resource list type
2 The ResourceEventHandler interface declares method handlers for added, updated and deleted resource

To create an Informer for non-namespaced resource like V1ClusterRole, configure the @Informer the same way like it is done for namespaced resource.

The ResourceEventHandlerConstructorInterceptor logic takes care of automated evaluation of the resource apiGroup and resourcePlural by fetching the API resource details from the Kubernetes API by using Discovery. The API resource discovery can be disabled by: kubernetes.client.api-discovery.enabled: false. In the case the discovery is disabled the resourcePlural and apiGroup needs to be provided manually in the @Informer annotation.

The @Informer annotation provides several configuration options:

Table 1. @Informer attributes




The resource api type that must extend from the KubernetesObject. For Kubernetes core resources the types can be found in io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models package. For example io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMap.


The resource api list type. For example io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMapList.


The resource api group. For example some of the Kubernetes core resources has no group like V1ConfigMap, on the contrary the V1ClusterRole has rbac.authorization.k8s.io.


The resource plural that identifies the Api. For example for the resource V1ConfigMap it is configmaps.


Namespace of the watched resource. If left empty then namespace is resolved by NamespaceResolver. To watch resources from all namespaces configure this parameter to Informer.ALL_NAMESPACES.


List of the namespaces of the watcher resource. The SharedIndexInformer will be created for every namespace and all events will be delivered to the specified ResourceEventHandler.


Supplier class that provides the list of namespaces to watch. Note that the supplier class needs to be a bean in the application context and it is intended for dynamic evaluation of the namesapces to watch. Finally the namespace, namespaces and namespacesSupplier can be used in combination.


Informer label selector, see Label selectors for more information. By default there is no label selector.


Supplier class for the label selector. Note that the supplier class needs to be a bean in the application context. Finally the labelSelector and labelSelectorSupplier can be used in combination.


How often to check the need for resync of resources. If left empty the default resync check period is used.

The concept of shared informer means that the SharedIndexInformer for the respective Kubernetes resource type is registered just once for the given namespace. The next request to register another informer of the same Kubernetes resource type within the same namespace will result in returning of the previously created informer. In practice if you create two ResourceEventHandler<V1ConfigMap> but the @Informer annotation will have different optional configuration for labelSelector then the SharedInformerFactory creates just one SharedInformer, meaning the other @Informer configuration will be ignored. If the labelSelector resp. labelSelectorSupplier differs then create one labelSelector that matches both cases.

Programmatic creation of SharedIndexInformer

Use the bean SharedIndexInformerFactory to create the SharedIndexInformer programmatically:

        SharedIndexInformer<V1ConfigMap> sharedIndexInformer = factory.sharedIndexInformerFor(
                V1ConfigMap.class, // (1)
                V1ConfigMapList.class, // (2)
                "configmaps", // (3)
                "",  // (4)
                "default",  // (5)
1 The resource api type that must extend from the KubernetesObject. For Kubernetes core resources the types can be found in io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models package. For example io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMap.
2 The resource api list type that must extend from the KubernetesListObject. For example io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMapList.
3 The resource plural that identifies the Api. For example for the resource V1ConfigMap it is configmaps.
4 The resource api group.
5 The namespace to watch.

By using the SharedIndexInformerFactory bean you can also get existing informer:

        SharedIndexInformer<V1ConfigMap> sharedIndexInformer = factory.getExistingSharedIndexInformer(
                "default", // (1)
                V1ConfigMap.class); // (2)
1 The informer namespace.
2 The informer resource type.

SharedIndexInformer local cache

The SharedIndexInformer has internal cache that is eventually consistent with the authoritative state. The local cache starts out empty, and gets populated and updated. For the detailed description of SharedIndexInformer internals visit the reference implementation pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/client-go#SharedIndexInformer in Go language.

The cache is exposed by SharedIndexInformer#getIndexer() method:

public class SharedInformerCache {

    private final SharedIndexInformerFactory sharedIndexInformerFactory;

    public SharedInformerCache(SharedIndexInformerFactory sharedIndexInformerFactory) {
        this.sharedIndexInformerFactory = sharedIndexInformerFactory;

     * Get all config maps from informer from namespace.
    List<V1ConfigMap> getConfigMaps(String namespace) {
        SharedIndexInformer<V1ConfigMap> sharedIndexInformer = sharedIndexInformerFactory.getExistingSharedIndexInformer(namespace, V1ConfigMap.class);
        if (sharedIndexInformer != null) {
            Indexer<V1ConfigMap> indexer = sharedIndexInformer.getIndexer();
            return indexer.list();
        } else {
            return null;

4.5 Kubernetes Operator

The micronaut-kubernetes-operator module integrates the official Kubernetes Java SDK controller support that is part of the extended client module. The micronaut-kubernetes-operator module is build on top of the micronaut-kubernetes-informer module and allows you to easily create the reconciler for both native and custom resources.

First you need add a dependency on the micronaut-kubernetes-operator module:


Then create a bean that implements ResourceReconciler with the Kubernetes resource type of your choice. Then add the @Operator annotation trough the which you provide the configuration for the controllers that will be created by Micronaut for your reconciler.

The example below illustrates the use of the @Operator with the ResourceReconciler that reconciles the Kubernetes V1ConfigMap resource.

import io.kubernetes.client.extended.controller.reconciler.Request;
import io.kubernetes.client.extended.controller.reconciler.Result;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMap;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMapList;
import io.micronaut.core.annotation.NonNull;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.informer.Informer;
import java.util.Optional;

@Operator(informer = @Informer(apiType = V1ConfigMap.class, apiListType = V1ConfigMapList.class)) // (1)
public class ConfigMapResourceReconciler implements ResourceReconciler<V1ConfigMap> { // (2)

    public Result reconcile(@NonNull Request request, @NonNull OperatorResourceLister<V1ConfigMap> lister) { // (3)
        Optional<V1ConfigMap> resource = lister.get(request); // (4)
        // .. reconcile  (5)
        return new Result(false); // (6)
1 The @Operator annotation defines the resource type which is the subject of reconciliation. The definition is done by using the @Informer annotation. Both annotations provide other object specific configuration options.
2 The ResourceReconciler interface declares the reconcile method that is main point of interaction in between the Micronaut and your application logic.
3 The reconciliation input consists from the Request that uniquely identifies the reconciliation resource and the OperatorResourceLister trough which the actual subject of reconciliation can be retrieved.
4 Retrieval of the resource for the reconciliation.
5 This is where the idempotent reconciliation logic should be placed. Note that the reconciliation logic is responsible for the update of the resource status stanza.
6 The return value of reconciliation method is the Result.

The @Operator annotation provides several configuration options:

Table 1. @Operator attributes




The name of the operator controller thread. Defaults to the Operator<resource-type>.


The @Informer annotation used for the configuration of the Operator’s informer. This value is required.


The java.util.function.Predicate decides what newly created resources are subject for the reconciliation.


The java.util.function.BiPredicate decides what updated resources are subject for the reconciliation


The java.util.function.BiPredicate decides what deleted resources are subject for the reconciliation

Leader election

The LeaderElectingController is responsible for the leader election of the application replica that will reconcile the resources. Generally if the lock is not renewed within the specified amount of time, other replicas may try to acquire the lock and become the leader.

You can adjust the leader elector configuration by using Micronaut configuration properties kubernetes.client.operator.leader-election.lock:

Table 2. Leader election properties




The lock lease duration. Defaults to 10s.


The lock renew deadline. If the LeaderElector fails to renew the lock within the deadline then the controller looses the lock. Defaults to 8s.


The lock acquire retry period. Defaults to 5s.

For example:

Example of custom lock acquisition properties. Note that the value is of type Duration:
          lease-duration: 60s
          renew-deadline: 50s
          retry-period: 20s

Additionally, when the lock is acquired the LeaseAcquiredEvent is emitted. Similarly on a lost lease the LeaseLostEvent event is emitted.

Lock identity

The lock identity is used to uniquely identify the application that holds the lock and thus is responsible for reconciling the resources. By default, the POD name the application runs within is the source for the lock identity. This means the application must run in the Kubernetes cluster.

To create custom lock identity, create a bean that implements the LockIdentityProvider interface:

Lock resource types

The LeaderElectingController uses the native Kubernetes resource to store the lock information. Currently supported resources are V1ConfigMap, V1Endpoints and V1Lease.

By default, the micronaut-kubernetes-operator module uses the V1Lease. This can be changed to V1Endpoints by configuring the property kubernetes.client.operator.leader-election.lock.resource-kind to endpoints , resp. to configmaps in case the V1ConfigMap resource is requested.

Note that the resource for the lock is created in the application namespace. Then the application name is used as the lock resource name. This can be changed by using Micronaut configuration properties:

Example on how to configure custom lock resource name and namespace:
          resource-name: custom-name
          resource-namespace: custom-namespace

Note that in case the RBAC authorization is enabled in your Kubernetes cluster, your application needs to have properly configured role with respect to the lock resource type.

Example of role for the V1Lease lock resource type:
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: Role
  name: operator-lease-role
- apiGroups:
  - coordination.k8s.io
  - leases
  - get
  - create
  - update

Resource filtering

The @Operator annotation allows you to configure the resource filters that are executed before the resource is added into the reconciler work queue. You can configure three types of filters that are distinguished by the resource lifecycle: onAddFilter, onUpdateFilter and onDeleteFilter.

The onAddFilter predicate processes the newly created resources. Create a bean that implements java.util.function.Predicate with the same Kubernetes resource type like the operator is. Example below illustrates such filter for the V1ConfigMap resource:

import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMap;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;

import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class OnAddFilter implements Predicate<V1ConfigMap> {

    public boolean test(V1ConfigMap v1ConfigMap) {
        if (v1ConfigMap.getMetadata().getAnnotations() != null) {
            return v1ConfigMap.getMetadata().getAnnotations().containsKey("io.micronaut.operator");
        return false;

The onUpdateFilter bi-predicate processes modified resources. Create a bean that implements java.util.function.BiPredicate with the same Kubernetes resource type like the operator is. Example below illustrates such filter for the V1ConfigMap resource:

import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMap;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;

import java.util.function.BiPredicate;

public class OnUpdateFilter implements BiPredicate<V1ConfigMap, V1ConfigMap> {

    public boolean test(V1ConfigMap oldObj, V1ConfigMap newObj) {
        if (newObj.getMetadata().getAnnotations() != null) {
            return newObj.getMetadata().getAnnotations().containsKey("io.micronaut.operator");
        return false;

The onDeleteFilter bi-predicate processes deleted resources. Create a bean that implements java.util.function.BiPredicate with the same Kubernetes resource type like the operator is and the Boolean as second type. Example below illustrates such filter for the V1ConfigMap resource:

import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMap;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;

import java.util.function.BiPredicate;

public class OnDeleteFilter implements BiPredicate<V1ConfigMap, Boolean> {

    public boolean test(V1ConfigMap v1ConfigMap, Boolean deletedFinalStateUnknown) {
        if (v1ConfigMap.getMetadata().getAnnotations() != null) {
            return v1ConfigMap.getMetadata().getAnnotations().containsKey("io.micronaut.operator");
        return false;
Note that in case of onDeleteFilter the predicate receives the resource for the test method, but when the ResouceReconciler’s reconcile method is executed the lister will return Optional.empty since the resource was already deleted. To properly reconcile the resource on it’s removal, use finalizers.

Example below illustrates the configuration of the filters:

import io.kubernetes.client.extended.controller.reconciler.Request;
import io.kubernetes.client.extended.controller.reconciler.Result;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMap;
import io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMapList;
import io.micronaut.core.annotation.NonNull;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.informer.Informer;

@Operator(informer = @Informer(apiType = V1ConfigMap.class, apiListType = V1ConfigMapList.class),
        onAddFilter = OnAddFilter.class, // (1)
        onUpdateFilter = OnUpdateFilter.class, // (2)
        onDeleteFilter = OnDeleteFilter.class) // (3)
public class ConfigMapResourceReconcilerWithFilters implements ResourceReconciler<V1ConfigMap> {

    public Result reconcile(@NonNull Request request, @NonNull OperatorResourceLister<V1ConfigMap> lister) {
        // .. reconcile
        return new Result(false);
1 Configuration of onAddFilter.
2 Configuration of onUpdateFilter.
3 Configuration of onAddFilter.

5 Kubernetes Client OpenAPI

The Micronaut Kubernetes Client OpenApi is a kubernetes client which uses Micronaut Netty HTTP Client and generated apis and modules from the OpenApi Spec of the official Java client library for Kubernetes.

Advantages of this client over the official Java client library for Kubernetes:

  • No extra dependencies needed (OkHttp, Bouncy Castle, Kotlin etc.)

  • Unified configuration with Micronaut HTTP client

  • Support for plugging in filters

  • Native Image compatibility

The client comes in two flavors:

  • micronaut-kubernetes-client-openapi module implements a blocking client

  • micronaut-kubernetes-client-openapi-reactor module implements a reactive client using Project Reactor

The micronaut-kubernetes-client-openapi-common module contains code that is shared between both above mentioned clients.

Blocking Client

First you need to add a dependency on the micronaut-kubernetes-client-openapi module:


Then you can simply use Micronaut injection to get configured apis object from package io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.api:

package micronaut.client;

import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.api.CoreV1Api;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.model.V1Pod;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.model.V1PodList;
import io.micronaut.scheduling.TaskExecutors;
import io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.ExecuteOn;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class PodController {

    CoreV1Api coreV1Api;

    public String getPod(final @NotNull String namespace, final @NotNull String name) {
        V1Pod v1Pod = coreV1Api.readNamespacedPod(name, namespace, null);
        return v1Pod.getStatus().getPhase();

    public Map<String, String> getPods(final @NotNull String namespace) {
        V1PodList v1PodList = coreV1Api.listNamespacedPod(namespace, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
        return v1PodList.getItems().stream()
                .filter(p -> p.getStatus() != null)
                        p -> p.getMetadata().getName(),
                        p -> p.getStatus().getPhase()));

Reactive Client

First you need to add a dependency on the micronaut-kubernetes-client-openapi-reactor module:


Then you can simply use Micronaut injection to get configured apis object from package io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.api.reactor:

package micronaut.client;

import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.reactor.api.CoreV1ApiReactor;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class PodController {

    CoreV1ApiReactor coreV1ApiReactor;

    public Mono<String> getPod(final @NotNull String namespace, final @NotNull String name) {
        return coreV1ApiReactor.readNamespacedPod(name, namespace, null)
            .map(it -> it.getStatus().getPhase());

    public Mono<Map<String, String>> getPods(final @NotNull String namespace) {
        return coreV1ApiReactor.listNamespacedPod(namespace, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)
            .map(it -> it.getItems().stream()
                .filter(p -> p.getStatus() != null)
                    p -> p.getMetadata().getName(),
                    p -> p.getStatus().getPhase())));
        enabled: true
        kube-config-path: file:/path/to/kubeconfig
        namespace: test-namespace
            enabled: true
            certificate-authority-path: file:/path/to/certificate/authority/file
            token-path: file:/path/to/token/file
            namespace-path: file:/path/to/namespace/file
            token-reload-interval: 2m
kubernetes {
  client {
    enabled = true
    kubeConfigPath = "file:/path/to/kubeconfig"
    namespace = "test-namespace"
    serviceAccount {
      enabled = true
      certificateAuthorityPath = "file:/path/to/certificate/authority/file"
      tokenPath = "file:/path/to/token/file"
      namespacePath = "file:/path/to/namespace/file"
      tokenReloadInterval = "2m"
  kubernetes {
    client {
      enabled = true
      kube-config-path = "file:/path/to/kubeconfig"
      namespace = "test-namespace"
      service-account {
        enabled = true
        certificate-authority-path = "file:/path/to/certificate/authority/file"
        token-path = "file:/path/to/token/file"
        namespace-path = "file:/path/to/namespace/file"
        token-reload-interval = "2m"
  "kubernetes": {
    "client": {
      "enabled": true,
      "kube-config-path": "file:/path/to/kubeconfig",
      "namespace": "test-namespace",
      "service-account": {
        "enabled": true,
        "certificate-authority-path": "file:/path/to/certificate/authority/file",
        "token-path": "file:/path/to/token/file",
        "namespace-path": "file:/path/to/namespace/file",
        "token-reload-interval": "2m"




Whether to enable the client. Default: true


Absolute path to the kube config file. Default: file:$HOME/.kube/config


Namespace the app runs in. Not required.


Whether to enable the service account authentication. Default: true


Absolute path to the certificate authority file. Default: file:/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt


Absolute path to the token file. Default: file:/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token


Absolute path to the namespace file. Default: file:/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace


Token reload interval. Default: 60s


The client supports the following authentication strategies:

  • client certificate authentication (certificate and private key provided in the kube config file)

  • basic authentication (username and password provided in the kube config file)

  • token authentication (token provided in the kube config file or by executing the command from the kube config file)

  • service account authentication (used only if the kube config file not provided and running inside the kubernetes cluster)


There are several interfaces that can be implemented to change default implementations:

  • KubeConfigLoader - a custom implementation can be used when a kube config file needs to be loaded from a cloud service. There is also an option of extending AbstractKubeConfigLoader which caches the loaded kube config data and provides a few helper methods.

  • KubernetesTokenLoader - a custom implementation can be used for loading a bearer token. KubernetesHttpClientFilter iterates through a list of implementations of this interface and creates the Authorization header using the token from the first implementation which returns it. The following implementations are currently used:

  • KubernetesPrivateKeyLoader - a custom implementation can be used if there is a need for usage of third party libraries (for example, Bouncy Castle) to load the private key when the client certificate authentication is used.

5.1 Kubernetes Watcher

The Micronaut Kubernetes Client OpenApi Watcher implements streaming of Kubernetes events using the Micronaut Kubernetes Client OpenApi client.

First you need to add a dependency on the micronaut-kubernetes-client-openapi-watcher module:


Then you can simply use Micronaut injection to get configured apis object from package io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.watcher.api:

package micronaut.client;

import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.watcher.api.CoreV1ApiWatcher;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class SecretController {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SecretController.class);

    CoreV1ApiWatcher coreV1ApiWatcher;

    public void startWatchingSecrets(final @NotNull String namespace) {
        coreV1ApiWatcher.listNamespacedSecret(namespace, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, true)
            .subscribe(event -> LOG.info(event.toString()));
The streaming will work only if the watch parameter is set to true.

The Kubernetes streamed events are deserialized into the WatchEvent class:

public record WatchEvent<T>(
    @NonNull String type,
    @Nullable T object,
    @Nullable V1Status status
) {




The type of the streamed event. At the moment the type can be one of the following values: ADDED, MODIFIED, DELETED, ERROR, BOOKMARK


The data for the watched object (V1Namespace, V1Pod etc.). The value will be empty only if the event type is ERROR


The instance of V1Status which won’t be empty only if the event type is ERROR

5.2 Kubernetes Informer

The Micronaut Kubernetes Client OpenApi Informer implements the Kubernetes Informer feature. It is built on top of Micronaut Kubernetes Client OpenApi Watcher and provides an internal cache of watched kubernetes objects.

First you need to add a dependency on the micronaut-kubernetes-client-openapi-informer module:


Then create a bean that implements ResourceEventHandler with the Kubernetes resource type of your choice and add the @Informer annotation trough which you provide the configuration for the SharedIndexInformer.

The example below illustrates the declaration of the @Informer with the ResourceEventHandler for handling the changes of the Kubernetes V1Secret resource.

package micronaut.client.secret;

import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Context;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.informer.handler.Informer;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.informer.handler.ResourceEventHandler;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.model.V1Secret;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

@Informer(apiType = V1Secret.class, namespace = SecretResourceEventHandler.NAMESPACE) // (1)
class SecretResourceEventHandler implements ResourceEventHandler<V1Secret> { // (2)

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SecretResourceEventHandler.class);

    static final String NAMESPACE = "test-informer-namespace";

    public void onAdd(V1Secret obj) {
        LOG.info("{} secret added!", obj.getMetadata().getName());

    public void onUpdate(V1Secret oldObj, V1Secret newObj) {
        LOG.info("{} secret updated!", oldObj.getMetadata().getName());

    public void onDelete(V1Secret obj, boolean deletedFinalStateUnknown) {
        LOG.info("{} secret deleted!", obj.getMetadata().getName());
1 The @Informer annotation defines the Kubernetes resource type and namespace
2 The ResourceEventHandler interface declares method handlers for added, updated and deleted resource

To create an Informer for non-namespaced resource like V1ClusterRole, configure the @Informer with namespace set to Informer.ALL_NAMESPACES.

The @Informer annotation provides several configuration options:

Table 1. @Informer attributes




The resource api type that must extend from the KubernetesObject. For Kubernetes core resources the types can be found in io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.model package. For example io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.model.V1Secret.


Namespace of the watched resource. If left empty then namespace is resolved by NamespaceResolver. To watch resources from all namespaces configure this parameter to Informer.ALL_NAMESPACES.


List of the namespaces of the watcher resource. The SharedIndexInformer will be created for every namespace and all events will be delivered to the specified ResourceEventHandler.


Supplier class that provides the list of namespaces to watch. Note that the supplier class needs to be a bean in the application context and it is intended for dynamic evaluation of the namespaces to watch. Finally the namespace, namespaces and namespacesSupplier can be used in combination.


Informer label selector, see Label selectors for more information. By default there is no label selector.


Supplier class for the label selector. Note that the supplier class needs to be a bean in the application context. Finally the labelSelector and labelSelectorSupplier can be used in combination.


How often to check the need for resync of resources. If left empty the default resync check period is used.

The concept of shared informer means that the SharedIndexInformer for the respective Kubernetes resource type is registered just once for the given namespace. The next request to register another SharedIndexInformer of the same Kubernetes resource type within the same namespace will result in throwing the Informer has been already created exception.

Programmatic creation of SharedIndexInformer

Use the bean SharedIndexInformerFactory to create the SharedIndexInformer programmatically:

package micronaut.client.configmap;

import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Context;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.informer.SharedIndexInformer;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.informer.SharedIndexInformerFactory;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.informer.handler.ResourceEventHandler;
import io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.openapi.model.V1ConfigMap;
import jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class ConfigMapInformer {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigMapInformer.class);

    static final String NAMESPACE = "test-informer-namespace";

    private final SharedIndexInformerFactory sharedIndexInformerFactory;

    ConfigMapInformer(SharedIndexInformerFactory sharedIndexInformerFactory) {
        this.sharedIndexInformerFactory = sharedIndexInformerFactory;

    void initialize() {
        SharedIndexInformer<V1ConfigMap> sharedIndexInformer = sharedIndexInformerFactory.sharedIndexInformerFor(
            V1ConfigMap.class, NAMESPACE);
            new ResourceEventHandler<>() {
                public void onAdd(V1ConfigMap obj) {
                    LOG.info("{} config map added!", obj.getMetadata().getName());

                public void onUpdate(V1ConfigMap oldObj, V1ConfigMap newObj) {
                    LOG.info("{} config map updated!", oldObj.getMetadata().getName());

                public void onDelete(V1ConfigMap obj, boolean deletedFinalStateUnknown) {
                    LOG.info("{} config map deleted!", obj.getMetadata().getName());

By using the SharedIndexInformerFactory bean you can also get an existing informer:

        SharedIndexInformer<V1ConfigMap> informer = sharedIndexInformerFactory.getExistingSharedIndexInformer(

SharedIndexInformer local cache

The SharedIndexInformer has an internal cache that is eventually consistent with the authoritative state. The local cache starts out empty, and gets populated and updated.

The cache is exposed by SharedIndexInformer getIndexer() method:

    List<V1ConfigMap> all() {
        SharedIndexInformer<V1ConfigMap> informer = sharedIndexInformerFactory.getExistingSharedIndexInformer(
        Indexer<V1ConfigMap> indexer = informer.getIndexer();
        return indexer.list();

6 Logging and debugging

If you need to debug the Micronaut Kubernetes module, you need to set the io.micronaut.kubernetes logger level to DEBUG:

<logger name="io.micronaut.kubernetes" level="DEBUG"/>

By configuring the logger level to TRACE, the module will produce detailed responses from the Kubernetes API.

<logger name="io.micronaut.kubernetes" level="TRACE"/>

Other package that might produce relevant logging is io.micronaut.discovery, which belongs to Micronaut Core.

In addition to that, another source of information is the Environment Endpoint, which outputs all the resolved PropertySources from ConfigMaps, and their corresponding properties.

7 Breaking Changes

Micronaut Kubernetes 4.x

Micronaut Kubernetes 4.0.0 updates to Kubernetes Client v18 (major). This major upgrade of the Kubernetes Client addresses several security CVEs.

Micronaut Kubernetes 3.x

This section documents breaking changes between Micronaut Kubernetes 2.x and Micronaut Kubernetes 3.x:

In-house Kubernetes client removed

The in-house Kubernetes client io.micronaut.kubernetes.client.v1.* was deprecated and removed. Instead use the new module micronaut-kubernetes-client or the reactive alternatives micronaut-client-reactor or micronaut-client-rxjava2 that extends the client API classes by the reactive support of respective reactive framework.

8 Guides

See the following list of guides to learn more about working with Kubernetes in the Micronaut Framework:

9 Repository

You can find the source code of this project in this repository: