Class V1alpha3ResourceSlice

All Implemented Interfaces:
KubernetesObject, KubernetesType

@Generated("io.micronaut.openapi.generator.JavaMicronautClientCodegen") public class V1alpha3ResourceSlice extends Object implements KubernetesObject
ResourceSlice represents one or more resources in a pool of similar resources, managed by a common driver. A pool may span more than one ResourceSlice, and exactly how many ResourceSlices comprise a pool is determined by the driver. At the moment, the only supported resources are devices with attributes and capacities. Each device in a given pool, regardless of how many ResourceSlices, must have a unique name. The ResourceSlice in which a device gets published may change over time. The unique identifier for a device is the tuple <driver name>, <pool name>, <device name>. Whenever a driver needs to update a pool, it increments the pool.Spec.Pool.Generation number and updates all ResourceSlices with that new number and new resource definitions. A consumer must only use ResourceSlices with the highest generation number and ignore all others. When allocating all resources in a pool matching certain criteria or when looking for the best solution among several different alternatives, a consumer should check the number of ResourceSlices in a pool (included in each ResourceSlice) to determine whether its view of a pool is complete and if not, should wait until the driver has completed updating the pool. For resources that are not local to a node, the node name is not set. Instead, the driver may use a node selector to specify where the devices are available. This is an alpha type and requires enabling the DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getSpec

      public V1alpha3ResourceSliceSpec getSpec()
      the spec property value
    • setSpec

      public void setSpec(V1alpha3ResourceSliceSpec spec)
      Set the spec property value
      spec - property value to set
    • spec

      Set spec in a chainable fashion.
      The same instance of V1alpha3ResourceSlice for chaining.
    • getApiVersion

      public String getApiVersion()
      APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:
      Specified by:
      getApiVersion in interface KubernetesType
      the apiVersion property value
    • setApiVersion

      public void setApiVersion(String apiVersion)
      Set the apiVersion property value
      apiVersion - property value to set
    • apiVersion

      public V1alpha3ResourceSlice apiVersion(String apiVersion)
      Set apiVersion in a chainable fashion.
      The same instance of V1alpha3ResourceSlice for chaining.
    • getKind

      public String getKind()
      Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:
      Specified by:
      getKind in interface KubernetesType
      the kind property value
    • setKind

      public void setKind(String kind)
      Set the kind property value
      kind - property value to set
    • kind

      public V1alpha3ResourceSlice kind(String kind)
      Set kind in a chainable fashion.
      The same instance of V1alpha3ResourceSlice for chaining.
    • getMetadata

      public V1ObjectMeta getMetadata()
      Description copied from interface: KubernetesObject
      Gets metadata.

      ObjectMeta is metadata that all persisted resources must have, which includes all objects users must create.

      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface KubernetesObject
      the metadata property value
    • setMetadata

      public void setMetadata(V1ObjectMeta metadata)
      Set the metadata property value
      metadata - property value to set
    • metadata

      public V1alpha3ResourceSlice metadata(V1ObjectMeta metadata)
      Set metadata in a chainable fashion.
      The same instance of V1alpha3ResourceSlice for chaining.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object