Class V1alpha3ResourceClaimStatus


@Generated("io.micronaut.openapi.generator.JavaMicronautClientCodegen") public class V1alpha3ResourceClaimStatus extends Object
ResourceClaimStatus tracks whether the resource has been allocated and what the result of that was.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • V1alpha3ResourceClaimStatus

      public V1alpha3ResourceClaimStatus()
  • Method Details

    • getAllocation

      public V1alpha3AllocationResult getAllocation()
      the allocation property value
    • setAllocation

      public void setAllocation(V1alpha3AllocationResult allocation)
      Set the allocation property value
      allocation - property value to set
    • allocation

      public V1alpha3ResourceClaimStatus allocation(V1alpha3AllocationResult allocation)
      Set allocation in a chainable fashion.
      The same instance of V1alpha3ResourceClaimStatus for chaining.
    • getDeallocationRequested

      public Boolean getDeallocationRequested()
      Indicates that a claim is to be deallocated. While this is set, no new consumers may be added to ReservedFor. This is only used if the claim needs to be deallocated by a DRA driver. That driver then must deallocate this claim and reset the field together with clearing the Allocation field. This is an alpha field and requires enabling the DRAControlPlaneController feature gate.
      the deallocationRequested property value
    • setDeallocationRequested

      public void setDeallocationRequested(Boolean deallocationRequested)
      Set the deallocationRequested property value
      deallocationRequested - property value to set
    • deallocationRequested

      public V1alpha3ResourceClaimStatus deallocationRequested(Boolean deallocationRequested)
      Set deallocationRequested in a chainable fashion.
      The same instance of V1alpha3ResourceClaimStatus for chaining.
    • getReservedFor

      public List<@Valid V1alpha3ResourceClaimConsumerReference> getReservedFor()
      ReservedFor indicates which entities are currently allowed to use the claim. A Pod which references a ResourceClaim which is not reserved for that Pod will not be started. A claim that is in use or might be in use because it has been reserved must not get deallocated. In a cluster with multiple scheduler instances, two pods might get scheduled concurrently by different schedulers. When they reference the same ResourceClaim which already has reached its maximum number of consumers, only one pod can be scheduled. Both schedulers try to add their pod to the claim.status.reservedFor field, but only the update that reaches the API server first gets stored. The other one fails with an error and the scheduler which issued it knows that it must put the pod back into the queue, waiting for the ResourceClaim to become usable again. There can be at most 32 such reservations. This may get increased in the future, but not reduced.
      the reservedFor property value
    • setReservedFor

      public void setReservedFor(List<@Valid V1alpha3ResourceClaimConsumerReference> reservedFor)
      Set the reservedFor property value
      reservedFor - property value to set
    • reservedFor

      Set reservedFor in a chainable fashion.
      The same instance of V1alpha3ResourceClaimStatus for chaining.
    • addreservedForItem

      public V1alpha3ResourceClaimStatus addreservedForItem(V1alpha3ResourceClaimConsumerReference reservedForItem)
      Add an item to the reservedFor property in a chainable fashion.
      The same instance of V1alpha3ResourceClaimStatus for chaining.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object