Class V1ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration


@Generated("io.micronaut.openapi.generator.JavaMicronautClientCodegen") public class V1ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration extends Object
ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration describes the configurable aspects of the handling of exempt requests. In the mandatory exempt configuration object the values in the fields here can be modified by authorized users, unlike the rest of the `spec`.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • V1ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration

      public V1ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration()
  • Method Details

    • getLendablePercent

      public Integer getLendablePercent()
      `lendablePercent` prescribes the fraction of the level's NominalCL that can be borrowed by other priority levels. This value of this field must be between 0 and 100, inclusive, and it defaults to 0. The number of seats that other levels can borrow from this level, known as this level's LendableConcurrencyLimit (LendableCL), is defined as follows. LendableCL(i) = round( NominalCL(i) * lendablePercent(i)/100.0 )
      the lendablePercent property value
    • setLendablePercent

      public void setLendablePercent(Integer lendablePercent)
      Set the lendablePercent property value
      lendablePercent - property value to set
    • lendablePercent

      public V1ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration lendablePercent(Integer lendablePercent)
      Set lendablePercent in a chainable fashion.
      The same instance of V1ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration for chaining.
    • getNominalConcurrencyShares

      public Integer getNominalConcurrencyShares()
      `nominalConcurrencyShares` (NCS) contributes to the computation of the NominalConcurrencyLimit (NominalCL) of this level. This is the number of execution seats nominally reserved for this priority level. This DOES NOT limit the dispatching from this priority level but affects the other priority levels through the borrowing mechanism. The server's concurrency limit (ServerCL) is divided among all the priority levels in proportion to their NCS values: NominalCL(i) = ceil( ServerCL * NCS(i) / sum_ncs ) sum_ncs = sum[priority level k] NCS(k) Bigger numbers mean a larger nominal concurrency limit, at the expense of every other priority level. This field has a default value of zero.
      the nominalConcurrencyShares property value
    • setNominalConcurrencyShares

      public void setNominalConcurrencyShares(Integer nominalConcurrencyShares)
      Set the nominalConcurrencyShares property value
      nominalConcurrencyShares - property value to set
    • nominalConcurrencyShares

      public V1ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration nominalConcurrencyShares(Integer nominalConcurrencyShares)
      Set nominalConcurrencyShares in a chainable fashion.
      The same instance of V1ExemptPriorityLevelConfiguration for chaining.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object