All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractOpenApiGenerator<W extends AbstractOpenApiWorkAction<P>,P extends io.micronaut.gradle.openapi.tasks.AbstractOpenApiWorkAction.OpenApiParameters>
AbstractOpenApiWorkAction<T extends io.micronaut.gradle.openapi.tasks.AbstractOpenApiWorkAction.OpenApiParameters>
Configuration for annotation processing in Micronaut.
Allows configuration of annotation processing.
Micronaut AOT extension, used to configure the ahead-of-time/build time optimizations.
This interface represents the set of optimizations that this particular version of the Gradle plugin knows about.
Utilities to deal with Gradle configuration attributes.
Represents a dependency which is automatically added by the Gradle plugin, such as some Micronaut runtime dependencies or 3rd party dependencies.
A configurable version property is a property which is found in the DSL, as a type-safe accessor, allowing to override a particular version of a dependency which is automatically added by the Gradle plugin.
Stores default versions used by the Gradle plugins.
Builder class to model build dependencies.
Build options for Docker.
Different strategies for building docker images.
API for simple edition of text files like docker files.
An implementation of editor which computes a fingerprint for Gradle input snapshotting.
Utilities for GraalVM.
A version catalog parser which is tolerant to errors and builds a representation of the catalog suitable for updating coordinates.
A task which is responsible for writing a configuration file for Micronaut AOT.
A plugin for a Micronaut application.
A base plugin which configures Micronaut components, which are either a Micronaut library, or a Micronaut application.
Represents a Micronaut docker image, represented with a name and a list of layers.
Configuration for the Micronaut extension.
Support for building GraalVM native images.
Extension to integration support for Kotlin.
A plugin for creating a Micronaut library.
A plugin which allows building Micronaut applications, without support for GraalVM or Docker.
A plugin to build a Micronaut library.
The packaging kind of the application.
Resolves the dependencies for the current runtime and application type
A lightweight test resources plugin, which requires that another project of the build actually applies the MicronautTestResourcesPlugin: this plugin will simply configure builds so that it uses the test resources plugin from another project.
This plugin integrates with Micronaut Test Resources.
An enum with the different supported test runtimes.
Specialization of Dockerfile for building native images.
Allows configuring the native lambda specific parameters.
Configures the OpenAPI code generator.
A model that can be used to specify parameter mappings during the OpenAPI gneration
Enum used to describe the location of a parameter.
Prepares a docker build context directory by copying a number of directories into the output directory.
A model that can be used to specify body mappings during OpenAPI generation.
The kind of runtime a layer targets.
A task responsible for starting a test resources server.
A task to explicitly stop the test resources server.
Methods for Micronaut AOT plugin integration, separated to make sure we don't run into classloading issues.
Configuration for the test resources plugin.
Methods for Micronaut GraalVM plugin integration, separated to make sure we don't run into classloading issues.
A model of a TOML file which can be used to update the file automatically.