Interface AOTOptimizations

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface AOTOptimizations
This interface represents the set of optimizations that this particular version of the Gradle plugin knows about.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    If set to true, the environment variables and system properties read at application startup will be deemed immutable.
    An optional map of properties which will be merged with the configuration to generate the final configuration file of Micronaut AOT.
    If set to true, YAML files will be converted to Java configuration.
    If set to true and that the application context uses deduceEnvironment(true) then the deduction will be done at build time instead of run time.
    Configures environment variables which will be injected during AOT analysis.
    Returns the Netty optimizations
    If set to true, the AOT compiler will optimize classloading.
    default org.gradle.api.provider.Property<Boolean>
    A shorthand notation to enable Netty optimizations
    If set to true, services loading will be optimized.
    Sets the list of possible environment names.
    If set to true, the AOT will precompute at build time a number of different types of information which would have been computed at runtime instead.
    If set to true, logback.xml is replaced with Java configuration
    Sets the list of target environment names.
    The target package for AOT generated classes.
    default void
    netty(org.gradle.api.Action<? super NettyOptimizations> configuration)
    Configures the Netty optimizations
  • Method Details

    • getReplaceLogbackXml

      @Input org.gradle.api.provider.Property<Boolean> getReplaceLogbackXml()
      If set to true, logback.xml is replaced with Java configuration
      the logback configuration
    • getCacheEnvironment

      @Input org.gradle.api.provider.Property<Boolean> getCacheEnvironment()
      If set to true, the environment variables and system properties read at application startup will be deemed immutable.
      the cache environment property
    • getOptimizeServiceLoading

      @Input org.gradle.api.provider.Property<Boolean> getOptimizeServiceLoading()
      If set to true, services loading will be optimized. In particular, service definitions requirements will be evaluated ahead of time.
      the service loading property
    • getConvertYamlToJava

      @Input org.gradle.api.provider.Property<Boolean> getConvertYamlToJava()
      If set to true, YAML files will be converted to Java configuration.
      the yaml conversion property.
    • getOptimizeClassLoading

      @Input org.gradle.api.provider.Property<Boolean> getOptimizeClassLoading()
      If set to true, the AOT compiler will optimize classloading.
    • getPrecomputeOperations

      @Input org.gradle.api.provider.Property<Boolean> getPrecomputeOperations()
      If set to true, the AOT will precompute at build time a number of different types of information which would have been computed at runtime instead.
      the precompute operation property
    • getDeduceEnvironment

      @Input org.gradle.api.provider.Property<Boolean> getDeduceEnvironment()
      If set to true and that the application context uses deduceEnvironment(true) then the deduction will be done at build time instead of run time.
      the deduce environment property
    • getPossibleEnvironments

      @Input @Optional org.gradle.api.provider.ListProperty<String> getPossibleEnvironments()
      Sets the list of possible environment names. If set, then the list of environments which will be considered for some AOT optimizations will use this list, instead of using whatever is active when the dynamic AOT analysis is performed.
      the list of possible environments
    • getTargetEnvironments

      @Input @Optional org.gradle.api.provider.ListProperty<String> getTargetEnvironments()
      Sets the list of target environment names. If set, then the list of environments is automatically configured before the AOT analysis starts. Note that it differs from getPossibleEnvironments() that this call will override whatever the application context is configured to use.
      the list of target environments
    • getConfigurationProperties

      @Input @Optional org.gradle.api.provider.MapProperty<String,String> getConfigurationProperties()
      An optional map of properties which will be merged with the configuration to generate the final configuration file of Micronaut AOT.
      the configuration properties
    • getTargetPackage

      @Input org.gradle.api.provider.Property<String> getTargetPackage()
      The target package for AOT generated classes. For applications, it defaults to the package of the main class.
      the target package property
    • getEnvironmentVariables

      @Input @Optional org.gradle.api.provider.MapProperty<String,String> getEnvironmentVariables()
      Configures environment variables which will be injected during AOT analysis. This can be useful whenever some beans require environment variables to be present, but that those are not available when the AOT analysis is performed.
      the map of environment variables
    • getNettyOptimizations

      NettyOptimizations getNettyOptimizations()
      Returns the Netty optimizations
      the netty optimizations
    • netty

      default void netty(org.gradle.api.Action<? super NettyOptimizations> configuration)
      Configures the Netty optimizations
    • getOptimizeNetty

      @Internal default org.gradle.api.provider.Property<Boolean> getOptimizeNetty()
      A shorthand notation to enable Netty optimizations
      the netty optimizations property