Interface DelegateStoredQuery<E,R>

Type Parameters:
E - The entity type
R - The result type
All Superinterfaces:
io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider, io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource, io.micronaut.core.naming.Named, StoredDataOperation<R>, StoredQuery<E,R>
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultBindableParametersPreparedQuery, DefaultBindableParametersStoredQuery, DefaultPreparedQuery, DefaultSqlPreparedQuery, DefaultSqlStoredQuery, DummyPreparedQuery

public interface DelegateStoredQuery<E,R> extends StoredQuery<E,R>
Delegate implementation of StoredQuery.
Denis Stepanov
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata
    default Class<?>[]
    The argument types to the method that invokes the query.
    default Optional<Class<?>>
    The type of the ID member of the entity.
    default String[]
    The query to execute.
    default Set<JoinPath>
    default String
    default String
    The query to execute.
    The list of query bindings.
    default Map<String,Object>
    The parameter binding.
    default io.micronaut.core.type.Argument<R>
    The query result type.
    default DataType
    default Class<R>
    The query result type.
    default Class<E>
    The root entity type.
    default boolean
    Does the query have a pageable.
    default boolean
    default boolean
    default boolean
    Returns whether the query returns the actual entity or a Data Transfer Object (DTO) project.
    default boolean
    default boolean
    In cases where one needs to differentiate between at higher level query format (like JPA-QL) and a lower level format (like SQL).
    default boolean
    Is with an optimistic lock.
    default boolean
    Gets an indicator telling whether underlying query is raw query.
    default boolean
    Whether the query can be treated as a single result.
    default boolean
    Are the placeholders for query set using numeric indices starting from 1.

    Methods inherited from interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider

    findAnnotation, findAnnotation, findDeclaredAnnotation, findDeclaredAnnotation, getTargetAnnotationMetadata, isAnnotationPresent, isDeclaredAnnotationPresent, synthesize, synthesizeAll, synthesizeAnnotationsByType, synthesizeDeclared, synthesizeDeclared, synthesizeDeclaredAnnotationsByType

    Methods inherited from interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationSource

    getAnnotation, getAnnotation, getDeclaredAnnotation, getDeclaredAnnotation, isAnnotationPresent, isDeclaredAnnotationPresent, synthesize, synthesizeDeclared
  • Method Details

    • getStoredQueryDelegate

      StoredQuery<E,R> getStoredQueryDelegate()
      The delegate
    • getAnnotationMetadata

      default io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata getAnnotationMetadata()
      Specified by:
      getAnnotationMetadata in interface io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadataProvider
    • getRootEntity

      default Class<E> getRootEntity()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      The root entity type.
      Specified by:
      getRootEntity in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      The root entity type
    • hasPageable

      default boolean hasPageable()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      Does the query have a pageable.
      Specified by:
      hasPageable in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      True if it does
    • getQuery

      default String getQuery()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      The query to execute.
      Specified by:
      getQuery in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      The query to execute
    • getExpandableQueryParts

      default String[] getExpandableQueryParts()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      The query to execute.
      Specified by:
      getExpandableQueryParts in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      The query to execute
    • getQueryBindings

      default List<QueryParameterBinding> getQueryBindings()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      The list of query bindings.
      Specified by:
      getQueryBindings in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      the query bindings
    • getResultType

      default Class<R> getResultType()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      The query result type. This may differ from the root entity type returned by StoredQuery.getRootEntity().
      Specified by:
      getResultType in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      The query result type
    • getResultArgument

      default io.micronaut.core.type.Argument<R> getResultArgument()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      The query result type. This may differ from the root entity type returned by StoredQuery.getRootEntity().
      Specified by:
      getResultArgument in interface StoredDataOperation<E>
      Specified by:
      getResultArgument in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      The query result type
    • getResultDataType

      default DataType getResultDataType()
      Specified by:
      getResultDataType in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      The result data type.
    • isNative

      default boolean isNative()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      In cases where one needs to differentiate between at higher level query format (like JPA-QL) and a lower level format (like SQL).
      Specified by:
      isNative in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      Whether the query is native.
    • useNumericPlaceholders

      default boolean useNumericPlaceholders()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      Are the placeholders for query set using numeric indices starting from 1.
      Specified by:
      useNumericPlaceholders in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      True if they are.
    • isDtoProjection

      default boolean isDtoProjection()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      Returns whether the query returns the actual entity or a Data Transfer Object (DTO) project. Defaults to false.
      Specified by:
      isDtoProjection in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      Whether the query is a DTO projection query
    • getEntityIdentifierType

      default Optional<Class<?>> getEntityIdentifierType()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      The type of the ID member of the entity.
      Specified by:
      getEntityIdentifierType in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      The ID type
    • getArgumentTypes

      default Class<?>[] getArgumentTypes()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      The argument types to the method that invokes the query.
      Specified by:
      getArgumentTypes in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      The argument types
    • isCount

      default boolean isCount()
      Specified by:
      isCount in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      Is this a count query.
    • getQueryHints

      default Map<String,Object> getQueryHints()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      The parameter binding. That is the mapping between named query parameters and parameters of the method.
      Specified by:
      getQueryHints in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      The parameter binding.
    • getJoinFetchPaths

      default Set<JoinPath> getJoinFetchPaths()
      Specified by:
      getJoinFetchPaths in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      The join paths that require a fetch
    • isSingleResult

      default boolean isSingleResult()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      Whether the query can be treated as a single result.
      Specified by:
      isSingleResult in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      True if it can.
    • hasResultConsumer

      default boolean hasResultConsumer()
      Specified by:
      hasResultConsumer in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      Whether a result consumer is present
    • isOptimisticLock

      default boolean isOptimisticLock()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      Is with an optimistic lock.
      Specified by:
      isOptimisticLock in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      the result
    • getName

      default String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface io.micronaut.core.naming.Named
    • isRawQuery

      default boolean isRawQuery()
      Description copied from interface: StoredQuery
      Gets an indicator telling whether underlying query is raw query.
      Specified by:
      isRawQuery in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      true if it is raw query
    • isJsonEntity

      default boolean isJsonEntity()
      Specified by:
      isJsonEntity in interface StoredQuery<E,R>
      an indicator telling whether query is handling entities with JSON representation (like Oracle Json View)