Modifier and Type |
Method and Description | |
createEventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroupConfiguration config)
Creates the event loop group configuration.
| |
createEventLoopGroup(int numThreads,
ExecutorService executorService,
Integer ioRatio)
Creates the event loop group configuration.
ApplicationContext |
getApplicationContext() |
ChannelOptionFactory |
getChannelOptionFactory() |
EventLoopGroupRegistry |
getEventLoopGroupRegistry() |
<E> ApplicationEventPublisher<E> |
getEventPublisher(Class<E> eventClass)
Get an event publisher for the server for the given type.
default ExecutorSelector |
getExecutorSelector() |
HttpCompressionStrategy |
getHttpCompressionStrategy() |
MediaTypeCodecRegistry |
getMediaTypeCodecRegistry() |
List<> |
getOutboundHandlers() |
default RequestArgumentSatisfier |
getRequestArgumentSatisfier() |
RouteExecutor |
getRouteExecutor() |
default Router |
getRouter() | |
getServerSocketChannelInstance(EventLoopGroupConfiguration workerConfig)
Gets the server socket channel instance.
ServerSslBuilder |
getServerSslBuilder() |
StaticResourceResolver |
getStaticResourceResolver() |
WebSocketBeanRegistry |
getWebSocketBeanRegistry() |