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AbstractArrayLiteral<T extends Annotation> - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
Base class for array-based annotation literals.
AbstractArrayLiteral(Object[]) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.AbstractArrayLiteral
Constructs a new array-based annotation literal.
AbstractAsyncEventSourceInterceptor - Class in
Base class for async operation interceptors.
AbstractAsyncEventSourceInterceptor(RuntimeEntityRegistry) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new AbstractAsyncEventSourceInterceptor.
AbstractCoherenceAsyncRepository<T,ID> - Class in
While it's possible to annotate a simple AsyncCrudRepository with CoherenceRepository and use Coherence as a backend cache.
AbstractCoherenceAsyncRepository() - Constructor for class
AbstractCoherenceRepository<T,ID> - Class in
While it's possible to annotate a simple CrudRepository with CoherenceRepository and use Coherence as a backend cache.
AbstractCoherenceRepository() - Constructor for class
AbstractEventSourceInterceptor - Class in
Base class for sync event source interceptors.
AbstractEventSourceInterceptor(RuntimeEntityRegistry) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new AbstractEventSourceInterceptor.
AbstractEventSourceInterceptor.EventGroup - Enum Class in
Represents the logical operations for multiple event types (i.e., pre, post persist).
AbstractEventSourceInterceptor.EventType - Enum Class in
Various entity event types used by Micronaut Data.
AbstractNamedLiteral<T extends Annotation> - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
Base class for annotation literals with a single simple name.
AbstractNamedLiteral(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.AbstractNamedLiteral
Construct CacheName.Literal instance.
AbstractSessionConfigurationBean - Class in io.micronaut.coherence
AbstractSessionConfigurationBean(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.AbstractSessionConfigurationBean
Activated - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive ACTIVATED LifecycleEvents.
Activated.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Activated annotation.
Activating - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive ACTIVATING LifecycleEvents.
Activating.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Activating annotation.
addMapListener(AnnotatedMapListener<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.CoherenceEventListenerProcessor
Add specified listener to the collection of discovered observer-based listeners.
AlwaysFilter - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A FilterBinding annotation representing an AlwaysFilter.
AlwaysFilter.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the AlwaysFilter annotation.
AnnotatedElementBinder<A extends Annotation,T> - Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders
Interface for binders that bind method arguments from an Subscriber.Element via an annotation.
annotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Updating.Literal
Method returns the type of the annotation literal.
annotationType() - Method in interface io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders.AnnotatedElementBinder
annotationType() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders.ElementValueBinder
appendDeleteClause(StringBuilder) - Method in class
array - Variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.AbstractArrayLiteral
The values for this annotation.
Arrived - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive ASSIGNED TransferEvent.
Arrived.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Arrived annotation.
Assigned - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive ARRIVED TransferEvent.
Assigned.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Assigned annotation.
async() - Method in class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceSyncCache
async() - Method in class
ASYNC - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CommitStrategy
Asynchronously commit using Subscriber.Element.commitAsync() after each message is processed.
AsyncPersistEventSource - Annotation Interface in
Around advice to intercept methods with which to trigger Micronaut Data insert entity event.
AsyncPersistEventSourceInterceptor - Class in
An interceptor for persist events.
AsyncPersistEventSourceInterceptor(RuntimeEntityRegistry) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new AsyncPersistEventSourceInterceptor.
AsyncRemoveEventSource - Annotation Interface in
Around advice to intercept methods with which to trigger Micronaut Data remove entity event.
AsyncRemoveEventSourceInterceptor - Class in
An interceptor for remove events.
AsyncRemoveEventSourceInterceptor(RuntimeEntityRegistry) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new AsyncRemoveEventSourceInterceptor.
AsyncUpdateEventSource - Annotation Interface in
Around advice to intercept methods with which to trigger Micronaut Data update entity event.
AsyncUpdateEventSourceInterceptor - Class in
An interceptor for update events.
AsyncUpdateEventSourceInterceptor(RuntimeEntityRegistry) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new AsyncUpdateEventSourceInterceptor.


Backlog - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used for any BACKLOG event.
Backlog.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Backlog annotation.
Backlog.Type - Enum Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
The backlog event type.
bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, Subscriber.Element<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders.DefaultTopicBinder
bind(ArgumentConversionContext<T>, Subscriber.Element<?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders.ElementValueBinder
buildChannel(CoherenceClientConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceConfigurationClient
Builds gRPC channel.
buildJoin(String, JoinPath, String, StringBuilder, Map<String, String>, AbstractSqlLikeQueryBuilder.QueryState) - Method in class
buildSession(CoherenceClientConfiguration) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceConfigurationClient
Builds Coherence session.
buildSourceNames(ApplicationConfiguration, Environment) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceConfigurationClient
Build a map of config source names.


CacheName - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to indicate a specific cache name.
CacheName.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the CacheName annotation.
cacheValues() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.View
A flag that is true to cache both the keys and values of the materialized view locally, or false to only cache the keys (the default value is true).
cacheValues() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.View.Literal
Obtain the flag that is true to cache both the keys and values of the materialized view locally, or false to only cache the keys (the default value is true).
ChainedExtractor - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An ExtractorBinding annotation representing a ChainedExtractor.
ChainedExtractor.Extractors - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A holder for the repeatable ChainedExtractor annotation.
ChainedExtractor.Extractors.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the ChainedExtractor.Extractors annotation.
ChainedExtractor.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the ChainedExtractor annotation.
clear() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
client - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.SessionType
The session is a client session, that is it expects to be a Coherence*Extend client.
close() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.CoherencePublisherIntroductionAdvice
COHERENCE_SESSION_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore
CoherenceAsyncCache - Class in io.micronaut.cache.coherence
A AsyncCache implementation based on Coherence.
CoherenceAsyncCache(ConversionService, NamedCache<Object, Object>, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceAsyncCache
CoherenceAsyncRepositoryOperations - Interface in
Exposes async repository operations specific to Coherence.
CoherenceCacheManager - Class in io.micronaut.cache.coherence
A CacheManager implementation for Coherence.
CoherenceCacheManager(ConversionService, ExecutorService, Coherence) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceCacheManager
CoherenceClientConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.discovery
The Coherence client configuration.
CoherenceClientConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceClientConfiguration
CoherenceConfigurationClient - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.discovery
A ConfigurationClient that works with Coherence as a config source.
CoherenceConfigurationClient(ApplicationConfiguration, CoherenceClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceConfigurationClient
CoherenceContext - Class in io.micronaut.coherence
A utility class to capture the ApplicationContext so that it is available to Coherence classes that are not managed by Micronaut.
CoherenceEventListener - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An Executable advice annotation that allows listening for Coherence events.
CoherenceEventListenerProcessor - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.event
A ExecutableMethodProcessor that processes methods annotated with @CoherenceEventListener.
CoherenceEventListenerProcessor(ApplicationContext, FilterFactories, MapEventTransformerFactories) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.event.CoherenceEventListenerProcessor
CoherenceHttpSession() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
CoherenceHttpSession(String, Duration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
CoherenceHttpSessionConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession
A HttpSessionConfiguration that uses Coherence to store http sessions.
CoherenceHttpSessionConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceHttpSessionConfiguration
CoherencePublisher - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An introduction advice that automatically implements interfaces and abstract classes and creates Publisher instances.
CoherencePublisherIntroductionAdvice - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.messaging
Implementation of the CoherencePublisher advice annotation.
CoherenceRepository - Annotation Interface in
Annotation marking a Repository for use with Coherence.
CoherenceRepositoryOperations - Interface in
Exposes repository operations specific to Coherence.
CoherenceSessionStore - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession
A SessionStore that uses Coherence to store session data.
CoherenceSessionStore(SessionIdGenerator, CoherenceHttpSessionConfiguration, NamedCache<String, CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore
CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession
A representation of a http session.
CoherenceSubscriberException - Exception in io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.exceptions
CoherenceSubscriberException(String, Object, Subscriber<?>, Subscriber.Element<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.exceptions.CoherenceSubscriberException
Creates a new exception.
CoherenceSubscriberException(String, Throwable, Object, Subscriber<?>, Subscriber.Element<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.exceptions.CoherenceSubscriberException
Creates a new exception.
CoherenceSubscriberException(Throwable, Object, Subscriber<?>, Subscriber.Element<?>) - Constructor for exception io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.exceptions.CoherenceSubscriberException
Creates a new exception.
CoherenceSyncCache - Class in io.micronaut.cache.coherence
A SyncCache implementation based on Coherence.
CoherenceSyncCache(ConversionService, NamedCache<Object, Object>, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceSyncCache
CoherenceTopicListener - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
Annotation applied at the class level to indicate that a bean is a Coherence topic Subscriber.
CohQLQueryBuilder - Class in
A JpaQueryBuilder specialized for use with CohQL.
CohQLQueryBuilder() - Constructor for class
commitStrategy() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CoherenceTopicListener
The CommitStrategy to use for the subscriber.
CommitStrategy - Enum Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An enum representing different strategies for committing positions in a Coherence topic when using CoherenceTopicListener.
Committed - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive COMMITTED TransactionEvent.
Committed.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Committed annotation.
Committing - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive COMMITTING TransactionEvent.
Committing.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Committing annotation.
CommittingLocal - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used for any COMMITTING_LOCAL event.
CommittingLocal.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the CommittingLocal annotation.
CommittingRemote - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used for any COMMITTING_REMOTE event.
CommittingRemote.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the CommittingRemote annotation.
ConfigUri - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to indicate a Coherence configuration resource URI.
ConfigUri.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the ConfigUri annotation.
Connecting - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used for any CONNECTING event.
Connecting.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Connecting annotation.
Continue - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.SubscriberExceptionHandler.Action
Continue to receive further messages.
count(PagedQuery<T>) - Method in class
create(A) - Method in interface io.micronaut.coherence.ExtractorFactory
Create a ValueExtractor instance.
create(A) - Method in interface io.micronaut.coherence.FilterFactory
Create a Filter instance.
create(A) - Method in interface io.micronaut.coherence.MapEventTransformerFactory
Create a MapEventTransformer instance.
createBindingMap(PreparedQuery) - Method in class
Creates a map of binding parameters names and their values.
Created - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive CREATED CacheLifecycleEvent.
Created.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Created annotation.
createObserver(Class<E>, ExecutableMethodEventObserver<E, ?, ?>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.EventObserverSupport
ctx - Variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.MapEventTransformerFactories
The Micronaut bean context.


DEFAULT - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Scope
Predefined constant for system scope.
DefaultCoherenceRepositoryOperations - Class in
A RepositoryOperations implementation for Coherence.
DefaultCoherenceRepositoryOperations(String, ApplicationContext, ConversionService, BeanContext) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new operations instance.
defaultSerializer() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.JsonSerializerFactory
A factory method to produce the default Java Serializer.
defaultSerializer() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.SerializerFactories
A factory method to produce the default Java Serializer.
DefaultTopicBinder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders
The default binder that binds the Kafka value for a Subscriber.Element.
DefaultTopicBinder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders.DefaultTopicBinder
Default constructor.
delete(DeleteOperation<T>) - Method in class
deleteAll(DeleteBatchOperation<T>) - Method in class
Deleted - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive MapEvents of type MapEvent.ENTRY_DELETED.
Deleted.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Deleted annotation.
deleteSession(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore
Departed - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive DEPARTED TransferEvent.
Departed.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Departed annotation.
Departing - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive DEPARTING TransferEvent.
Departing.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Departing annotation.
Destroyed - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive DESTROYED CacheLifecycleEvent.
Destroyed.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Destroyed annotation.
Disconnected - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used for any DISCONNECTED event.
Disconnected.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Disconnected annotation.
Disposing - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive DISPOSING LifecycleEvents.
Disposing.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Disposing annotation.


ElementArgumentBinderRegistry - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders
A registry of ElementBinder instances.
ElementArgumentBinderRegistry(ElementBinder<?>...) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders.ElementArgumentBinderRegistry
Creates the registry for the given binders.
ElementBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders
Interface for binders that bind method arguments from a Subscriber.Element.
ElementValueBinder<T> - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders
The default binder that binds the value of an element.
ElementValueBinder() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders.ElementValueBinder
ensureSession() - Method in class
Return the Session that should be used by this repository.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.AbstractArrayLiteral
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.AbstractNamedLiteral
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Updating.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Backlog.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ConfigUri.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Name.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ParticipantName.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Extractors.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Processor.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PropertyExtractor.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Scope.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.View.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.WhereFilter.Literal
Error - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used for any ERROR event.
Error.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Error annotation.
EventObserverSupport - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.event
Manages registration of observer methods with InterceptorRegistry upon ConfigurableCacheFactory activation, and their subsequent un-registration on deactivation.
EventObserverSupport.UnsolicitedCommitEventHandler - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.event
Handler for UnsolicitedCommitEvents.
eventTypes - Variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.EventObserverSupport.UnsolicitedCommitEventHandler
A set of event types the observer is interested in.
eventTypes() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.EventObserverSupport.UnsolicitedCommitEventHandler
Create a final set of event types to register this interceptor for.
EXCESSIVE - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Backlog.Type
Indicates that a participant is backlogged; if the participant is remote it indicates the remote participant has more work than it can handle; if the participant is local it indicates this participant has more work than it can handle.
Executed - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used for any EXECUTED event.
Executed.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Executed annotation.
executeUpdate(PreparedQuery<?, Number>) - Method in class
Executing - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used for any EXECUTING event.
Executing.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Executing annotation.
exists(PreparedQuery<T, Boolean>) - Method in class
ExtractorBinding - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
Specifies that an annotation type is a ValueExtractor binding type.
ExtractorFactories - Class in io.micronaut.coherence
A Micronaut factory for producing ValueExtractor instances.
extractorFactory - Variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.MapEventTransformerFactories
The extractor factory for use when creating views.
ExtractorFactory<A extends Annotation,T,E> - Interface in io.micronaut.coherence
A factory that produces instances of ValueExtractor for a given Annotation.


f_sName - Variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.AbstractNamedLiteral
The cache name.
FilterBinding - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
Specifies that an annotation type is a Filter binding type.
FilterFactories - Class in io.micronaut.coherence
A Micronaut factory for producing Filter instances.
FilterFactory<A extends Annotation,T> - Interface in io.micronaut.coherence
A factory that produces instances of Filter for a given Annotation.
findAll(PagedQuery<T>) - Method in class
findAll(PreparedQuery<T, R>) - Method in class
findArgumentBinder(Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders.ElementArgumentBinderRegistry
findOne(PreparedQuery<T, R>) - Method in class
findOne(Class<T>, Object) - Method in class
findPage(PagedQuery<R>) - Method in class
findSession(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore
findStream(PagedQuery<T>) - Method in class
findStream(PreparedQuery<T, R>) - Method in class


get(Object, Argument<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceAsyncCache
get(Object, Argument<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceAsyncCache
get(CharSequence, ArgumentConversionContext<T>) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
getApplicationContext() - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.CoherenceContext
Returns the ApplicationContext.
getApplicationContext() - Method in class
GetAsyncMapInterceptor<ID,T,D> - Class in
A DataInterceptor allowing AbstractCoherenceRepository instances to obtain the AsyncNamedMap associated with the AbstractCoherenceAsyncRepository.
GetAsyncMapInterceptor(RepositoryOperations) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
getAsyncNamedMap() - Method in interface
Obtain the AsyncNamedMap associated with this repository.
getCache(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceCacheManager
getCacheName() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceHttpSessionConfiguration
Get HTTP session cache name.
getConfig() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.SessionConfigurationBean
Get the Coherence cache configuration URI.
getConfiguration() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.SessionConfigurationBean
getConfiguration() - Method in interface io.micronaut.coherence.SessionConfigurationProvider
Returns the optional SessionConfiguration that is provider provides.
getConversionService() - Method in class
getCreationTime() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
getDescription() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceConfigurationClient
getElement() - Method in exception io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.exceptions.CoherenceSubscriberException
getEntityType() - Method in class
getEntityType() - Method in class
GetEntityTypeInterceptor<T,Class> - Class in
A DataInterceptor allowing AbstractCoherenceRepository instances to obtain the entity type managed by this repository.
GetEntityTypeInterceptor(RepositoryOperations) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
getEntityTypeInternal(T) - Method in class
This is in place to prevent Micronaut from scanning further up the inheritance tree and trying to map AbstractRepositoryBase.getEntityType() and failing.
getEntityTypeInternal(T) - Method in class
This is in place to prevent Micronaut from scanning further up the inheritance tree and trying to map AbstractRepositoryBase.getEntityType() and failing.
getEnv(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.config.MicronautSystemPropertyResolver
getEventGroup() - Method in class
Return the EventGroup handled by this interceptor.
getEventGroup() - Method in class
getEventGroup() - Method in class
getEventGroup() - Method in class
getEventGroup() - Method in class
getEventGroup() - Method in class
getEventGroup() - Method in class
getFirstTopicName(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Utils
getFirstTopicName(AnnotationMetadata, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Utils
getHandledPostEventType() - Method in class
Return the POST event type this interceptor wishes to emit.
getHandledPostEventType() - Method in class
getHandledPostEventType() - Method in class
getHandledPostEventType() - Method in class
getHandledPostEventType() - Method in class
getHandledPostEventType() - Method in class
getHandledPostEventType() - Method in class
getHandledPreEventType() - Method in class
Return the PRE event type this interceptor wishes to emit.
getHandledPreEventType() - Method in class
getHandledPreEventType() - Method in class
getHandledPreEventType() - Method in class
getHandledPreEventType() - Method in class
getHandledPreEventType() - Method in class
getHandledPreEventType() - Method in class
getHost() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceClientConfiguration
Returns host name of gRPC server.
getId() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
getId(T) - Method in class
getId(T) - Method in class
getId(T) - Method in interface
Return the id associated with the specified entity.
getId(T) - Method in interface
Return the id associated with the specified entity.
getId(T) - Method in class
GetIdInterceptor<T,ID> - Class in
A DataInterceptor allowing AbstractCoherenceRepository instances to obtain the Id of the provided entity.
GetIdInterceptor(RepositoryOperations) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
getIdInternal(T) - Method in class
This is in place to prevent Micronaut from scanning further up the inheritance tree and trying to map AbstractRepositoryBase.getId(Object) and failing.
getIdInternal(T) - Method in class
This is in place to prevent Micronaut from scanning further up the inheritance tree and trying to map AbstractRepositoryBase.getId(Object) and failing.
getInterceptors() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.CoherenceEventListenerProcessor
Returns the discovered interceptors.
getKafkaConsumer() - Method in exception io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.exceptions.CoherenceSubscriberException
getKafkaListener() - Method in exception io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.exceptions.CoherenceSubscriberException
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
getMap() - Method in class
getMap() - Method in class
GetMapInterceptor<ID,T,D> - Class in
A DataInterceptor allowing AbstractCoherenceRepository instances to obtain the NamedMap associated with the AbstractCoherenceRepository.
GetMapInterceptor(RepositoryOperations) - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
getMapInternal() - Method in class
This is in place to prevent Micronaut from scanning further up the inheritance tree and trying to map AbstractRepositoryBase.getMap() and failing.
getMapInternal() - Method in class
This is in place to prevent Micronaut from scanning further up the inheritance tree and trying to map AbstractRepositoryBase.getMap() and failing.
getMapListeners(String, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.CoherenceEventListenerProcessor
Return all map listeners that should be registered for a particular service and cache combination.
getMaxInactiveInterval() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceAsyncCache
getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceSyncCache
getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.AbstractSessionConfigurationBean
Return the name of this configuration.
getNamedMap() - Method in interface
Obtain the NamedMap associated with this repository.
getNamedMap() - Method in class
getNativeCache() - Method in class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceAsyncCache
getNonWildcardMapListeners() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.CoherenceEventListenerProcessor
Return all map listeners that should be registered against a specific remote cache or map in a specific session.
getPort() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceClientConfiguration
Gets gRPC server port.
getPriority() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.AbstractSessionConfigurationBean
Returns the priority of this configuration.
getProperty(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.config.MicronautSystemPropertyResolver
getPropertySources(Environment) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceConfigurationClient
getScopeName() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.AbstractSessionConfigurationBean
Return the scope name for this configuration.
getScopeName() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.EventObserverSupport.UnsolicitedCommitEventHandler
Return the name of the scope this interceptor should be registered with.
getSendToTopicName(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Utils
getSendToTopicNames(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Utils
getTopicNames(AnnotationMetadata) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Utils
getType() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.AbstractSessionConfigurationBean
Returns the type of this configuration.
grpc - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.SessionType
The session is a gRPC client session.


handle(CoherenceSubscriberException) - Method in interface io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.SubscriberExceptionHandler
Handle the given exception.
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.AbstractArrayLiteral
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.AbstractNamedLiteral
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Updating.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Backlog.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ConfigUri.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Name.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ParticipantName.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Extractors.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Processor.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PropertyExtractor.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Scope.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.View.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.WhereFilter.Literal


index() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor
Returns an array of POF indexes to use to extract the value.
index() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Literal
The POF indexes to use to extract a value.
inject(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.InjectorImpl
InjectorImpl - Class in io.micronaut.coherence
An implementation of an Injector that will inject beans into a class using the Micronaut bean context.
InjectorImpl() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.InjectorImpl
Inserted - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive MapEvents of type MapEvent.ENTRY_INSERTED or that will receive EntryEvents of type INSERTED.
Inserted.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Inserted annotation.
Inserting - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive EntryEvents of type INSERTING.
Inserting.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Inserting annotation.
instance() - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders.DefaultTopicBinder
Returns the singleton DefaultTopicBinder instance.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Activated.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Activating.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.AlwaysFilter.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Arrived.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Assigned.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Committed.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Committing.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CommittingLocal.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CommittingRemote.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Connecting.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Created.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Deleted.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Departed.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Departing.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Destroyed.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Disconnected.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Disposing.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Error.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Executed.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Executing.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Inserted.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Inserting.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Lite.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Lost.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Recovered.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Removed.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Removing.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Replicating.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Rollback.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Started.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Starting.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Stopped.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Stopping.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Synced.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Synchronous.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Syncing.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Truncated.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Updated.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Updating.Literal
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.View.Literal
A singleton instance of View.Literal with the cache values flag set to true.
intercept(MethodInvocationContext) - Method in class
intercept(MethodInvocationContext) - Method in class
intercept(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object>) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.CoherencePublisherIntroductionAdvice
intercept(RepositoryMethodKey, MethodInvocationContext<D, AsyncNamedMap<ID, T>>) - Method in class
intercept(RepositoryMethodKey, MethodInvocationContext<D, NamedMap<ID, T>>) - Method in class
intercept(RepositoryMethodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, Class>) - Method in class
intercept(RepositoryMethodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, ID>) - Method in class
introduceEventDispatcher(String, EventDispatcher) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.EventObserverSupport.UnsolicitedCommitEventHandler
invalidate(Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceAsyncCache
invalidateAll() - Method in class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceAsyncCache
io.micronaut.cache.coherence - package io.micronaut.cache.coherence
Classes related to the integration of Coherence caches into Micronaut's cache manager.
io.micronaut.coherence - package io.micronaut.coherence
Coherence Micronaut integration.
io.micronaut.coherence.annotation - package io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
io.micronaut.coherence.config - package io.micronaut.coherence.config - package - package - package - package - package
io.micronaut.coherence.discovery - package io.micronaut.coherence.discovery
Distributed Configuration client for Oracle Coherence back end.
io.micronaut.coherence.event - package io.micronaut.coherence.event
Classes applicable to integration with Coherence events.
io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession - package io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession
Classes applicable to Coherence Micronaut http httpsession.
io.micronaut.coherence.messaging - package io.micronaut.coherence.messaging
Classes applicable to integration with Coherence messaging.
io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders - package io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders
io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.exceptions - package io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.exceptions
io.micronaut.coherence.namespace - package io.micronaut.coherence.namespace
Classes applicable to Coherence Micronaut custom XSD namespace.
isApplicable(EventDispatcher, String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.EventObserverSupport.UnsolicitedCommitEventHandler
isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceClientConfiguration
Returns true if distributed configuration is enabled.
isEnableTls() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceClientConfiguration
Returns true if TLS is enabled.
isModified() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
isNew() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession


JsonSerializerFactory - Class in io.micronaut.coherence
A factory that provides a JsonSerializer beans.
JsonSerializerFactory() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.JsonSerializerFactory


Lite - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation that can be applied to CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that receive MapEvents to register them as lite listeners.
Lite.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Lite annotation.
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Activated.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Activating.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Arrived.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Assigned.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Committed.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Committing.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CommittingLocal.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CommittingRemote.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Connecting.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Created.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Deleted.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Departed.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Departing.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Destroyed.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Disconnected.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Disposing.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Error.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Executed.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Executing.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Inserted.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Inserting.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Lite.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Lost.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Recovered.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Removed.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Removing.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Replicating.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Rollback.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Started.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Starting.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Stopped.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Stopping.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Synced.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Synchronous.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Syncing.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Truncated.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Updated.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Updating.Literal
Literal(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Name.Literal
Construct Name.Literal instance.
logQuery(ExecutionContext, Statement, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Logs the specified query and binding parameters.
Lost - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive TransferEvents of type LOST.
Lost.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Lost annotation.


MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CommitStrategy
Do not commit messages.
MapEventTransformerBinding - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
Specifies that an annotation type is a MapEventTransformer binding type.
MapEventTransformerFactories - Class in io.micronaut.coherence
A Micronaut factory for producing MapEventTransformer instances.
MapEventTransformerFactory<A extends Annotation,K,V,U> - Interface in io.micronaut.coherence
A factory that produces instances of MapEventTransformer for a given Annotation.
MapName - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to indicate a specific map name.
MapName.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the MapName annotation.
maxBlock() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CoherencePublisher
The maximum duration to block synchronous send operations.
MicronautNamespaceHandler - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.namespace
Custom namespace handler for the micronaut namespace.
MicronautNamespaceHandler() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.namespace.MicronautNamespaceHandler
Construct a MicronautNamespaceHandler instance.
MicronautSystemPropertyResolver - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.config
A Coherence SystemPropertyResolver and EnvironmentVariableResolver that uses the Micronaut Environment to obtain values.
MicronautSystemPropertyResolver() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.config.MicronautSystemPropertyResolver
This constructor is required so that Coherence can discover and instantiate this class using the Java ServiceLoader.


Name - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used when injecting Coherence resource to indicate a specific resource name.
Name.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Name annotation.
names() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
newSession() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Backlog.Type
Indicates that a participant was previously backlogged but is no longer so.


observer - Variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.EventObserverSupport.UnsolicitedCommitEventHandler
The observer method to delegate events to.
of(boolean) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.View.Literal
Create a View.Literal.
of(int...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Literal
of(Backlog.Type) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Backlog.Literal
Create a Backlog.Literal.
of(ChainedExtractor...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ChainedExtractor.Extractors.Literal
of(PofExtractor...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Extractors.Literal
of(PropertyExtractor...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PropertyExtractor.Extractors.Literal
of(Class<?>, int...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Literal
of(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Literal
of(Class<? extends InvocableMap.EntryProcessor>) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Processor.Literal
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CacheName.Literal
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ConfigUri.Literal
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.MapName.Literal
Create a MapName.Literal.
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Name.Literal
Create a Name.Literal.
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ParticipantName.Literal
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PropertyExtractor.Literal
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Scope.Literal
Create a Scope.Literal.
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ScopeName.Literal
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.SerializerFormat.Literal
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ServiceName.Literal
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.SessionName.Literal
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.SubscriberGroup.Literal
of(String) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.WhereFilter.Literal
of(String...) - Static method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ChainedExtractor.Literal
onEvent(UnsolicitedCommitEvent) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.EventObserverSupport.UnsolicitedCommitEventHandler


ParticipantName - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to indicate a specific participant name.
ParticipantName.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the ParticipantName annotation.
path() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Literal
Returns a property path to use to extract the value.
path() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor
Returns a property path to use to extract the value.
persist(InsertOperation<T>) - Method in class
PERSIST - Enum constant in enum class
Persist events.
persistAll(InsertBatchOperation<T>) - Method in class
PersistEventSource - Annotation Interface in
Around advice to intercept methods with which to trigger Micronaut Data insert entity event.
PersistEventSourceInterceptor - Class in
An interceptor for persist events.
PersistEventSourceInterceptor(RuntimeEntityRegistry) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new PersistEventSourceInterceptor.
PofExtractor - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A ExtractorBinding annotation representing a PofExtractor.
PofExtractor.Extractors - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A holder for the repeatable PofExtractor annotation.
PofExtractor.Extractors.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the PofExtractor.Extractors annotation.
PofExtractor.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the PofExtractor annotation.
pofSerializer() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.SerializerFactories
A factory method to produce the default Java Serializer.
POST_PERSIST - Enum constant in enum class
POST_REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class
POST_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class
PRE_PERSIST - Enum constant in enum class
PRE_REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class
PRE_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class
PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceClientConfiguration
process(BeanDefinition<?>, ExecutableMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.CoherenceEventListenerProcessor
Process ExecutableMethod bean definitions for methods annotated with CoherenceEventListener.
Processor - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive EntryProcessorEvents to narrow the events received to those for a specific InvocableMap.EntryProcessor class.
Processor.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Processor annotation.
PropertyExtractor - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A ExtractorBinding annotation representing a UniversalExtractor.
PropertyExtractor.Extractors - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A holder for the repeatable PropertyExtractor annotation.
PropertyExtractor.Extractors.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the PropertyExtractor.Extractors annotation.
PropertyExtractor.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the PropertyExtractor annotation.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceAsyncCache
put(CharSequence, Object) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
putIfAbsent(Object, T) - Method in class io.micronaut.cache.coherence.CoherenceAsyncCache


readExternal(PofReader) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
Recovered - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive TransferEvents of type RECOVERED.
Recovered.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Recovered annotation.
regex() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Name.Literal
Return true to indicate whether name is a regular expression.
regex() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Name
Return true to indicate whether name is a regular expression.
registry - Variable in class
RuntimeEntityRegistry used for event notification.
remove(CharSequence) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
remove(T) - Method in class
remove(T) - Method in class
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class
Remove events.
Removed - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive EntryEvents of type REMOVED.
Removed.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Removed annotation.
RemoveEventSource - Annotation Interface in
Around advice to intercept methods with which to trigger Micronaut Data remove entity event.
RemoveEventSourceInterceptor - Class in
An interceptor for remove events.
RemoveEventSourceInterceptor(RuntimeEntityRegistry) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new RemoveEventSourceInterceptor.
removeScope(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.EventObserverSupport.UnsolicitedCommitEventHandler
Remove the scope prefix from a specified service name.
Removing - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive EntryEvents of type REMOVING.
Removing.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Removing annotation.
replaceTarget(String, Class<? extends T>) - Method in class
Replaces the generated target of the statement with the name NamedMap associated with this RepositoryOperations instance.
Replicating - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used for any REPLICATING event.
Replicating.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Replicating annotation.
resolve(Set<Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.ExtractorFactories
Resolve a ValueExtractor implementation from the specified qualifiers.
resolve(Set<Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.FilterFactories
Resolve a Filter implementation from the specified qualifiers.
resolve(Set<Annotation>) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.MapEventTransformerFactories
Resolve a MapEventTransformer from the specified qualifier annotations.
resolveJoinType(Join.Type) - Method in class
Rollback - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive TransferEvents of type ROLLBACK.
Rollback.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Rollback annotation.


save(CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore
save(T) - Method in class
save(T) - Method in class
Scope - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used when injecting Coherence resource to indicate that those resource should be obtained from a specific ConfigurableCacheFactory.
Scope.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Scope annotation.
ScopeName - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to indicate a specific scope name.
ScopeName.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the ScopeName annotation.
SerializerFactories - Class in io.micronaut.coherence
A factory for Coherence Serializer beans.
SerializerFactories(Cluster) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.SerializerFactories
SerializerFormat - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used when injecting a Serializer to identify the specific Serializer to inject.
SerializerFormat.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the SerializerFormat annotation.
server - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.SessionType
The session is a server session, that is it expects to be a Coherence cluster member.
serviceName - Variable in class io.micronaut.coherence.event.EventObserverSupport.UnsolicitedCommitEventHandler
ServiceName - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to indicate a specific service name.
ServiceName.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the ServiceName annotation.
SessionConfigurationBean - Class in io.micronaut.coherence
A SessionConfiguration bean that will be created for each named session in the application configuration properties.
SessionConfigurationBean(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.SessionConfigurationBean
Create a named SessionConfigurationBean.
SessionConfigurationProvider - Interface in io.micronaut.coherence
A provider of SessionConfiguration instances.
SessionName - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used when injecting Coherence resource to indicate a specific Session name.
SessionName.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the SessionName annotation.
SessionType - Enum Class in io.micronaut.coherence
An enum representing the different types of SessionConfiguration that can be configured in the Micronaut configuration.
setCacheName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceHttpSessionConfiguration
Set HTTP session cache name.
setConfig(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.SessionConfigurationBean
Set the Coherence cache configuration URI.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceClientConfiguration
Enables distributed configuration.
setEnableTls(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceClientConfiguration
Enables TLS support.
setHost(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceClientConfiguration
Sets host name of gRPC server.
setLastAccessedTime(Instant) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
setMaxInactiveInterval(Duration) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
setName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.AbstractSessionConfigurationBean
Set the name of this configuration.
setNew(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
Set whether session is a newly created and unsaved.
setPort(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceClientConfiguration
Sets gRPC server port.
setPriority(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.AbstractSessionConfigurationBean
Set the priority for this configuration.
setScopeName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.AbstractSessionConfigurationBean
Set the scope name for this configuration.
setSession(String) - Method in class
Configure the name of the Session.
setType(SessionType) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.AbstractSessionConfigurationBean
Set the priority of this configuration.
setType(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.AbstractSessionConfigurationBean
Set the priority of this configuration.
Started - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive CoherenceLifecycleEvents of type STARTED or SessionEvents of type STARTED.
Started.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Started annotation.
Starting - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive CoherenceLifecycleEvents of type STARTING or SessionEvents of type STARTING.
Starting.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Starting annotation.
Stop - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.SubscriberExceptionHandler.Action
Close the subscriber and stop receiving messages.
Stopped - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive CoherenceLifecycleEvents of type STOPPED or SessionEvents of type STOPPED.
Stopped.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Stopped annotation.
Stopping - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive CoherenceLifecycleEvents of type STOPPING or SessionEvents of type STOPPING.
Stopping.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Stopping annotation.
SubscriberExceptionHandler - Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.messaging
Interface that CoherenceTopicListener beans can implement to handle exceptions.
SubscriberExceptionHandler.Action - Enum Class in io.micronaut.coherence.messaging
An enumeration of possible actions to take after handling an exception.
SubscriberExecutorServiceConfig - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.messaging
Configures a ScheduledExecutorService for running CoherenceTopicListener instances.
SubscriberExecutorServiceConfig() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.SubscriberExecutorServiceConfig
SubscriberGroup - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used when injecting Subscriber to a NamedTopic to indicate the name of the subscriber group that the subscriber should belong to.
SubscriberGroup.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the SubscriberGroup annotation.
SYNC - Enum constant in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CommitStrategy
Synchronously commit using Subscriber.Element.commit() after each message is processed.
Synced - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used for any SYNCED event.
Synced.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Synced annotation.
Synchronous - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation that can be applied to CoherenceEventListener annotated methods to register them as MapListener.synchronous() listeners.
Synchronous.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Synchronous annotation.
Syncing - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used for any SYNCING event.
Syncing.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Syncing annotation.
SYSTEM - Static variable in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Scope
Predefined constant for system scope.


Topic - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation used to specify a topic name.
Topics - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
Repeatable annotation for one or many Topic annotations.
toString() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.discovery.CoherenceClientConfiguration
trigger(AbstractEventSourceInterceptor.EventType, Object) - Method in class
Trigger the specified event using the provided entity as the event value.
Truncated - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive TRUNCATED CacheLifecycleEvent.
Truncated.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Truncated annotation.
type() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Literal
The type being extracted.
type() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor
Returns the root type to extract property from.
TypedElementBinder<T> - Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.binders
Allows binding by type.


UnsolicitedCommitEventHandler(ExecutableMethodEventObserver<UnsolicitedCommitEvent, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.coherence.event.EventObserverSupport.UnsolicitedCommitEventHandler
update(UpdateOperation<T>) - Method in class
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class
Update events.
Updated - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive MapEvents of type MapEvent.ENTRY_UPDATED or that will receive EntryEvents of type UPDATED.
Updated.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Updated annotation.
UpdateEventSource - Annotation Interface in
Around advice to intercept methods with which to trigger Micronaut Data update entity event.
UpdateEventSourceInterceptor - Class in
An interceptor for update events.
UpdateEventSourceInterceptor(RuntimeEntityRegistry) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new UpdateEventSourceInterceptor.
Updating - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive EntryEvents of type UPDATING.
Updating.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the Updating annotation.
Utils - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
Annotation utilities.


value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Backlog.Literal
The backlog event type.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Backlog
Obtain the type of backlog event.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CacheName.Literal
The name used to identify a specific cache.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CacheName
Obtain the value used to identify a specific cache.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ChainedExtractor.Extractors.Literal
The extractor annotations contained in this annotation.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ChainedExtractor.Extractors
An array of ChainedExtractors.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ChainedExtractor.Literal
The value used for the where clause when creating a ChainedExtractor.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ChainedExtractor
Returns the method or property name to use when creating a ChainedExtractor.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ConfigUri.Literal
The name used to identify a specific resource.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ConfigUri
The URI used to identify a specific config resource.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.MapName.Literal
The name used to identify a specific map.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.MapName
Obtain the value used to identify a specific map.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Name.Literal
The name used to identify a specific resource.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Name
The name used to identify a specific resource.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ParticipantName.Literal
The participant name.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ParticipantName
The participant name.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Extractors.Literal
The extractor annotations contained in this annotation.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PofExtractor.Extractors
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Processor.Literal
The processor class.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Processor
The processor class.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PropertyExtractor.Extractors.Literal
Obtain the extractor annotations contained in this annotation.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PropertyExtractor.Extractors
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PropertyExtractor.Literal
The name of the property to extract.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.PropertyExtractor
Returns the method or property name to use when creating a UniversalExtractor.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Scope.Literal
Obtain the name value.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Scope
The scope name or URI used to identify a specific ConfigurableCacheFactory.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ScopeName.Literal
The name used to identify a specific scope.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ScopeName
Obtain the value used to identify a specific scope.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.SerializerFormat.Literal
The name of the serializer.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.SerializerFormat
Obtain the value used to identify a specific serializer.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ServiceName.Literal
The name used to identify a specific service.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.ServiceName
The value used to identify a specific service.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.SessionName.Literal
The name used to identify a specific session.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.SessionName
The name used to identify a specific session.
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.SubscriberGroup.Literal
The name of the subscriber group.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.SubscriberGroup
The name of the subscriber group.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Topic
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Topics
value() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.WhereFilter.Literal
The CohQL query expression.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.WhereFilter
The CohQL query expression.
value() - Element in annotation interface
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Backlog.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CommitStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.SubscriberExceptionHandler.Action
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.SessionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.Backlog.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.annotation.CommitStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.messaging.SubscriberExceptionHandler.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.micronaut.coherence.SessionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
View - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A qualifier annotation used when injecting a cache view.
View.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the View annotation.


WhereFilter - Annotation Interface in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
A FilterBinding annotation representing a Filter produced from a CohQL where clause.
WhereFilter.Literal - Class in io.micronaut.coherence.annotation
An annotation literal for the WhereFilter annotation.
writeExternal(PofWriter) - Method in class io.micronaut.coherence.httpsession.CoherenceSessionStore.CoherenceHttpSession
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