All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for array-based annotation literals.
Base class for async operation interceptors.
While it's possible to annotate a simple AsyncCrudRepository with CoherenceRepository and use Coherence as a backend cache.
While it's possible to annotate a simple CrudRepository with CoherenceRepository and use Coherence as a backend cache.
Base class for sync event source interceptors.
Represents the logical operations for multiple event types (i.e., pre, post persist).
Various entity event types used by Micronaut Data.
Base class for annotation literals with a single simple name.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive ACTIVATED LifecycleEvents.
An annotation literal for the Activated annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive ACTIVATING LifecycleEvents.
An annotation literal for the Activating annotation.
A FilterBinding annotation representing an AlwaysFilter.
An annotation literal for the AlwaysFilter annotation.
Interface for binders that bind method arguments from an Subscriber.Element via an annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive ASSIGNED TransferEvent.
An annotation literal for the Arrived annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive ARRIVED TransferEvent.
An annotation literal for the Assigned annotation.
Around advice to intercept methods with which to trigger Micronaut Data insert entity event.
An interceptor for persist events.
Around advice to intercept methods with which to trigger Micronaut Data remove entity event.
An interceptor for remove events.
Around advice to intercept methods with which to trigger Micronaut Data update entity event.
An interceptor for update events.
A qualifier annotation used for any BACKLOG event.
An annotation literal for the Backlog annotation.
The backlog event type.
A qualifier annotation used to indicate a specific cache name.
An annotation literal for the CacheName annotation.
An ExtractorBinding annotation representing a ChainedExtractor.
A holder for the repeatable ChainedExtractor annotation.
An annotation literal for the ChainedExtractor.Extractors annotation.
An annotation literal for the ChainedExtractor annotation.
A AsyncCache implementation based on Coherence.
Exposes async repository operations specific to Coherence.
A CacheManager implementation for Coherence.
The Coherence client configuration.
A ConfigurationClient that works with Coherence as a config source.
A utility class to capture the ApplicationContext so that it is available to Coherence classes that are not managed by Micronaut.
An Executable advice annotation that allows listening for Coherence events.
A ExecutableMethodProcessor that processes methods annotated with @CoherenceEventListener.
A HttpSessionConfiguration that uses Coherence to store http sessions.
An introduction advice that automatically implements interfaces and abstract classes and creates Publisher instances.
Implementation of the CoherencePublisher advice annotation.
Annotation marking a Repository for use with Coherence.
Exposes repository operations specific to Coherence.
A SessionStore that uses Coherence to store session data.
A representation of a http session.
A SyncCache implementation based on Coherence.
Annotation applied at the class level to indicate that a bean is a Coherence topic Subscriber.
A JpaQueryBuilder specialized for use with CohQL.
An enum representing different strategies for committing positions in a Coherence topic when using CoherenceTopicListener.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive COMMITTED TransactionEvent.
An annotation literal for the Committed annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive COMMITTING TransactionEvent.
An annotation literal for the Committing annotation.
A qualifier annotation used for any COMMITTING_LOCAL event.
An annotation literal for the CommittingLocal annotation.
A qualifier annotation used for any COMMITTING_REMOTE event.
An annotation literal for the CommittingRemote annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to indicate a Coherence configuration resource URI.
An annotation literal for the ConfigUri annotation.
A qualifier annotation used for any CONNECTING event.
An annotation literal for the Connecting annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive CREATED CacheLifecycleEvent.
An annotation literal for the Created annotation.
A RepositoryOperations implementation for Coherence.
The default binder that binds the Kafka value for a Subscriber.Element.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive MapEvents of type MapEvent.ENTRY_DELETED.
An annotation literal for the Deleted annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive DEPARTED TransferEvent.
An annotation literal for the Departed annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive DEPARTING TransferEvent.
An annotation literal for the Departing annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive DESTROYED CacheLifecycleEvent.
An annotation literal for the Destroyed annotation.
A qualifier annotation used for any DISCONNECTED event.
An annotation literal for the Disconnected annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive DISPOSING LifecycleEvents.
An annotation literal for the Disposing annotation.
A registry of ElementBinder instances.
Interface for binders that bind method arguments from a Subscriber.Element.
The default binder that binds the value of an element.
A qualifier annotation used for any ERROR event.
An annotation literal for the Error annotation.
Manages registration of observer methods with InterceptorRegistry upon ConfigurableCacheFactory activation, and their subsequent un-registration on deactivation.
Handler for UnsolicitedCommitEvents.
A qualifier annotation used for any EXECUTED event.
An annotation literal for the Executed annotation.
A qualifier annotation used for any EXECUTING event.
An annotation literal for the Executing annotation.
Specifies that an annotation type is a ValueExtractor binding type.
A Micronaut factory for producing ValueExtractor instances.
A factory that produces instances of ValueExtractor for a given Annotation.
Specifies that an annotation type is a Filter binding type.
A Micronaut factory for producing Filter instances.
A factory that produces instances of Filter for a given Annotation.
A DataInterceptor allowing AbstractCoherenceRepository instances to obtain the AsyncNamedMap associated with the AbstractCoherenceAsyncRepository.
A DataInterceptor allowing AbstractCoherenceRepository instances to obtain the entity type managed by this repository.
A DataInterceptor allowing AbstractCoherenceRepository instances to obtain the Id of the provided entity.
A DataInterceptor allowing AbstractCoherenceRepository instances to obtain the NamedMap associated with the AbstractCoherenceRepository.
An implementation of an Injector that will inject beans into a class using the Micronaut bean context.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive MapEvents of type MapEvent.ENTRY_INSERTED or that will receive EntryEvents of type INSERTED.
An annotation literal for the Inserted annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive EntryEvents of type INSERTING.
An annotation literal for the Inserting annotation.
A factory that provides a JsonSerializer beans.
A qualifier annotation that can be applied to CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that receive MapEvents to register them as lite listeners.
An annotation literal for the Lite annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive TransferEvents of type LOST.
An annotation literal for the Lost annotation.
Specifies that an annotation type is a MapEventTransformer binding type.
A Micronaut factory for producing MapEventTransformer instances.
A factory that produces instances of MapEventTransformer for a given Annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to indicate a specific map name.
An annotation literal for the MapName annotation.
Custom namespace handler for the micronaut namespace.
A Coherence SystemPropertyResolver and EnvironmentVariableResolver that uses the Micronaut Environment to obtain values.
A qualifier annotation used when injecting Coherence resource to indicate a specific resource name.
An annotation literal for the Name annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to indicate a specific participant name.
An annotation literal for the ParticipantName annotation.
Around advice to intercept methods with which to trigger Micronaut Data insert entity event.
An interceptor for persist events.
A ExtractorBinding annotation representing a PofExtractor.
A holder for the repeatable PofExtractor annotation.
An annotation literal for the PofExtractor.Extractors annotation.
An annotation literal for the PofExtractor annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive EntryProcessorEvents to narrow the events received to those for a specific InvocableMap.EntryProcessor class.
An annotation literal for the Processor annotation.
A ExtractorBinding annotation representing a UniversalExtractor.
A holder for the repeatable PropertyExtractor annotation.
An annotation literal for the PropertyExtractor.Extractors annotation.
An annotation literal for the PropertyExtractor annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive TransferEvents of type RECOVERED.
An annotation literal for the Recovered annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive EntryEvents of type REMOVED.
An annotation literal for the Removed annotation.
Around advice to intercept methods with which to trigger Micronaut Data remove entity event.
An interceptor for remove events.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive EntryEvents of type REMOVING.
An annotation literal for the Removing annotation.
A qualifier annotation used for any REPLICATING event.
An annotation literal for the Replicating annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive TransferEvents of type ROLLBACK.
An annotation literal for the Rollback annotation.
A qualifier annotation used when injecting Coherence resource to indicate that those resource should be obtained from a specific ConfigurableCacheFactory.
An annotation literal for the Scope annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to indicate a specific scope name.
An annotation literal for the ScopeName annotation.
A factory for Coherence Serializer beans.
A qualifier annotation used when injecting a Serializer to identify the specific Serializer to inject.
An annotation literal for the SerializerFormat annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to indicate a specific service name.
An annotation literal for the ServiceName annotation.
A SessionConfiguration bean that will be created for each named session in the application configuration properties.
A provider of SessionConfiguration instances.
A qualifier annotation used when injecting Coherence resource to indicate a specific Session name.
An annotation literal for the SessionName annotation.
An enum representing the different types of SessionConfiguration that can be configured in the Micronaut configuration.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive CoherenceLifecycleEvents of type STARTED or SessionEvents of type STARTED.
An annotation literal for the Started annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive CoherenceLifecycleEvents of type STARTING or SessionEvents of type STARTING.
An annotation literal for the Starting annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive CoherenceLifecycleEvents of type STOPPED or SessionEvents of type STOPPED.
An annotation literal for the Stopped annotation.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive CoherenceLifecycleEvents of type STOPPING or SessionEvents of type STOPPING.
An annotation literal for the Stopping annotation.
Interface that CoherenceTopicListener beans can implement to handle exceptions.
An enumeration of possible actions to take after handling an exception.
Configures a ScheduledExecutorService for running CoherenceTopicListener instances.
A qualifier annotation used when injecting Subscriber to a NamedTopic to indicate the name of the subscriber group that the subscriber should belong to.
An annotation literal for the SubscriberGroup annotation.
A qualifier annotation used for any SYNCED event.
An annotation literal for the Synced annotation.
A qualifier annotation that can be applied to CoherenceEventListener annotated methods to register them as MapListener.synchronous() listeners.
An annotation literal for the Synchronous annotation.
A qualifier annotation used for any SYNCING event.
An annotation literal for the Syncing annotation.
An annotation used to specify a topic name.
Repeatable annotation for one or many Topic annotations.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive TRUNCATED CacheLifecycleEvent.
An annotation literal for the Truncated annotation.
Allows binding by type.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive MapEvents of type MapEvent.ENTRY_UPDATED or that will receive EntryEvents of type UPDATED.
An annotation literal for the Updated annotation.
Around advice to intercept methods with which to trigger Micronaut Data update entity event.
An interceptor for update events.
A qualifier annotation used to annotate the parameter CoherenceEventListener annotated methods that will receive EntryEvents of type UPDATING.
An annotation literal for the Updating annotation.
Annotation utilities.
A qualifier annotation used when injecting a cache view.
An annotation literal for the View annotation.
A FilterBinding annotation representing a Filter produced from a CohQL where clause.
An annotation literal for the WhereFilter annotation.