All Classes and Interfaces

Adapts Appendable to Writable for use when rendering Soy templates.
A Checkbox Form Element.
Checkbox Builder.
Defines a Checkbox Fetcher API.
Resolves a form element of type InputFileFormElement if the bean property is CompletedFileUpload.
Composite Pattern implementaiton for the FormElementResolver API.
Utility class to work with ConstraintViolation.
Defines CSP configuration properties.
Default implementation of FieldsetGenerator which relies on the types being introspected.
Default implementation of the FormElementResolver API.
DefaultImplementation of FormGenerator.
Default implementation of ModelAndViewRenderer.
DefaultImplementation of TurboFrameRenderer.
DefaultImplementation of TurboStreamRenderer.
Default implementation of ViewsModelDecorator which enhances a model by running it by all applicable ViewModelProcessors ViewModelProcessor.
Default implementation of ViewsRendererLocator.
Default implementation of ViewsResolver.
The annotated Form must not have an encytpe declared if the method is not post.
Validator for the constraint EnctypePostRequired being applied to a Form.
Implementation of the IEngineContextFactory interface for WebContext support.
CheckboxFetcher implementation for Enums.
OptionFetcher implementation for Enums.
RadioFetcher implementation for Enums.
Represents an HTML fieldset.
API to generate an HTML Fieldset representation of a give type or instance.
Representation of an HTML form.
Marker interface for HTML Form Elements.
HTML Form Element Attributes.
API to render a FormElement.
Configuration for form element rendering.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of FormElementRendererConfiguration.
Configuration for FormElementRenderer based on views.
Resolves given a bean property the FormElement class which should be used to be build the element.
Generates a Form for a given type representing a form class.
Renders Views with FreeMarker Java template engine.
Configuration for FreemarkerViewsRenderer.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of FreemarkerViewsRendererConfiguration.
HTML Global Attributes.
Factory for handlebars beans.
Renders Views with
Configuration for HandlebarsViewsRenderer.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of HandlebarsViewsRendererConfiguration.
Represents an HTML Attribute.
JTE renderer constrained to text/html.
Constants for HTML Tags.
Defines Htmx integration configuration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of HtmxConfiguration.
HTMX Request Headers.
HTMX Request Utils.
HTMX Response.
HTMX Response Builder.
HTMX Response Headers.
Annotation to specify a field is a checkbox input.
Input checkbox builder.
Input Date.
Input Date Builder.
Input Date Time Builder.
Annotation to specify a field is an email input.
Input Email.
Input Email builder.
Input File.
Input Text Builder.
Annotation to specify a field is a hidden input.
ViewsFormElementRenderer implementation for input type hidden.
Annotation to specify a field is a number input.
Input type Number.
Input Number Builder.
Annotation to specify a field is a password input.
Input Password.
Input Password Builder.
Annotation to specify a field is a radio input.
Input Radio.
Renders a InputRadioFormElement as HTML.
Base builder class for all InputStringFormElement builders.
API for html input of type string.
Annotation to specify a field is a telephone input.
Input Telephone.
Input Tel Builder.
Annotation to specify a field is a text input.
Input Text.
Input Text Builder.
Input Time.
Input Date Builder.
Constants for the value of the type attribute in an HTML input tag.
Annotation to specify a field is an url input.
Input URL Builder.
A message body writer for JStachio JStache annotated models.
View renderer using JTE.
Configuration for JTE views.
ConfigurationProperties for JTE.
Turn JTE rendering logic into a Writable.
Implementation of ILinkBuilder interface for WebContext support.
Behaviour for changes to the src attribute.
Message representation.
Resolves messages with the Micronaut MessageSource.
Holder for both Model and View.
Renders a ModelAndView.
HTML Option.
Option Builder.
Defines an Option Fetcher API.
FormElementRenderer implementation of Option.
FormElementRenderer implementation of Option.
Configuration for PebbleViewsRenderer.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of PebbleConfiguration.
Factory for PebbleEngine beans.
Loader for Pebble templates.
Renders Views with Pebble.
JTE renderer constrained to text/plain.
A Radio Form Element.
A Radio Builder.
Defines a Radio Fetcher API.
Instantiates GraalJS and uses it to render React components server side.
An interface to the configuration properties for React server-side rendering.
Functional interface for class which can render to writable.
Engine for Rocker templates.
Factory for the Rocker engine.
Renders templates with Rocker.
Configuration for RockerViewsRenderer.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of RockerViewsRendererConfiguration.
A Writable for Rocker templates.
Writer implementation of RockerOutput.
Returns information about the current user so that it can be appended to the model being rendered.
Configuration for SecurityViewModelProcessor.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of SecurityViewModelProcessorConfiguration.
Annotation to specify a field is an HTML select element.
HTML Select.
Select Builder.
Renders a SelectFormElement as HTML.
Interface via DI to acquire a SoyFileSet.
Specifies an interface that provides renaming maps for CSS and XID calls in Soy templates.
Renders views with a Soy engine.
Configuration for the soy view renderer.
ConfigurationProperties implementation for soy views renderer.
Abstract class to be used by builders which support templates.
Annotation to specify a field is a textarea.
Text Area.
Textarea form builder.
A factory for Thymeleaf beans.
Renders templates Thymeleaf Java template engine.
Configuration for ThymeleafViewsRenderer.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of ThymeleafViewsRendererConfiguration.
Annotation to mark a field as a Trix editor.
Trix editor form element.
Textarea form builder.
Turbo Frame.
Turbo Frame Builder.
Renders a TurboStream into a Writable.
Annotation to ease the return of TurboFrame in routes.
Utility class to decorate an HTTP response with Turbo content-type.
Turbo Stream.
Turbo Stream Builder.
Turbo Seven Actions.
For routes annotated with TurboView sets the response body to a TurboStream.Builder.
Renders a TurboStream into a Writable.
Annotation to ease the return of TurboStream in routes.
Factory for the velocity engine.
Renders with templates with Apache Velocity Project.
Configuration for VelocityViewsRenderer.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of VelocityViewsRendererConfiguration.
Type converter for a string to a Version.
Indicates the view name which should be used to render a view for the route.
Implementers of ViewModelProcessor process the ModelAndView and modify it prior to rendering.
An exception thrown when a view fails to render.
An exception thrown when a view fails to render.
Defines Views configuration properties.
Implementation of ViewsConfiguration.
Templates Filter.
Implementation of FormElementRenderer which uses ViewsRenderer to render a form element with a view template.
Decorates a Views Model.
Interface to be implemented by View Engines implementations.
Helps resolve a ViewsRenderer for a particular view, media type and response class.
Contract to resolve the view.
Utility methods for views.
Turbo Visit Action.
Web-oriented implementation of the IContext and IWebContext interfaces.
Implementation of the IEngineContext interface for web processing.