All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractFileEncoder<T extends io.micronaut.http.server.types.files.FileCustomizableResponseType>
Abstract file encoder implementation.
Abstract base class for servlet embedded servers.
API to Read the Body of an HTTP Request where the body is supplied as an InputStream.
A ByteBuffer implementation that is backed by a byte array.
Default implementation of BodyBuilder.
A servlet that initializes Micronaut and serves requests.
Implementation of Cookies ontop of the Servlet API.
Represents an HTTP exchange in a Serverless context.
Default implementation of ServletHttpHandler for the Servlet API.
Implementation of HttpRequest ontop of the Servlet API.
Implementation of ServletHttpResponse for the Servlet API.
Handles File.
Configuration properties for Jetty.
The default connection pool configuration.
Factory for the Jetty server.
An implementation of the EmbeddedServer interface for Jetty.
Configuration properties for the Micronaut servlet.
A servlet initializer for Micronaut for deployment as a WAR file.
Mutable version of the ServletHttpRequest interface.
Interface to allow setting of parsed body on a request.
A RequestBinderRegistry implementation specifically for Serverless functions over HTTP.
Allows binding the body from a ServletHttpRequest.
An implementation of CompletedFileUpload that backs on a Servlet part.
Configuration for the servlet environment.
Adapts the Servlet Cookie API to Cookie.
Represents an HTTP exchange in a serverless context.
An HTTP handler that can deal with Serverless requests.
Interface that models a serverless request which typically support blocking I/O.
Async execution.
Async execution callback.
Models a serverless HTTP response, allowing access to the native response.
A binder capable of binding servlet multipart requests.
A binder capable of binding the servlet request.
A binder capable of binding the servlet response.
An interface for custom encoding of the HTTP response.
An implementation of the HttpResponseFactory case that retrieves the response object from the current request bound to the current thread.
Parent factory class for servlet-based servers.
Configuration for static resources for servlet engines.
Represents a streamed HTTP message.
A ServletResponseEncoder for StreamedFile.
A ServletResponseEncoder for SystemFile.
Extends HttpServerConfiguration and allows configuring Tomcat.
Factory for the Tomcat instance.
Implementation of EmbeddedServer for Tomcat.
Configuration for the Undertow server.
Factory for the undertow server.
Implementation of AbstractServletServer for Undertow.