All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract Bson mapper.
Abstract serializer/deserializer that needs to access Bson decoder/encoder.
Abstract variation of AbstractStreamDecoder that uses separate decoders for structures like an array or an object.
Abstract serializer/deserializer that needs to access Oracle JSON decoder.
Abstract implementation of PropertyReferenceManager.
Abstract base class for stream-based Decoders.
The token type.
Decoder function for a single value.
Remapper to handle AWS re-packaging of annotations.
Can be used as a key for type.
Common implementations for reading/writing byte arrays.
Binary Bson mapper.
Mapper of @BsonCreator.
Mapper of @BsonDiscriminator.
Mapper of @BsonId.
Mapper of @BsonIgnore.
Textual JSON Bson mapper.
Mapper of @BsonProperty.
Bson implementation of Decoder.
Mapper of @BsonRepresentation.
Custom BsonType representation serializer/deserializer.
Bson implementation of Encoder.
Utility class for buffering and parsing JSON to support JsonMapper.createReactiveParser(java.util.function.Consumer, boolean).
Serde implementation of ByteBuffer.
Serializer/deserializer implemented by Codec.
Core collections deserializers.
Factory class for core serdes.
Core serializers.
The type of deserializer that requires a specific implementation by calling Deserializer.createSpecific(DecoderContext, Argument).
The type of serializer that requires a specific implementation by calling Serializer.createSpecific(Serializer.EncoderContext, Argument).
Deserializer for object arrays.
Deserializer for object arrays.
Core interface for decoding values from a serialized format such as JSON.
Super class that can be used for the default date/time formatting.
Default implementation of the SerdeIntrospections interface which looks up instrospections from BeanIntrospector.SHARED.
Default implementation of the SerdeRegistry interface.
Decoder that delegates to another decoder.
Configuration for deserialization.
Interface that represents a deserializer.
Locator strategy interface for deserializers.
The registrar of Deserializer.
Core interface for encoding a serialization format such as JSON.
Serde for health status.
Property name as is without changes.
Serde implementation of InetAddress.
Serde used for Instant.
Error for when a value cannot be converted to the desired type.
Extended version of InvalidFormatException with information about the property that was incorrect.
Maps the com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JacksonAnnotation stereotype to SerdeConfig.
Implementation of the Decoder interface for Jackson.
Implementation of the Encoder interface for Jackson.
Support for JsonIgnoreProperties.
Transformer for JsonIgnoreType.
Implementation of the JsonMapper interface for Jackson.
A variation of ObjectMapper that allows to clone JacksonObjectMapper with a new SerdeJacksonConfiguration.
JDK versions.
Support for JsonAlias.
Adds support for JsonAnyGetter.
Adds support for JsonAnySetter.
Managed ref support.
Support JsonbNillable.
Support for JsonClassDescription.
Maps the com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator annotation to Creator.
Support for JsonDeserialize(as=MyType).
Maps the com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFilter annotation to SerdeConfig.
Transformer for com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat.
Support for Jackson's JsonGetter.
Maps the com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore annotation to SerdeConfig.
Maps the com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude annotation to SerdeConfig.
Support for JsonIncludeProperties.
Managed ref support.
Support for databind @JsonNaming.
Implementation of the Decoder interface that uses the JsonNode abstraction.
Implementation of the Encoder interface that encodes a in-memory JsonNode.
Implementation of the Decoder interface for JSON-P.
configures JSON-P for GraalVM.
Maps the com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty annotation to SerdeConfig.
Support for @JsonPropertyOrder.
Support for JsonRootName.
Support for JsonSerialize(as=MyType).
Transformer for JsonSetter.
Implementation of the JsonMapper interface for JSON-P.
Support JsonSubTypes.
Mapper for JsonTypeInfo.
Supports json type name.
Adds support for Jackson's JsonUnwrapped.
Support for JsonValue.
Support for JsonView.
Utilities for implementing JsonView support in mappers.
kebab case strategy.
Utility class to check data limits in encoders and decoders.
This data structure contains the limits for this stream.
Local date serde.
Temporal serde for LocalDateTime.
LocalTime serde.
lower first letter, but camel case.
Lower case strategy.
Lower dot case strategy.
Locator interface for a naming strategy.
Sub-interface of Deserializer for deserializers that allow null.
Specialization of Serde for types that allow a value of null.
Number serializer that handles formatting.
Deserializer for object arrays.
Implementation for deserialization of objects that uses introspection metadata.
Sub-interface of JsonMapper with customizations.
A closeable object mapper.
A variation of Serializer that is serializing an object and supports serializing its content into an existing object.
Fallback Serializer for general Object values.
Serde for OffsetDateTime.
Implementation of the JsonMapper interface for Oracle JDBC Binary JSON.
Implementation of the Encoder interface for Oracle JDBC JSON.
Implementation of the Decoder interface for Oracle JDBC JSON.
Implementation of the JsonMapper interface for Oracle JDBC Text JSON.
The custom serde for binary values for Oracle JSON.
The custom serde for Duration for Oracle JSON.
Serde for LocalDate from Oracle JSON.
Serde for LocalDateTime from Oracle JSON.
Serde for LocalTime from Oracle JSON.
Serde for OffsetDateTime from Oracle JSON.
Serde for ZonedDateTime from Oracle JSON.
Models a build time property filter.
Allows defining a custom naming strategy for properties.
Represents a reference to a property.
interface for managing property references.
An exception that can be used as a wrapper for a SerdeException.
Combined interface for a serializer and deserializer pair.
A Serde is an annotation that can be applied to type to indicate that it is allowed to be serialized and deserialized to and from a format like JSON.
Annotation used to indicate a type is deserializable.
Annotation used to indicate a type is serializable.
Utility methods for annotations.
A visitor that provides validation and extended handling for JSON annotations.
Extra configuration placed at the argument.
Meta-annotation with meta annotation members that different annotation models can be bind to.
Internal metadata for a JSON any getter.
Internal metadata for any setter.
Back reference.
Creator mode used when invoking the Creator.
Used to store errors.
Internal metadata for a JSON getter.
Ignore handling meta annotation.
Ignore handling meta annotation on type.
Include strategies for serialization.
Include property meta annotation.
Managed reference.
Internal metadata for a setter.
Meta annotations for subtyped mapping.
The discriminator type.
The discriminator value kind.
Meta annotation for a mapped subtype.
Internal metadata type for wrapped settings.
Meta-annotation used to model the value used during serialization.
Time unit to use when deserializing a numeric value, or when serializing to a numeric value as configured by SerdeConfiguration.getTimeWriteShape().
Shape to use for time serialization.
The pre instantiate callback.
Parent exception type for all serialization / deserialization exceptions.
Annotation to allow external classes to be enabled for serialization / deserialization.
Repeated wrapper for this annotation.
Interface that abstracts the lookup for introspections usable for serialization and/or deserialization.
Configuration for the Jackson.
Implementation of JsonBeanPropertyBinderExceptionHandler.
Implementation of the JsonConfiguration interface for the serialization project.
An implementation of the JsonMapperSupplier interface for Micronaut Serialization.
The registrar of Serde.
Represents a registry where specific serializers can be looked up.
Internal Serdes registrar.
Configuration for serialization.
Represents a reference to a property for serialization.
Models a build time serializer.
Locator strategy interface for serializers.
The registrar of Serializer.
Snake case implementation.
The subtype info.
Interface for serializing and deserializing temporals.
Can be used as a key for type.
Interface that represents a deserializer capable of updating an existing object.
camel case but first letter always upper.
Upper camel case separated by spaces.
Created by frenaud on 7/3/16.
Created by frenaud on 7/3/16.
Created by frenaud on 7/3/16.
Abstract transformer that validate supported members returned by ValidatingAnnotationMapper.getSupportedMemberNames().
Serde for year.
Zoned date time serde.