Micronaut RxJava 3
Integration between Micronaut and RxJava 3
Version: 3.7.1-SNAPSHOT
1 Introduction
Adds support for RxJava 3 to a Micronaut application. The following integrations are included:
Converters for RxJava 3 types so that RxJava 3 types can be used in controllers and clients
Instrumentation for RxJava 3 types so that tracing works with RxJava 3 types
A version of the Http client that supports RxJava 3
1.1 Release History
For this project, you can find a list of releases (with release notes) here:
2 Quick Start
Add the following dependency to your Micronaut application:
To use the HTTP client add the following dependency:
To use the RxJava 3 variation of the Micronaut HTTP client inject the Rx3HttpClient interface (or one of the other variants). For example:
import io.micronaut.rxjava3.http.client.*;
@Inject Rx3HttpClient httpClient; // regular client
@Inject Rx3SseClient sseClient; // server sent events
@Inject Rx3StreamingHttpClient streamingClient; // streaming
3 Repository
You can find the source code of this project in this repository: