All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract class implementing SyncCache for the redis.
Allows configuration of caches stored in Redis.
Abstract version of a factory class for creating Redis clients.
Abstract configuration for Lettuce.
Allows configuration of caches stored in Redis.
Mutates a ClientResources.Builder.
Provides a Cache TTL policy of constant time.
Allows providing default configuration values for the actual caches.
Factory for the default RedisClient.
Allows connecting to a Redis cluster via the "redis.uris" setting.
Factory for the default RedisCodec.
In the case where the redis.uri is not specified use the default configuration.
Allows configuration of redis connection pool.
Interface that defines a TTL policy for a Redis cache.
Mutates a ClientResources.Builder adding MicrometerCommandLatencyRecorder.
A factory bean for constructing RedisClient instances from NamedRedisServersConfiguration instances.
Allows the configuration of multiple redis servers.
Default redis connection pool factory.
An implementation of SyncCache for Lettuce / Redis.
Allows configuration of caches stored in Redis.
An implementation of SyncCache for Lettuce / Redis using connection pooling.
Internal utility methods for configuration.
A Health Indicator for Redis.
Configuration properties for Redis session.
An implementation of the SessionStore interface for Redis.
Interface for common Redis settings.
Mutates a ClientResources.Builder adding lettuce threadpool configs.