All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class for RabbitMQ consumer events.
Abstract class for RabbitMQ events.
AcknowledgementBinder<T extends io.micronaut.messaging.Acknowledgement>
Binds an argument of type Acknowledgement from the RabbitConsumerState.
Represents options for controlling the acknowledgment actions.
Converts a CharSequence to an Address.
Used to specify which binding (routing key) messages should be sent to.
An enumeration to represent the three possible states of response from a broker.
A base class to extend from to do initialization work with a channel before any consumers or producers are created.
A pool of Channels to allow for channels to be shared across threads but not at the same time.
Allows configuration of multiple RabbitMQ connections.
Default implementation of ChannelPool.
A default Consumer that delegates cancelled or shutdown with a single method DefaultConsumer.handleTerminate(String).
The default ExceptionHandler used when a RabbitListener fails to process a RabbitMQ message.
Default implementation of RabbitMessageSerDesRegistry.
Serializes and deserializes standard Java types.
Serializes and deserializes objects as JSON using Jackson.
Used to specify how the server should react if the message cannot be routed to a queue.
A class that stores the basic properties in a mutable state.
Used to specify which queue messages should be consumed from.
A contract for acknowledging or rejecting RabbitMQ messages.
Binds an argument of type RabbitAcknowledgement from the RabbitConsumerState.
An interface for RabbitMQ argument binding based on an annotation.
An interface for RabbitMQ argument binding.
Binds an argument of type BasicProperties from the RabbitConsumerState.
Used to determine which RabbitArgumentBinder to use for any given argument.
Binds an argument of with the MessageBody annotation from the RabbitConsumerState.
Binds an argument of type Channel from the RabbitConsumerState.
An introduction advice that automatically implements interfaces and abstract classes and publishes RabbitMQ messages.
Exception thrown when an error occurs publishing a RabbitMQ message.
Stores options surrounding a RabbitMQ connection.
A factory for creating a connection to RabbitMQ.
Base class for RabbitMQ to be configured.
Configuration for the channel pool.
Configuration for RPC.
Configures a ScheduledExecutorService for running RabbitListener instances.
An event fired after a RabbitListener subscribes to a queue.
An event fired before a RabbitMQ consumer subscribes to a queue.
Stores the state of a RabbitMQ message to be consumed.
The default binder for binding an argument from the RabbitConsumerState that is used if no other binder supports the argument.
Binds an argument of type Envelope from the RabbitConsumerState.
Binds an argument of with the MessageHeader annotation from the RabbitConsumerState.
Converts RabbitMQ header values to the requested type.
Denotes a Map argument that should be used as a source of message headers.
Binds an argument of with the RabbitHeaders annotation from the RabbitConsumerState.
Class level annotation to indicate that a bean will be consumers of messages from RabbitMQ.
Exception thrown when an error occurs processing a RabbitMQ message via a RabbitListener.
Interface that RabbitListener beans can implement to handle exceptions.
Responsible for acknowledging or rejecting a message.
Responsible for serializing and deserializing RabbitMQ message bodies.
A registry of RabbitMessageSerDes instances.
Interceptor of the connection factory to set the metrics collector.
An ExecutableMethodProcessor that will process all beans annotated with RabbitListener and create and subscribe the relevant methods as consumers to RabbitMQ queues.
A HealthIndicator for RabbitMQ.
Implementation of the RabbitClient advice annotation.
Annotation to collect a set of properties.
Used to set properties while publishing or bind to properties while consuming.
Binds an argument of with the RabbitProperty annotation from the RabbitConsumerState.
Stores the state of a RabbitMQ message to be published.
An interface for RabbitMQ argument binding based on argument type.
A generic contract for publishing RabbitMQ messages reactively.
A reactive publisher implementation that uses a single channel per publish operation and returns a Reactor Mono.
The default RabbitMQ configuration class.
Represents a connection to RabbitMQ that is temporarily down.
Callback interface to perform any action when the connection is eventually up.
Creates temporarily down RabbitMQ connections and checks periodically if they are eventually up.
Indicates that the connection is still down.