All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract Implementation for nats introduction advices.
AcknowledgementBinder<T extends io.micronaut.messaging.Acknowledgement>
Binds an argument of type Acknowledgement from the Message.
Configures a ScheduledExecutorService for running NatsListener instances.
A registry for created Nats consumers.
The default ExceptionHandler used when a JetStreamListener fails to process Nats message.
The default ExceptionHandler used when a NatsListener fails to process Nats message.
Default implementation of NatsMessageSerDesRegistry.
Serializes and deserializes standard Java types.
An introduction advice that automatically implemnts interfaces and abstract classes and publishes jetstream messages.
Implementation of the JetStreamClient advice annotation.
Class level annotation to indicate that a bean will be consumer of messages.
Exception thrown when an error occurs processing a Nats message via a JetStreamListener.
Interface that JetStreamListenerException beans can implement to handle exceptions.
An ExecutableMethodProcessor that will process all beans annotated with JetStreamListener.
Serializes and deserializes objects as JSON using Jackson.
Used to specify which key value bucket should be used.
A contract for acknowleding or rejecting messages.
Binds an argument type Message.
An interface for nats argument binding based on an annotation.
An interface for Nats argument binding.
Used to determine which NatsArgumentBinder to use for any given argument.
Binds an argument of with the MessageBody annotation from the Message.
An introduction advice that automatically implemnts interfaces and abstract classes and publishes nats messages.
Exception thrown when an error occurs publishing a Nats message.
Stores the options surrounding a Nats connection.
Binds an argument type Message.
A factory for creating a connection to nats.
Base class for nats to be configured.
Manages the jetstream configuration.
Manages a single key value configuration.
Manages a single object store configuration.
Manages a single stream configuration.
TLS Configuration.
An ExecutableMethodProcessor that will process all beans annotated with NatsListener.
The default binder for binding an argument from the Message that is used if no other binder supports the argument.
Binds an argument of with the MessageHeader annotation from the Message.
Converts Nats header values to the requested type.
Binds an argument of type Headers from the Message.
A HealthIndicator for Nats.
Implementation of the NatsClient advice annotation.
Class level annotation to indicate that a bean will be consumer of messages.
Exception thrown when an error occurs processing a Nats message via a NatsListener.
Interface that NatsListenerException beans can implement to handle exceptions.
Binds an argument type Message.
Responsible for serializing and deserializing Nats message bodies.
A registry of NatsMessageSerDes instances.
Binds an argument of type Subscription from the Message.
An interface for Nats argument binding based on argument type.
Used to specify which object store should be used.
handles new pull subscriptions.
Used to specify which stream should be used for messages.
A registry for jetstream push consumers.
A generic contract publishing message reactively.
A generic contract publishing message reactively.
Manages the consumer state for nats and jetstream.
Stores the static state for publishing messages with NatsClient.
Used to specify which subject should be used for messages.
Repeatable annotation for one or many Subject annotations.