All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class for a tenant resolver that resolves the tenant from the Subdomain.
A TenantResolver that resolves the tenant from a request cookie.
CookieTenantResolver configuration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of CookieTenantResolverConfiguration.
Writes the tenantId to in a cookie.
CookieTenantWriter Configuration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of CookieTenantWriterConfiguration.
A TenantResolver that resolves to a fixed static named tenant id.
Interface to define FixedTenantResolver configuration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of FixedTenantResolverConfiguration.
A TenantResolver that resolves the tenant from the request HTTP Header.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of HttpHeaderTenantResolverConfiguration.
Write the tenant id in an HTTP header.
HttpHeaderTenantWriter Configuration.
Tenant Writer Configuration Properties.
An interface for multi-tenant aware applications which resolve the current identifier for the current request.
A tenant resolver that resolves the tenant from the subdomain.
Define constants used by Multitenancy.
A tenant resolver that resolves the tenant from the authenticated principal.
An interface defining PrincipalTenantResolver configuration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of PrincipalTenantResolverConfiguration.
A tenant resolver that resolves the tenant from the subdomain.
Resolves the tenant id from the user HTTP session.
A interface defining SessionTenantResolver configuration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of SessionTenantResolverConfiguration.
Tenant resolver that resolves the tenant from the Subdomain.
An interface defining SubdomainTenantResolver configuration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of SessionTenantResolverConfiguration.
A TenantResolver that resolves from a System property called "tenantId".
An interface to define SystemPropertyTenantResolver configuration.
ConfigurationProperties properties implementation of SystemPropertyTenantResolverConfiguration.
Context for supporting annotation expressions with tenant id.
Registers the `TenantEvaluationContext` from the main module as an Evaluation context.
Exception thrown when an error occurs resolving the tenant.
Thrown when the tenant cannot be found.
Tenant propagation Configuration.
Tenant propagation Configuration Properties.
HttpClientFilter to enable Token propagation.
An interface for applications that implement Multi Tenancy to implement in order to resolve the current identifier.
Responsible for writing the tenant in the request.