Class DefaultS3StorageConfigurationProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
io.micronaut.core.naming.Named, RootClassConfigurationProvider, S3StorageConfigurationProvider

@EachProperty("") public class DefaultS3StorageConfigurationProvider extends Object implements S3StorageConfigurationProvider
Tim Yates
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultS3StorageConfigurationProvider

      public DefaultS3StorageConfigurationProvider(@Parameter String name)
  • Method Details

    • getName

      @NonNull public @NonNull String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface io.micronaut.core.naming.Named
    • getRootClass

      @NonNull public @NonNull Class<?> getRootClass()
      Description copied from interface: RootClassConfigurationProvider
      Returns the class of the Root Instance. Root Instances
      Specified by:
      getRootClass in interface RootClassConfigurationProvider
      Class for the Root Instance.
    • setRootClass

      public void setRootClass(@NonNull @NonNull Class<?> rootClass)
      Class of the Root Instance. Root Instances
      rootClass - Class for the Root Instance.
    • getS3ClientName

      @NonNull public @NonNull Optional<String> getS3ClientName()
      Description copied from interface: S3StorageConfigurationProvider
      The name qualifier of the defined S3Client to use. If unset, a client with the same name as the storage will be used. If there is no bean with a name qualifier matching the storage name, the default client will be used.
      Specified by:
      getS3ClientName in interface S3StorageConfigurationProvider
      Returns the name qualifier of the S3Client to use.
    • setS3ClientName

      public void setS3ClientName(@Nullable @Nullable String s3ClientName)
      The name qualifier of the defined S3Client to use. If unset, a client with the same name as the storage will be used. If there is no bean with a name qualifier matching the storage name, the default client will be used.
      s3ClientName - the name qualifier of the S3Client to use
    • getBucketName

      @NonNull public @NonNull String getBucketName()
      Specified by:
      getBucketName in interface S3StorageConfigurationProvider
      Returns the name of the bucket to use.
    • setBucketName

      public void setBucketName(@NonNull @NonNull String bucketName)
      bucketName - Name of the bucket to use.