All Classes and Interfaces

Appends additional Tag to metrics annotated with Timed and Counted.
Abstract filter used for Micrometer Observation.
Creates an AppOptics meter registry.
Creates an Atlas meter registry.
Creates an AzureMonitor meter registry.
Documented KeyValues for the HTTP client observations.
Observations high cardinality key names for HTTP client.
Observations low cardinality key names for HTTP client.
A HttpClientFilter that produces metrics under the key http.client.requests.
Context that holds information for metadata collection during the client HTTP exchanges observations.
Interface for an ObservationConvention for client HTTP exchanges.
Creates a CloudWatch meter registry.
Configures every MeterRegistry with common tags.
Default implementation of MeterRegistryConfigurer that adds the binders and filters to the micrometer meter registry.
Configurer removes ObservationThreadLocalAccessor which is not needed with Micronaut integration.
Adds interceptor binding to Counted.
Implements support for Counted as AOP advice.
Creates a Datadog meter registry.
A MeterBinder for a DataSource.
Instruments Micronaut related JDBC pool metrics via Micrometer.
Default implementation for a ClientRequestObservationConvention extracting information from the ClientRequestObservationContext.
Factory for Micrometer Observation integration.
Creates a Dynatrace meter registry.
Creates an Elasticsearch meter registry.
Instruments Micronaut related thread pools via Micrometer.
Stores metrics export configuration.
Creates a Ganglia meter registry.
Creates a Graphite meter registry.
Http client meter configuration.
Http meter configuration.
Optional filter for adding percentile to HTTP metrics.
Http server meter configuration.
Creates a Humio meter registry.
The InfluxMeterRegistryFactory that will configure and create a influx meter registry.
Instruments the active JCache manager.
Creates a JMX meter registry.
Creates the JVM metrics beans.
Creates a Kairos meter registry.
Creates the logback metrics beans.
Creates a logging meter registry.
MeterRegistryConfigurer<T extends io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry>
Configures meter registries.
Factory for all supported MetricRegistry beans.
Holds metadata about metric options to apply
Provides an endpoint to visualize metrics.
A set of tags for further dimensional drilldown and their potential values.
Response payload for a metric name selector.
Response payload for a metric name listing.
A measurement sample combining a statistic and a value.
Creates a New Relic meter registry.
Creates a New Relic registry using the New Relic provided, telemetry SDK based Micrometer registry.
Used by the NewRelicMeterRegistryFactory to read serviceName from the Micronaut Micrometer New Relic configuration.
An HTTP client instrumentation filter that uses Micrometer Observation API.
Exclusions configuration for Micrometer Observation.
Observation propagated context.
An HTTP server instrumentation filter that uses Micrometer Observation API.
Adds interceptor binding to Observed.
Utils class to get the Observation from the Reactor context.
Creates an OTLP meter registry.
Adds a management endpoint for Prometheus.
Creates a Prometheus meter registry.
A MeterBinder for PoolMetrics.
Instruments Micronaut related R2DBC pool metrics via Micrometer.
Apply to a bean that requires metrics to be enabled.
Instruments Micronaut retries via Micrometer.
Documented KeyValues for the HTTP server observations.
Observations high cardinality key names for HTTP server.
Observations low cardinality key names for HTTP server.
Registers the timers and meters for each request.
Context that holds information for metadata collection regarding Server HTTP requests observations.
Interface for an ObservationConvention for ServerHttpObservationDocumentation.HTTP_SERVER_REQUESTS.
Creates a SignalFx meter registry.
Creates a Stackdriver meter registry.
Creates a StatsD meter registry.
Creates the system metrics beans.
Implements support for Timed as AOP advice.
Adds interceptor binding to Timed.
Creates a Wavefront meter registry.
A custom Condition that defines if ClientRequestMetricRegistryFilter should be created.
WebMetricsPublisher<T extends io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse<?>>
Deals with the web filter metrics for success and error conditions.
A custom Condition that defines if ServerRequestMeterRegistryFilter should be created.