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Integration with Micronaut Test Resources

Micronaut Test Resources adds support for managing external resources which are required during development or testing. In particular, it integrates with Testcontainers to provide throwaway containers for resources like databases or other external services like Kafka or RabbitMQ.

Test resources are handled by a "test resources service" which is a server accepting requests for test resources, which lifecycle is handled by the Maven plugin. A test resources request is, to simplify, a request to resolve a missing configuration property. For example, if the kafka.bootstrap-servers property isn’t set, Micronaut will query the test resources service for the value of this property. This will trigger the creation of a Kafka test container, and the service will answer with the URI to the bootstrap server.

You can enable test resources support simply by setting the property micronaut.test.resources.enabled (either in your POM or via the command-line).

This will be sufficient for most use cases, and Micronaut will automatically start containers, for example, when a particular property is not present in your configuration and that you run tests (mvn test) or the application in development mode (mvn mn:run).

For example, if the datasources.default.url configuration property is missing, and that your configuration contains:

    dialect: MYSQL

Then a MySQL database will automatically be started and available for use in your tests: the url, username and password configuration properties will automatically be injected to your application.

Please refer to the Micronaut Test Resources documentation for a list of all supported modules and their configuration options.

Standalone Test Resource Service

The default behaviour works particularly well in single-module projects, or in multi-module projects where test resources are not shared between modules. However, in some cases, you may want to reuse test containers for multiple projects of the same multi-project build, in order to save startup times for example.

For example, imagine a multi-project build which consists of :

  • A Kafka consumer.

  • A Kafka producer.

  • Functional tests integrating both.

If each project enables the Test Resources integration independently, then each project will use its own Test Resources server, separate of the others.

However, you might want to run the consumer in one terminal, and the producer in another, and still want them to talk to the same Kafka cluster. For this you can use a shared test server, by passing the micronaut.test.resources.shared system property, or setting <shared>true<shared> in the Micronaut Maven Plugin configuration.

Test Resource Service lifecycle

Test resources are handled by a service which is, by default, started at the beginning of a build, and stopped at the end.

For example, if you invoke:

$ mvn test

Then the test resources service will be started before tests are executed, then tests will share the resources provided by the service. Any test resource started during the test will be stopped when the build finishes.

In development mode, the test resources service is also started in the same JVM. For example, if you run:

$ mvn mn:run

Then the test resources will be spawned before the application starts, and shutdown when you Ctrl+C the mn:run execution.

Keeping the Test Resources Service alive

If you want to start the test resources service in the background, and keep it alive for multiple, independent builds (different invocations on the command line for example), you can run the mn:start-testresources-service goal:

$ mvn mn:start-testresources-service
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --------------------------< com.example:demo >--------------------------
[INFO] Building demo 0.1
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- mn:4.0.0:start-testresources-service (default-cli) @ demo ---
[INFO] Server settings found in /private/tmp/demo/target/../.micronaut/test-resources
[INFO] Starting Micronaut Test Resources server
18:37:31.043 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-13] INFO  i.m.t.e.TestResourcesResolverLoader - Loaded 2 test resources resolvers: io.micronaut.testresources.mysql.MySQLTestResourceProvider, io.micronaut.testresources.testcontainers.GenericTestContainerProvider
18:37:31.290 [main] INFO  i.m.testresources.server.Application - A Micronaut Test Resources server is listening on port 51082, started in 387ms
[INFO] Micronaut Test Resources service is started in the background. To stop it, run the following command: 'mvn mn:stop-testresources-service'
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  1.813 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-07-08T18:37:31+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

To stop it, use the mn:stop-testresources-service goal.

Adding modules or libraries to the Test Resources service classpath

If not using classpath inference, or when the inference doesn’t produce the desired result, you can add dependencies to the Test Resources service classpath with a <testResourcesDependencies> block.

For example, if the classpath inference mechanism fails to detect that you need a MySQL test container, you can configure it like this:


The versions of those dependencies will be resolved against the Micronaut BOM.

The list of supported modules is described in the Micronaut Test Resources documentation.

Additional configuration options

You can see all the additional configuration options in the start-testresources-service goal documentation.