All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class for events related to the leader electing controller.
Abstract implementation of kubernetes service instance provider.
Utility class for transparent access to CoreV1EndpointPort and V1ServicePort.
Service instance provider uses Kubernetes Endpoints as source of service discovery.
Service instance provider uses Kubernetes Service as source of service discovery.
Bridges the ApiCallback interface to an RxJava2 SingleEmitter.
Bridges the ApiCallback interface to an RxJava3 SingleEmitter.
ApiClient configuration.
Discovery configuration.
ApiClient bean factory that creates either in cluster ClientBuilder.cluster() client or ClientBuilder.kubeconfig(KubeConfig) client.
Internal annotation to trigger the creation of Api clients.
the type of client to generate.
Bridges the ApiCallback interface to an Reactor MonoSink.
Based on configuration dynamically evaluates the label selector.
The DefaultController builder.
The operator controller configuration.
Factory for the ControllerConfiguration.
Operator configuration builder.
Bean creates the controllers based on the ControllerConfiguration and registers them as singletons into the bean context.
The ControllerManager builder.
The ControllerWatch builder.
Default filter for added resources.
Default implementation of the ControllerBuilder.
The default implementation of ControllerManagerBuilder.
The default implementation of ControllerWatchBuilder.
Default filter for deleted resources.
The default implementation of InformerApiGroupResolver.
The default implementation of InformerLabelSelectorResolver.
The default implementation of InformerNamespaceResolver.
The default implementation of InformerResourcePluralResolver.
The default implementation of LeaderElectingControllerBuilder.
Default implementation of LockIdentityProvider which resolves the unique lock identity from the HOSTNAME environment variable.
Default implemention of NamespaceResolver.
The default implementation of PodNameResolver.
Default implementation of the SharedIndexInformerFactory.
Default filter for updated resources.
Bean that provides caching over the Discovery results.
Factory for Discovery.
Default label supplier for the Informer.labelSelectorSupplier() that returns empty string.
Default namespaces supplier for the Informer.namespacesSupplier() ()} that returns empty array.
IndexerComposite<ApiType extends io.kubernetes.client.common.KubernetesObject>
The Indexer composite for the given ApiType that provides access to the Store resources.
Factory for IndexerComposite.
Annotation used in combination with ResourceEventHandler will cause the SharedIndexInformer will be created by ResourceEventHandlerBeanListener.
Utility class for resolvers.
The informer's resource api group.
The informer configuration.
Starts up and shuts down the SharedIndexInformerFactory.
Informer label selector resolver.
Informer namespace resolver.
Resolves the k8s resource plural.
Resolver for the namespaces to watch by KubernetesServiceInstanceProvider.
An annotation processor that generates the Kubernetes APIs factories.
Configures native image generation.
Watches for ConfigMap changes and makes the appropriate changes to the Environment by adding or removing PropertySources.
Condition evaluates when the KubernetesConfigMapWatcherCondition is enabled.
Encapsulates constants for Kubernetes configuration.
Kubernetes config maps configuration properties.
Configuration class for the discovery client of Kubernetes.
Kubernetes secrets configuration properties.
A ConfigurationClient implementation that provides PropertySources read from Kubernetes ConfigMap's.
A DiscoveryClient implementation for Kubernetes using the API.
Health indicator to show the current Pod information.
Discovery configuration for Kubernetes service.
Service instance provider uses Kubernetes Endpoints Informer as source of service discovery.
Service instance provider uses Kubernetes Endpoints API as source of service discovery.
A ServiceInstanceList implementation for Kubernetes.
Kubernetes service instance provider.
Service instance provider uses Kubernetes Service Informer as source of service discovery.
Service instance provider uses Kubernetes Service API as source of service discovery.
Utility class with methods to help with ConfigMaps and Secrets.
The LeaderElectingController builder.
The factory for LeaderElectionConfig.
The LeaderElectionConfig configuration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of LeaderElectionConfiguration.
Event fired when the controller created from the AbstracLeaderElectingControllerEvent.getOperatorConfiguration() has become a leader.
Event fired when the controller created from the AbstracLeaderElectingControllerEvent.getOperatorConfiguration() has lost the leader lease.
The lock identity provider.
This class is inspired by the implementation of the
Resolves the Kubernetes namespace for the Micronaut application.
Simplified version of HttpLoggingInterceptor that respects the logger configuration.
Operator annotation simplifies initialisation of the controllers.
Operator module configuration properties.
OperatorResourceLister<ApiType extends io.kubernetes.client.common.KubernetesObject>
Operator lister simplifies retrieval of the resources from within the SharedIndexInformer's Cache.
Resolves the Pod name.
The factory for RateLimitingQueue.
ResourceEventHandlerBeanListener<ApiType extends io.kubernetes.client.common.KubernetesObject>
BeanCreatedEventListener for the ResourceEventHandler beans annotated by Informer annotation that based on provided parameters in the Informer annotation created the SharedIndexInformer and registers ResourceEventHandler to the informer.
The factory that creates the official Kubernetes SDK provided Lock implementations.
ResourceReconciler<ApiType extends io.kubernetes.client.common.KubernetesObject>
The ResourceReconciler defines an interface for reconciling the resource.
ResourceReconcilerCreatedListener<ApiType extends io.kubernetes.client.common.KubernetesObject>
BeanCreatedEventListener for the ResourceReconciler annotated by Operator.
Informer factory interface.