Package io.micronaut.configuration.kafka.annotation

package io.micronaut.configuration.kafka.annotation
Annotations for creating Kafka consumers and producers.
  • Class
    Setting the error strategy allows you to resume at the next offset or to seek the consumer (stop on error) to the failed offset so that it can retry if an error occurs.
    Defines the type of error handling strategy that micronaut-kafka will perform in case of error.
    An introduction advice that automatically implements interfaces and abstract classes and creates KafkaProducer instances.
    Constants for the ack setting for the client, which impacts message delivery durability.
    Parameter level annotation to indicate which parameter is bound to the Kafka key.
    Annotation applied at the class level to indicate that a bean is a Kafka Consumer.
    Parameter level annotation to indicate which parameter is bound to the Kafka Partition.
    Parameter level annotation for Kafka producers to indicate which parameter to compute the Kafka Partition from.
    Parameter level annotation to indicate which parameter is bound to the Kafka Producer timestamp.
    Sets the value of the auto.offset.reset property for a Kafka consumer.
    An enum representing different strategies for committing offsets to Kafka when using KafkaListener.
    Method level annotation used to specify which topics should be subscribed to.
    Repeatable annotation for one or many Topic annotations.