All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for all kafka application events.
An abstract Kafka configuration class.
Abstract Configuration for Apache Kafka Consumer.
A class to simplify the producer and consumer metric.reporters default property.
A MetricsReporter that binds metrics to micrometer.
Abstract Configuration for Apache Kafka Producer.
Abstract streams configuration.
Abstract class for kafka streams events.
Creates the Kafka AdminClient.
Event fired after the Kafka streams have started.
Interface for binders that bind method arguments from a ConsumerRecord via a annotation.
Binds arguments in batches from a ConsumerRecords instance.
An event fired before a KafkaStreams object starts.
Kafka consumer tracing instrumentation using Brave.
Kafka producer tracing instrumentation using Brave.
Brave's Kafka tracing factory.
The default SerdeRegistry that combines multiple registries into a single registry.
Extended version of StreamsBuilder that can be configured.
Interface for KafkaListener instances to implement if they wish to obtain a reference to the underlying Consumer.
Configures a ScheduledExecutorService for running KafkaListener instances.
A MetricsReporter class for consumer metrics.
Interface for binders that bind method arguments from a ConsumerRecord.
A registry of ConsumerRecordBinder.
A registry for created Kafka consumers.
Interface for KafkaListener instances to implement if they wish to perform seek operations when the set of partitions assigned to the Consumer changes.
Default Kafka consumer configuration that comes into play if no other config is specified.
The default ExceptionHandler used when a KafkaConsumer fails to process a ConsumerRecord.
Default Kafka listener exception handler configuration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of DefaultKafkaListenerExceptionHandlerConfiguration.
The default KafkaProducer configuration when no default is specified.
The default streams configuration is non other is present.
Default implementation of NetworkClientCreator.
A default implementation of ProducerFactory used for creating producer.
Setting the error strategy allows you to resume at the next offset or to seek the consumer (stop on error) to the failed offset so that it can retry if an error occurs.
Defines the type of error handling strategy that micronaut-kafka will perform in case of error.
Services to facilitate the interactive query capabilities of Kafka Streams.
A Serializer and Deserializer for JSON.
A SerdeRegistry that computes Serde instances that use Jackson to JSON serialization.
Defines an interface that can be injected into KafkaListener beans so that offsets can be manually committed.
An introduction advice that automatically implements interfaces and abstract classes and creates KafkaProducer instances.
Constants for the ack setting for the client, which impacts message delivery durability.
Configuration for Apache Kafka Consumer.
A factory class for creating Kafka Consumer instances.
Binds Kafka Metrics to Micrometer.
An event fired after a Kafka Consumer executes the first polling.
An event fired after a Kafka Consumer subscribes to a set of Kafka topics.
The default binder that binds the Kafka value for a ConsumerRecord.
The default Kafka configuration to apply to both the consumer and the producer, but can be overridden by either.
Converts header values.
A MessageHeaders implementation for Kafka.
Obtains the MessageHeaders object for Kafka.
Kafka Health indicator Configuration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of KafkaHealthConfiguration.
A HealthIndicator for Kafka.
Parameter level annotation to indicate which parameter is bound to the Kafka key.
Binder for binding the parameters that is designated the KafkaKey.
Annotation applied at the class level to indicate that a bean is a Kafka Consumer.
Exception thrown when an error occurs processing a ConsumerRecord via a KafkaListener.
Interface that KafkaListener beans can implement to handle exceptions.
Message payload representation.
The message builder.
Binds message headers.
The default binder that binds the body of a ConsumerRecord.
A builder class for constructing a typed kafka meter.
Creates Kafka topics via AdminClient.
Parameter level annotation to indicate which parameter is bound to the Kafka Partition.
Binder for binding the parameters that is designated the KafkaPartition.
Parameter level annotation for Kafka producers to indicate which parameter to compute the Kafka Partition from.
Configuration for Apache Kafka Producer.
A registry class for Kafka Producer instances.
Utility methods for working with Kafka and Reactor.
Performs seek operations on a target consumer.
Represents a seek operation that may be performed on a Consumer.
Determines the interpretation of the KafkaSeekOperation.offset() value.
Defines an interface that can be injected into KafkaListener beans so that seek operations can be eventually performed on a consumer.
The default configuration passed to KafkaStreams.
A factory that constructs the KafkaStreams bean.
A HealthIndicator for Kafka Streams.
Binds Kafka Metrics to Micrometer.
Kafka streams specific metrics reporter which prefixes all metrics with kafka-streams.
Parameter level annotation to indicate which parameter is bound to the Kafka Producer timestamp.
Types of meters to be created for metrics.
FunctionalInterface to instantiate a NetworkClient.
Sets the value of the auto.offset.reset property for a Kafka consumer.
An enum representing different strategies for committing offsets to Kafka when using KafkaListener.
A factory class for creating Kafka Producer instances.
A MetricsReporter class for producer metrics.
A registry of managed Producer instances key by id and type.
A registry of Kafka Serde instances.
Method level annotation used to specify which topics should be subscribed to.
Repeatable annotation for one or many Topic annotations.
A registry of managed transactional Producer instances key by id and type.
Allows binding by type.