All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for annotated argument binders.
Abstract ExecutableMethodProcessor for annotations related to JMSListener.
Base class for object pool implementations.
Success handler to acknowledge that the listener has received and processed the message successfully.
Generates the ActiveMQ Artemis JMSConnectionFactory based on the properties provided by ActiveMqArtemisConfigurationProperties.
Configuration properties for creating the ActiveMQ Artemis JMSConnectionFactory.
Generates the ActiveMQ Classic JMSConnectionFactory based on the properties provided by ActiveMqClassicConfigurationProperties.
Configuration properties for creating the ActiveMQ Classic JMSConnectionFactory.
Assertion utility methods.
as of 2.1.1
Binds a Message to a method argument annotated with MessageBody.
Binds headers from a Message to a method argument annotated with MessageHeader.
Binds a Message to a method argument annotated with Message.
Default implementation of Serializer and Deserializer.
Extracts a Message body to an instance of the specified type.
Global handler that handles any errors thrown when handling a message on a JMSListener.
Global handler that handles an action after a message has been received and processed by a JMSListener.
JMS header names must be valid Java identifiers.
An ArgumentBinderRegistry for all implementations of ArgumentBinder capable of binding a Message.
Generic configuration properties for global Micronaut JMS properties.
Denotes a JMS Connection Factory bean.
Creates a JMSConnectionPool from each registered ConnectionFactory in the context.
Decorator of the provided ConnectionFactory to ensure maximum reuse of Connection instances.
Helper class that receives messages, configuring JMS connections, sessions, etc.
The different persistence modes of JMS Brokers.
Enumeration of the types of JMS Destinations.
Utility class for access to the supported JMS Headers, and methods to extract those values from a given Message.
Declares a class for post-processing.
Sets up and manages MessageListeners created by the JMSListener and AbstractJMSListenerMethodProcessor processing.
as of 2.1.1
as of 2.1.1
Handles any errors thrown when handling a message on a JMSListener.
Registry for all JMSListeners managed by Micronaut JMS.
Handles an action after a message has been received and processed by a JMSListener.
Helper class that sends messages, configuring JMS connections, sessions, etc.
Declares a class for post-processing.
Sends messages to a broker.
Registers a JMSListener for methods annotated with Queue.
Registers a JMSListener for methods annotated with Topic.
Default logger for all JMSListeners.
An annotation that can be applied to method argument to indicate that the argument is bound from the JMS Message.
Binds the MessageBody annotation.
Handles and converts Messages.
Decorator for converting between MessageListener and MessageHandler.
Represents a header on a JMS message.
Binds the MessageHeader annotation.
Pool for ensuring maximum reuse of MessageProducers.
Factory for generating MessageProducerPool from a Session.
The underlying type of a Message mapped to the corresponding class.
Wrapper for Connection that returns it to the JMSConnectionPool with a call to AutoCloseable.close().
Base class for wrappers of pooled objects.
Pooled object for ensuring maximum reuse of MessageProducer objects.
Wrapper for Session that returns it to the pool with a call to AutoCloseable.close().
Binds a Queue to a method for receiving or sending a Message.
Serializes an object into a Message.
Pool for ensuring maximum reuse of Sessions within an application.
Factory for generating a SessionPool from a Connection.
Generates the AWS SQS JMSConnectionFactory based on the properties provided by SqsConfigurationProperties.
Configuration properties for creating the AWS SQS JMSConnectionFactory.
Annotation to bind a Topic to a method for receiving or sending a Message.
Attempts to rollback a transaction on the given Session.
Commits a JMS transaction upon successful handling of a message.