Table of Contents
Micronaut JAX-RS
JAX-RS Support for Micronaut
Version: 4.8.1-SNAPSHOT
1 Introduction
Micronaut JAX-RS adds support for using JAX-RS annotations and types in a Micronaut application with the aim of helping migrate existing JAX-RS applications or support teams who prefer the JAX-RS annotations.
This project is not an implementation of the JAX-RS specification and is designed to allow users familiar with the JAX-RS API to use the most common parts of the API within the context of a Micronaut application.
See the guide for Micronaut JAX-RS to learn more. |
2 Breaking Changes
Micronaut JAX-RS 4
Micronaut JAX-RS 4 migrates to Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.0.
Package namespaces are moved from
Moreover, it uses transitive dependency
instead of org.jboss.resteasy:jaxrs-api
As a consequence, annotation mappers found in the io.micronaut.jaxrs.processor
package are changed to support
annotations only.
Support for the older
annotations is dropped with this version, and users will need to migrate to the Jakarta versions.
3 Release History
For this project, you can find a list of releases (with release notes) here:
4 Quick Start
To use this project you to add the following annotation processor to any Micronaut project:
5 Container API
Micronaut JAX-RS supports using JAX-RS annotations to define controllers.
Include the following server dependency:
Supported Annotations
Micronaut JAX-RS works by converting (at compilation time) a JAX-RS annotation definition into the equivalent Micronaut version.
JAX-RS Annotation | Target Annotation | Example |
No equivalent. Injects a bean in to a parameter. |
Injectable Parameter Types
In addition to the supported JAX-RS annotations you can use the following JAX-RS types as parameter types to resources or client definitions:
You can also use the @Context annotation to inject any bean into a resource type’s method parameter.
Parameter binding to constructor argument of resource types is not supported at this time. |
ResourceInfo is a JAX-RS context which can be injected to check which resource class and method are about to be invoked.
This is supported in the micronaut-jaxrs module via the @RequestScope
bean JaxRsResourceInfo
See the Scope type guide for more information on using RequestScope beans.
Micronaut JAX-RS supports following JAX-RS container API:
Filters should be defined as beans |
Message Body Writers / Readers
Micronaut supports JAX-RS body writers / readers API:
Body handlers should be defined as beans |
SecurityContext and Micronaut Security
When injecting the SecurityContext by default the injected instance is not aware of Micronaut Security and methods like isUserInRole
always return false
To integrate the JAX-RS support with Micronaut Security add the following dependency:
With the above dependency in place the SecurityContext.isUserInRole
method will return true
if the role is found within Micronaut Security’s Authentication.getRoles() method.
See Retrieving the authenticated user for more information.
Supported Return Types
You can also use the following return types from the JAX-RS API in your resource classes:
6 Client API
Micronaut JAX-RS supports Client API created using
Include the following client dependency:
Micronaut JAX-RS supports following JAX-RS client API:
Filters should be defined as beans.
Message Body Writers / Readers
Micronaut supports JAX-RS body writers / readers API:
7 Repository
You can find the source code of this project in this repository: