All Classes and Interfaces

Converts Protocol buffer messages from Netty ByteBuf.
Creates the default ExtensionRegistry.
An annotation that can be used to inject a GRPC ManagedChannel.
Factory class for creating NettyChannelBuilder instances.
Adds a TracingClientInterceptor when OpenTracing for GRPC is on the classpath and allows integration with Zipkin and Jaeger.
Factory that builds the Tracing interceptors.
Default configuration for all GRPC clients.
Implementation of the EmbeddedServer interface for GRPC.
A managed channel configuration.
Factory bean for creating ManagedChannel instances.
Constructs a named channel configuration for each property specified in GrpcManagedChannelConfiguration.PREFIX.
Implementation of NameResolverProvider that allows using Micronaut's DiscoveryClient to perform service discovery.
Constructs the ServerBuilder instance.
A factory that returns a ManagedChannel allowing communication with the embedded server.
Configuration for the GRPC server.
A HealthIndicator for Grpc server.
Adds a TracingServerInterceptor when OpenTracing for GRPC is on the classpath and allows integration with Zipkin and Jaeger.
Factory that builds the Tracing interceptors.
A meta annotation for annotation GRPC services.
Configuration for the SSL properties of GRPC.
A container for the HealthStatusManager.
A ServerInterceptor implementation which allows ordering and simply passes all calls to a delegate interceptor.
ProtobufBodyHandler<T extends>
Message body handler for protobuf Messages.
Protocol buffers codec.
Converts Protocol buffer messages to Netty ByteBuf.