All Classes and Interfaces

Run migrations when the DataSource is only specified in Flyway configuration and there is no Micronaut DataSource defined.
Run migrations when there is a DataSource defined for it.
Default implementation of FlywayConfigurationCustomizer.
Interface for customizing Flyway configuration.
Create a Flyway Configuration for each sub-property of flyway.*.
Provides a flyway endpoint to get all the migrations applied.
Public access to invoke Flyway migrations when DataSource onCreate behaviour is not desired.
Flyway report for one datasource.
Fired when a Flyway migration has finished.
Fired when a Flyway schema has been cleaned.
Graal feature that makes static resources available.
This converter is no longer necessary in conjunction with enhancements to FlywayConfigurationProperties that ensure that FluentConfiguration.ignoreMigrationPatterns(String...) will always be used to set ignore-migration-patterns, letting Flyway perform its own type conversion.