All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class which implements both TransactionalEmailSender and AsyncTransactionalEmailSender.
The annotated type must have a recipient.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
AnyRecipientValidator is used instead.
Builds ConstraintValidator for AnyRecipient for Email.
Defines a functional interface to send transactional emails asynchronously.
Amazon Simple Email Service implementation of @link}.
Contract to send emails Asynchronously.
Email's Attachment.
Attachment's builder.
Builds a Authenticator from configuration set at JavaMailAuthenticationConfiguration.
Represents the body of an email.
Type of Email's body.
Class representing the person who receives an email.
Decorates with every EmailDecorator and send an email via a AsyncTransactionalEmailSender.
Decorates with every EmailDecorator and send an email via a TransactionalEmailSender.
DefaultImplementation of MessageComposer.
DefaultImplementation of TemplateBodyDecorator.
Representation of a transactional email.
Email builder.
Composes an Email Request for the Transactional Email provider given a Email.
Decorates every Email send by an EmailSender or an AsyncEmailSender.
Wraps exceptions being thrown while sending emails in a RuntimeException.
Validation messages for Email.
API to send transactional emails synchronously.
A bean of type FromConfiguration defines the default sender.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of FromConfiguration.
Decorates an email by setting the from field if not specified with the value provided by FromConfiguration.
Java Mail authentication configuration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of JavaMailAuthenticationConfiguration.
Java Mail configuration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of JavaMailConfiguration.
Composes a Message given an Email.
Integration with Mailjet.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of MailjetConfiguration.
Composes a MailjetRequest given an Email.
Providers Properties for Mail session.
Builds a MailPropertiesProvider if the properties are set at JavaMailConfiguration.
Utility to read and delete emails from a Gmail inbox.
Creates a Message for the given Email.
Multipart bodies represent an HTML and text version of the same body content.
Defines Configuration for Postmark integration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of PostmarkConfiguration.
Composes a Message given an Email.
Email Recipients.
Utility class for Recipients.
Defines Configuration for SendGrid integration.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of SendGridConfiguration.
Composes Request for Email.
Integration with Amazon Simple Email Service.
ConfigurationProperties implementation of SesConfiguration.
Provides a Session.
Email body backed by a String.
Email HTML Body backed by a template.
Decorates emails whose text or html is of type TemplateBody by rendering those templates.
Whether to track if the links are clicked in an email.
API to be implemented by third party transactional email providers.