Interface StoredQueryResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface StoredQueryResolver
Stored query resolver.
Denis Stepanov
  • Method Details

    • resolveQuery

      <E, R> StoredQuery<E,R> resolveQuery(io.micronaut.aop.MethodInvocationContext<?,?> context, Class<E> entityClass, Class<R> resultType, boolean isCount)
      Stored query resolved from the method context.
      Type Parameters:
      E - The entity type
      R - The result type
      context - The method context
      entityClass - The entity type
      resultType - The result type
      isCount - Whether query is count query
      The prepared query
    • resolveCountQuery

      <E, R> StoredQuery<E,R> resolveCountQuery(io.micronaut.aop.MethodInvocationContext<?,?> context, Class<E> entityClass, Class<R> resultType)
      Stored count query resolved from the method context.
      Type Parameters:
      E - The entity type
      R - The result type
      context - The method context
      entityClass - The entity type
      resultType - The result type
      The prepared query
    • createStoredQuery

      <E, QR> StoredQuery<E,QR> createStoredQuery(io.micronaut.inject.ExecutableMethod<?,?> executableMethod, DataMethod.OperationType operationType, String name, io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata, Class<Object> rootEntity, String query, String update, String[] queryParts, List<QueryParameterBinding> queryParameters, boolean hasPageable, boolean isSingleResult)
      Create stored query from provided values. Used for criteria stored query creation.
      Type Parameters:
      E - The entity type
      QR - The result type
      executableMethod - The executableMethod
      operationType - The operationType
      name - The name
      annotationMetadata - The annotation metadata
      rootEntity - The root entity
      query - The query
      update - The update query
      queryParts - The query parts
      queryParameters - The query parameters
      hasPageable - Has pageable
      isSingleResult - Is single result
      new instance of stored query
    • createCountStoredQuery

      StoredQuery<Object,Long> createCountStoredQuery(io.micronaut.inject.ExecutableMethod<?,?> executableMethod, DataMethod.OperationType operationType, String name, io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata, Class<Object> rootEntity, String query, String[] queryParts, List<QueryParameterBinding> queryParameters)
      Create count stored query from provided values. Used for criteria stored query creation.
      executableMethod - The executableMethod
      operationType - The operationType
      name - The name
      annotationMetadata - The annotation metadata
      rootEntity - The root entity
      query - The query
      queryParts - The query parts
      queryParameters - The query parameters
      new instance of stored query