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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


AbstractControlPanel<B> - Class in io.micronaut.controlpanel.core
Base class for control panels that can delegate some of its values to a ControlPanelConfiguration.
AbstractControlPanel(String, ControlPanelConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.AbstractControlPanel
activeEnvironments() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.Model
Returns the value of the activeEnvironments record component.
applicationName() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.Model
Returns the value of the applicationName record component.


BeansControlPanel - Class in
Control panel that displays information about the beans loaded in the application.
BeansControlPanel(BeanContext, DefaultBeanDefinitionData, ControlPanelConfiguration) - Constructor for class
byCategory(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.ControlPanelApi
Renders the category view.
byCategory(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.ControlPanelController


canRefresh() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.Model
Returns the value of the canRefresh record component.
canRefresh(RefreshEndpoint, BeanContext) - Static method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.util.EndpointUtils
Determines if the control panel can call the refresh endpoint.
canStop() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.Model
Returns the value of the canStop record component.
canStop(ServerStopEndpoint, BeanContext) - Static method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.util.EndpointUtils
Determines if the control panel can call the stop endpoint.
categories() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.Model
Returns the value of the categories record component.
Category(String, String, String) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.Category
Category(String, String, String, Integer) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.Category
Creates an instance of a Category record class.
ConfigurableControlPanel - Interface in io.micronaut.controlpanel.core
Common configuration properties for control panels.
configuration - Variable in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.AbstractControlPanel
configure(ApplicationContextBuilder) - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelContextConfigurer
contentView() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.Model
Returns the value of the contentView record component.
CONTROL_PANEL_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelContextConfigurer
ControlPanel<B> - Interface in io.micronaut.controlpanel.core
A control panel is a UI component that displays some information about the application.
ControlPanel.Category - Record Class in io.micronaut.controlpanel.core
Control panels are grouped by category.
ControlPanel.View - Record Class in io.micronaut.controlpanel.core
View to be rendered by the control panel.
ControlPanelApi - Interface in io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui
HTTP API for the control panel UI.
ControlPanelConfiguration - Class in io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config
Per-panel configuration properties.
ControlPanelConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
ControlPanelContextConfigurer - Class in io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config
A ApplicationContextConfigurer that adds a PropertySource to the application context with all the control panel configuration properties.
ControlPanelContextConfigurer() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelContextConfigurer
ControlPanelController - Class in io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui
Control panel web controller to render the UI.
ControlPanelController(ControlPanelRepository, BeanContext, RefreshEndpoint, ServerStopEndpoint) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.ControlPanelController
ControlPanelEnabledCondition - Class in io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config
Condition that checks if the control panel module should be enabled.
ControlPanelEnabledCondition() - Constructor for class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelEnabledCondition
ControlPanelModuleConfiguration - Interface in io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config
Configuration properties for the control panel module.
controlPanelName - Variable in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.AbstractControlPanel
ControlPanelRepository - Interface in io.micronaut.controlpanel.core
It provides the ability to retrieve ControlPanel instances.


DEFAULT_ALLOWED_ENVIRONMENTS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelModuleConfiguration
DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
DEFAULT_ENABLED - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelModuleConfiguration
DEFAULT_ICON - Static variable in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
DEFAULT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelModuleConfiguration
DefaultControlPanelRepository - Class in io.micronaut.controlpanel.core
Default implementation of ControlPanelRepository that gets the control panels injected as beans.
DefaultControlPanelRepository(List<ControlPanel>) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.DefaultControlPanelRepository
Default constructor.
detail(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.ControlPanelApi
Renders the control panel detailed view.
detail(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.ControlPanelController


ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.panels.RoutesControlPanel
ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
ENABLED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
EndpointUtils - Class in io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.util
Utility methods for Endpoint.
EnvironmentControlPanel - Class in
Control panel that displays information about the environment properties.
EnvironmentControlPanel(EnvironmentEndpoint, Environment, ControlPanelConfiguration) - Constructor for class
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.Category
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.View
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.Model
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
ext() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.Model
Returns the value of the ext record component.


file() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.View
Returns the value of the file record component.
findAll() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanelRepository
findAll() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.DefaultControlPanelRepository
findAllByCategory(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanelRepository
findAllByCategory(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.DefaultControlPanelRepository
findAllCategories() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanelRepository
findAllCategories() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.DefaultControlPanelRepository
findByName(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanelRepository
findByName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.DefaultControlPanelRepository
findCategoryById(String) - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanelRepository
findCategoryById(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.DefaultControlPanelRepository


getAllowedEnvironments() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelModuleConfiguration
Configures the environments where the control panel module is enabled.
getBadge() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel
Badge text to be displayed in the header of the card UI element.
getBadge() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.panels.RoutesControlPanel
getBadge() - Method in class
getBadge() - Method in class
getBadge() - Method in class
getBody() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel
Used to render the body of the control panel.
getBody() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.panels.RoutesControlPanel
getBody() - Method in class
getBody() - Method in class
getBody() - Method in class
getBody() - Method in class
getBodyView() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel
ControlPanel.View that will be used to render the body of the control panel.
getCategory() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel
The category of the control panel.
getDetailedView() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel
ControlPanel.View that will be used to render the body of the control panel when it has been selected.
getIcon() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.AbstractControlPanel
getIcon() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
Icon class of the card UI element.
getIcon() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ConfigurableControlPanel
Icon CSS class of the card UI element.
getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.AbstractControlPanel
getName() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
The unique name of the control panel.
getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.AbstractControlPanel
getOrder() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
Sets the order of this control panel, since they will be displayed sorted by order.
getPath() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelModuleConfiguration
Configures the path where the control panel can be accessed.
getTitle() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.AbstractControlPanel
getTitle() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
The title is displayed in the header of the card UI element.
getTitle() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ConfigurableControlPanel
The title is displayed in the header of the card UI element.


hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.Category
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.View
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.Model
Returns a hash code value for this object.
HealthControlPanel - Class in
Control panel that displays information about the application health.
HealthControlPanel(HealthEndpoint, ControlPanelConfiguration) - Constructor for class


iconClass() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.Category
Returns the value of the iconClass record component.
id() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.Category
Returns the value of the id record component.
index() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.ControlPanelApi
Renders the index view.
index() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.ControlPanelController
io.micronaut.controlpanel.core - package io.micronaut.controlpanel.core
io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config - package io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config
io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.panels - package io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.panels - package
io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui - package io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui
io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.util - package io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.util
isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.AbstractControlPanel
isEnabled() - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
Enables/disables this control panel.
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelModuleConfiguration
Enables/disables the control panel module.
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ConfigurableControlPanel


LoggersControlPanel - Class in
Control panel that displays information about the application loggers.
LoggersControlPanel(ManagedLoggingSystem, ControlPanelConfiguration) - Constructor for class


MAIN - Static variable in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.Category
matches(ConditionContext) - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelEnabledCondition
Model - Record Class in io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui
Model to be passed to the view for rendering.
Model(List<ControlPanel.Category>, String, Set<String>, Model.ContentView, boolean, boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.Model
Creates an instance of a Model record class.


name() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.Category
Returns the value of the name record component.
NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.panels.RoutesControlPanel
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class


order() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.Category
Returns the value of the order record component.


PATH - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.ControlPanelApi
PREFIX - Static variable in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelModuleConfiguration
PROPERTY_ALLOWED_ENVIRONMENTS - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelModuleConfiguration
PROPERTY_ENABLED - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelModuleConfiguration
PROPERTY_PATH - Static variable in interface io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelModuleConfiguration
PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelContextConfigurer


RoutesControlPanel - Class in io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.panels
Control panel that displays information about the available routes.
RoutesControlPanel(Router, ControlPanelConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.panels.RoutesControlPanel


setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
Sets whether this control panel is enabled or not.
setIcon(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
Sets the icon of this control panel.
setName(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
Sets the unique name of the control panel.
setOrder(int) - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
Sets the order of this control panel, since they will be displayed sorted by order.
setTitle(String) - Method in class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.config.ControlPanelConfiguration
Sets the title of this control panel.


toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.Category
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.View
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.ui.Model
Returns a string representation of this record class.


View(String) - Constructor for record class io.micronaut.controlpanel.core.ControlPanel.View
Creates an instance of a View record class.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values