All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract SyncCache implementation that relies on a cache object that implements the Map interface.
Common resource pools configuration properties.
A cache implementation that supports async non-blocking caching operations.
Async error handler that simply logs errors.
Base cache interface implemented by both SyncCache and AsyncCache.
An annotation that can be applied at the type or method level to indicate that the return value of the method should be cached for the configured Cacheable.cacheNames().
Meta annotation to mark cache operations.
An annotation that can be used on either a type or an annotation stereotype to configure common caching behaviour.
A base configuration class for configuring caches.
An interface for handling cache errors.
Provides information about the state of the cache.
An AOP MethodInterceptor implementation for the Cache annotations Cacheable, CachePut and CacheInvalidate.
An annotation that can be applied at the type or method level to indicate that the annotated operation should cause the eviction of the given caches.
An interface for generating keys used by Cacheable.
Simple CacheManager interface for managing caches.
An annotation that can be applied at the type or method level to indicate that the annotated operation should cause the return value to be cached within the given cache name.
Exposes an Endpoint to manage caches.
An exception that occurs when an internal cache system error occurs.
Replaces the default DefaultCompositeDiscoveryClient with one that caches the return values.
Default cache configuration implementation used to configure instances of DefaultSyncCache.
A cache Metrics binder for Caffeine.
A native image feature that configures common Caffeine cache implementations for reflection.
A Serializer implementation for CharSequence that delegates to StringSerializer.
Default cache configuration implementation used to configure instances of DefaultSyncCache.
Default implementation of CacheErrorHandler.
A default implementation of the CacheKeyGenerator interface that uses the parameters of the method only.
Default implementation of the CacheManager interface.
Default DynamicCacheManager implementation that creates DefaultSyncCaches with default values.
The default key serializer used by caches that require serializing the keys as strings.
A default SyncCache implementation based on Caffeine
Transforms a synchronous cache into one that meets the asynchronous contract while still running operations on the same thread.
An asynchronous cache that delegates blocking cache operations to the provided executor.
A cache configuration for the Discovery client cache.
A contract for a cache manager that does not have pre-defined caches.
Factory class that creates an Ehcache CacheManager, an EhcacheSyncCache and an StatisticsService beans.
Configuration class for the Ehcache CacheManager.
Clustering configuration.
Resource pool configurations.
Configuration class for an Ehacahe-based cache.
Clustered dedicated configuration.
Clustered shared configuration.
Disk tier configuration options.
Heap tier configuration properties.
Off-heap configuration options.
A SyncCache implementation based on Ehcache.
A AsyncCache implementation based on Hazelcast.
A CacheManager implementation for Hazelcast.
Configuration class for an Hazelcast as a client.
Condition classes for checking Hazelcast config resources.
Condition that matches if any client config file exists.
Condition that matches if any instance config file exists.
Factory class that creates a HazelcastInstance.
Configuration class for an Hazelcast as a member.
A SyncCache implementation based on Hazelcast.
An AsyncCache implementation based on Infinispan's AsyncCache.
Factory class that creates an Infinispan RemoteCacheManager.
Provides Infinispan cache statistics.
A DynamicCacheManager that creates Infinispan caches on demand.
Infinispan HotRod client configuration properties.
A SyncCache implementation based on Infinispan's RemoteCache.
Allows for repeated annotations of the type CacheInvalidate.
Adapter for JCache.
Instruments the active JCache manager.
An implementation of SyncCache for JCache.
An implementation of the CacheKeyGenerator which works exactly like DefaultCacheKeyGenerator but drops the last parameter.
Converts a map to a concurrent map.
An ExecutorFactory implementation based on the existing IO ExecutorService bean.
A no operation CacheManager implementation suitable for disabling caching.
A no operation SyncCache implementation suitable for disabling caching.
A key that uses the parameters of a method.
Allows for repeated annotations of the type CachePut.
A synchronous API for accessing cache values that is useful for in-memory caching implementations.