Interface TestExtension

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultTestExtension, TestExtensionImpl

public interface TestExtension
Configures the Test execution.
  • Method Details

    • generateSimpleRecord

      void generateSimpleRecord(String name, org.gradle.api.Action<? super GenerateSimpleRecordSpec> action)
      Create a task for generateSimpleRecord. Generate a simple record in the supplied package and with the specified version. This javadoc will be copied to the respected plugin implementations.
      name - The unique identifier used to derive task names
      action - The action to apply on the task specification
    • generateSimpleResource

      void generateSimpleResource(String name, org.gradle.api.Action<? super GenerateSimpleResourceSpec> action)
      Create a task for generateSimpleResource. Generate a simple record in the supplied package and with the specified version. This javadoc will be copied to the respected plugin implementations.
      name - The unique identifier used to derive task names
      action - The action to apply on the task specification