All Classes and Interfaces

Azure appender for Logback.
Implementation of Cookies for serverless.
The factory creates the Azure SDK credentials based on the configuration AzureCredentialsConfiguration.
The azure SDK configuration.
The Azure CLI credential configuration.
The client certificate credential configuration.
The client secret credential configuration.
The IntelliJ credential configuration.
The managed identity credential configuration.
Configuration properties for configuring a StorageSharedKeyCredential.
The username password credential configuration.
The Visual Studio code credential configuration.
A base Azure function class that sets up the Azure environment and preferred configuration.
Servlet request implementation for Azure Functions.
Azure implementation of ServletHttpResponse.
This class can be used as a base class for Azure HTTP functions that wish to route requests to classes annotated with Controller and the others annotations in the io.micronaut.http.annotation package.
Azure JSON formatter.
Configuration for azure SecretClient.
Configuration for Azure logging.
Distributed configuration client implementation that fetches application secret values from Azure keyvalut.
The condition for the client certificate credential that evaluates true if there is one certificate path provided.
Creates an Azure log ingestion client wrapper.
The default Azure Cosmos configuration class.
Default execution context impl.
Default implementation of SecretKeyVaultClient.
A custom condition that matches when the following environment variables are defined.
Utility interface to help with testing of Azure cloud functions.
Contains the logging data sent to Azure.
Response builder implementation.
This interface is intended to abstract interactions with SecretClient.
Factory to create Azure Secret client.