All Classes and Interfaces
Base class for code generators which need access to the generation
context (for example to get a handle on the analyzed application classloader,
or to register resources to be excluded from the final binary).
Base class for source generators which generate a single class file.
Base class for generation of service loader classes.
A source generator is the main entity of the AOT project.
The source generation context is used by source generators
to get configuration details.
Annotation which must be present on AOT optimizers.
An application context analyzer is responsible for instantiating
an application context and inferring whether a bean should be
included in the application binaries.
The "optimized" entry point generator is the main source generator:
it is responsible for generating a new entry point, which delegates
to the original entry point of the application, and injects a number
of optimizations before starting the application.
Generates the code used to enable environment variables and system
properties caching in Micronaut.
Configuration keys which may be found in the properties
used to configure the AOT analyzer, but shouldn't be
declared directly by the user.
Read-only configuration for source generators.
Generates a "constant" property source, that is to say a
which properties are known at build time
(and constant).This code generator is responsible for taking the result
of the environment deduction, which is the set of active
environment names and the package names, and inject is
via a custom application context configurer.
An implementation of configuration which uses properties
as the backing store.
The source generation context.
Base class for source generation context which need to delegate
to another one.
A code generator which is responsible for precomputing the Micronaut property
names from environment variable names at build time.
Constants used for configuration of environments.
Generates the GraalVM configuration file which is going to configure
the native image code generation, typically asking to initialize
the optimized entry point at build time.
A specialized version of static service loader generator aimed
at execution in JIT mode.
A source generator which will check for existence of a number of classes
at build time.
A source generator responsible for converting a logback.xml configuration into
Java configuration.
Entry point for the Micronaut AOT command line interface.
A helper class to generate maps.
A source generator which generates a map property source with a fixed
set of values at build time.
Runtime reflection utils for analyzing AOT modules.
The Micronaut AOT optimizer is the main entry point for code
generation at build time.
The main AOT optimizer runner.
A specialized version of service loader generation which is aimed at
executing in native images, where classloading is basically free.
A code generator which is responsible for setting up Netty properties.
Describes a configuration option of a source generator.
Represents default class name rules.
An optimizer which is responsible for determining what reactive
types are found at build time.
The targetted type of runtime.
This class is responsible for loading the source generators
for a particular target runtime, and sort them in execution
order according to their dependencies.
Utility methods to deal with exceptions being
thrown in streams.
A helper interface for runnables which may
throw an exception.
A helper interface to capture suppliers which
may throw an exception.
Reads the version.txt generated file to feed it to picocli.
A source generator which will generate a static
from a given YAML configuration file, in order to substitute the dynamic loader
with a static configuration.